Why are people liberals?
More precisely, why are people "progressives"? What do they want to progress towards? Why is Trump bad to them? I'm starting an actual discussion so don't attack me, I just want to hear their point of view.
Why are people liberals?
More precisely, why are people "progressives"? What do they want to progress towards? Why is Trump bad to them? I'm starting an actual discussion so don't attack me, I just want to hear their point of view.
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its very simple. some people dont want to be seen as "needy" and others dont want to be seen as "greedy". if your needy, then youre a loser. if your greedy, then at least you arent a loser.
take this shit to
How does that relate to my questions?
cause I too need to know why (without being told I'm racist, fascist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc)
give me an actual tangible reason why people are 'progressives" and what it is they possibly need to or even can accomplish
conservatives = greedy
liberals = needy (even though they make the most money per capita)
do i have to spell it out for you? jesus.
Not OP but too many right-wingers on Sup Forums, Sup Forums is more evened out.
I think a good way of understanding why people want progression would be to look at Britain following the second world war. In 1945 we elected Clement Attlee over Winston Churchill (a man who's approval rating as Prime-minister never fell below 78 percent). Churchill was a fine leader but he was stuck in the past, by moving away from something which was outdated even if we had an emotional attachment to the values we had previously held (values pushed by the Conservatives) we managed to make life better for ourselves with a National Health Service and other progressive policies. Trump is bad to the majority of progressives as he seems a complete regressive.Essentially despite what the media says we've never had it so good, Trump is pushing for going back to the ideas of old which to liberals (myself included) seems somewhat ridiculous considering how better things seemed to be getting.
yeah, we have pedos here too.
Did somebody call for a pedo?
>Why are people liberals?
Well don't get mad about it, let's talk. So globalists and rich liberals who make billions capitalizing on illegal immigrants aren't greedy? I'm obviously not a liberal but by no means am I rich, does that make me greedy?
The club's in the name I guess, progress. As we become more technologically advanced the world is going to need to move away from the traditional jobs and values that we had in the past, we're going to have to get on with each other, and wealth is going to have to be distributed fairly.
Youth, & idealism.
Things that "sound good", combined with the belief that it just hasn't been tried the "right way" yet, no matter how many times any given idea's been disproven.
Pretty much they want the government to care for them from birth until death. The want to progress towards a socialist society. They are too stupid to see it has failed every time.
those arent liberals, holy lol.
ever heard the phrase "democratic elites"?
Sup Forums is aids Sup Forums is better
It's why so many of these progressive liberals are in their early 20s, they haven't had to pay for house/wife/kids/insurance and shit yet, so the idea of helping others sounds great, until you have to help yourself.
So what's the distinction?
I didn't get on here pretending I knew everything so I'd like to learn more about what your opinion is
I don't think greed is a good thing, but it doesn't annoy me about conservatives anywhere near as much as their lack of empathy does. I know that's a pretty sweeping statement. But attitudes to refugees over the past couple of years have been abhorrent, and yeah, I know kek Muslim Arab cuck meme, whatever.
>Sup Forums is more evened out.
by whiny antifa babies yeah
>Soros is a liberal
>vast majority of hollywood is liberal
but of course by no means are these elites actually liberals, right?
The assertion that government intervention has never helped anyone is just silly.
Sup Forums is aids Sup Forums is cancer
You should get out more, we want the government to care for people who can't care for themselves, or people who need help- not everybody.
Random can mean anything dick ward, any topic is ok here so fuck up cunt
Support your local anti antifa today!
If we hadn't been progressive, you'd still be living in caves getting eaten by lions, idiot.
Progression is neccessary for the developpment of the human race, and that is where conservativism fails: you cannot suddenly decide that "ok, this is enough. let's not go furhter". Progression leads us forward, into the unknown, but always to something better.
However, the endgame is queer, fully automated luxury sape communism. A society where everyone is free to express who they are, where work is completely optional, and we spend our time engaging in inter human contacts and culture, tending to the planet and exploring space. Very simple.
Thing I don't get is; Christianity gets attacked for having regressive attitudes about things like gays & abortion (rather fairly tbh); but Islam gets a free pass, when Christianity's approach is ridiculously mild on those issues compared to Islam's. Why is this?
people who call themselves conservatives, think that the people who they perceive to be "liberal" are needy losers. What they don't realize, is that they are looking at democratic elites, who arent liberal. They dont know what a liberal is, or what it even means to be one.
Seconded, people need assistance. It isn't about laziness it's about bridging the gap between the advantages the children of the rich have and the advantages the children of the poor have.
It hilarious that people associate liberal with bad now.
When in the 80s and 90s conservatives were the ones who were demonized.
Just goes to show that the average person doesnt know jack shit about politics and just toss arojnd whatever buzzwords are in fashion at the moment
If you associate liberal with sjw feminazis youre a fool
lol if you think soros is liberal then you arent even paying attention and dont deserve a response.
Misplaced but rigid sense of moral superiority
So in your world muslims are free to blow people up and rape little kids?
instead you should just Snapchatz .com and all your worries will be gone!
so basically liberals (who you earlier bragged aout making the most money per capita) are transitioned to "democratic elite" status as soon as they do something you personally dont agree with?
>Liberals believe in government action to achieve equal opportunity and equality for all. It is the duty of the government to alleviate social ills and to protect civil liberties and individual and human rights. Believe the role of the government should be to guarantee that no one is in need.
does it not seem obvious why people would in principle be drawn to this? a mentally healthy human being does not like the idea of other people suffering, even if you don't know them.
you could make valid arguments about their approach being wrong, but obviously liberalism as a concept makes perfect sense
>Why is Trump bad to them?
because he's everything they oppose. tax cuts, anti-immigration, pro-military spending, etc.
beyond that, liberals also have a nasty habit of exaggerating everything trump does and making up stuff like trump being anti-gay, anti-semitic, etc etc
>dont deserve a response.
That's the kind of bullshit that helps nobody tbh.
fuck off faggot
I dont hate Trump. I hate his supporters.
Sup Forums is full of idiots and right wingers who'd bend over for Trump.
hmm weird. im 25, own a car, a condo, pay all my own insurance, AND I make more than double minmum wage.
its almost as if you are regurgitating something a fat old man on the morning radio told you to believe.....
The problem here is that "liberals" are only liberal when it comes to their own, personally perceived, progression towards their ultimate goal of complete entitlement and dependency on state. This is why they hate Trump, he is has everything they want with only one minor difference, state didn't give it to him, establishment did.
This is why they are hell bent on changing establish the for what they claim is the "progression" of society, it's not though, it's for their own agendas.
They are crying for the state to hand them the right to have those that don't agree with them dismissed or persecuted for disagreeing with them, because their (incredibly isolated and tunnelled) world view is the only world view they will accept, everything else is evil and will destroy their way of life. Sounds like hyperbole? Sounds like what trump is saying? Because it's the same hymn sheet, just in a different book.
Liberals are not progressive for society, nor are conservatives. Truly liberal politics are called communist, fascist or downright evil by both sides. Whoever wins, humanity loses.
>If you associate liberal with sjw feminazis youre a fool
a tool*
Those are conservative principals, rationalized by religious people. Liberals oppose those.
I'm a Trump supporter and I voted for him. Do you hate me?
because the world is a horrible place and in order to change that, we need to progress. there needs to be justice for those who are marginalized in society. there needs to be compassion and empathy for those who are screwed by classism, ableism, racism, sexism, etc.
Liberal now is different from Classic liberal, A classic liberal is pretty much libertarianism with slight differences
These people are certainly greedy, but they don't represent the majority of liberals, at least not the progressive ones, anyway. Really, it's not fair to call conservatives or liberals greedy in my opinion. Many politicians and business liberals/conservatives are very greedy, but I think most conservatives/liberals are just people with good intentions. The problem is both sides are letting the rich assholes speak for them. After all, neither Hillary nor Donald are really in touch with the common people in my opinion.
>needs to be justice for those who are marginalized
How do you demarginalize one without marginalizing another?
let me spell it out a little more for you retards:
ever wonder why it is that most of the elites supported hilary? its because they knew bernie was bad business for them. Also hillary would have kept the bombing runs going so i could go on and on about why i hate democratic elites as much as conservitards.
I hate the fact that you read 135% less books per year than everyone else.
So when Obama was letting in muslim military age men from war countries that wasn't the right progressive thing to do
No. Sup Forums has infested pretty much every board. Worse than the fucking pedos.
It is extremely fair to call conservatives greedy. Greed is a conservative ideal.
no i dont hate u. i dont hate anyone. i honestly believe that if u were born in someone else's place u'd end up making all the same life decisions as them. in the end we're all human and at the core we're all similar
progressives typically believe the following:
1. certain groups of people have it worse in life than others for reasons that are systemic in nature (discrimination, mostly)
2. this is not fair
3. this should be fixed
what they want to accomplish (on paper, in theory) is equality for everyone, basically.
they are also in favor of income equality, meaning they want absurdly rich people to make less money and pay more money in taxes because they can afford to lose a decent chunk of money without it really affecting their life, whereas poor people need a helping hand.
Actually that's not true but if it were, what would reading books have to do with it?
Their very essence of their problem is that they are too weak minded to face the world as is it, so their solution is the make the world change, i does not matter which flavor of ideology is trendy, they will always do the same thing:
If i change the world i dont have to change.
Buddy, have you met any fucking kids lately?
Kids read like 200% less books than anyone in human history.
Yet Sup Forums is still more left.
I could ask you the same question. Why are people retarded enough to be cuckservatives? How does it feel to be an uptight puritan who is a closeted cuck? So no you fucking don't, you came here to bait. You should go back to your special snow safeplace Sup Forums.
Also, being a liberal does not equal pushover. I hate niggers, radicals, and cholo illegals. However, there's common sense, and I, unlike conservatives, recognize that isn't most of the demographic of the aforementioned.
Can I just say that I fucking despise both ends of the spectrum?
I fucking hate whiney liberal faggots/niggers
I fucking hate frothing retarded and loud trailer trash.
I have no way of proving this, but I truly believe that most moderate NORMAL people are in the same boat as me.
I fucking hate Trump and I fucking hate Hillary.
I truly believe in my heart that the loud extremist retards from both ends of the spectrum should be sterilized.
Two big reasons.
First: Empathy. 'Nuff said.
Second, it turns out that a society filled with starving/sick/desperate people with nothing to lose isn't very stable, and as somebody that benefits from what stable society has to offer - things like jobs, a decent chance of not getting murdered on the way to work, health care, etc. - I have a fairly strong vested interest in keeping things working.
On one hand, I can say "screw you, I'm on the top of the dog pile now, y'all can get fucked." I'd probably be a bit wealthier because of it, might be able to afford a second vacation home. With that, though, comes the increased risk of economic or social collapse, plus problems with crime, violence, and social disorder.
Or I can pay more in the way of taxes, help out the folks that (either through luck or bad life choices) ended up in a shitty situation, and help make sure they don't resort to using force to take stuff from me. Yeah, it means I don't have a second vacation house. It's not really the end of the world.
It's the same principle behind insurance: I pay my average expected cost (%chance of medical bill * medical bill + overhead) regardless of whether or not I need it, and in exchange, if something bad DOES happen to me, I don't have to pay more than what I already have.
I don't care whether or not the people getting support from my taxes and social programs "deserve" it. That's irrelevant. What matters is that by paying for said social programs, I help reduce the chance of large-scale social instability, which permits me to continue living my life in the manner to which I have become accustomed.
A starving man with nothing to lose doesn't care about the law. He's going to take what he needs. If that happens on a big enough scale, society breaks down. I like society, and my job requires a relatively stable society to exist.
So even if you don't care about people, it's still in your best interest to make sure the entire system doesn't break.
people are progressive because they know that if you stand still or go backwards (like conservatives want) you won't be able to make the most out of human evolution.
example: coal jobs. conservatives want them back because they already know how to do it, progressives want green energy because science has proven that's the right way to go.
well, i think heterosexuality will always be a majority. and its difficult to marginalize a majority population.
If we all had that attitude you'd be dead by 35 having worked on a spinning jenny from the age of 14.
Moderism/Centrism is where all of the real answers are going to come from.
People playing the L vs R game will never be anything but part of the problems.
You just described Christianity! Ha!
>Can I just say that I fucking despise both ends of the spectrum?
congrats, you and literally everyone else on earth who isn't part of the extremes
>I fucking hate Trump and I fucking hate Hillary.
me too, but that has nothing to do with being a moderate. Trump isn't particularly far right and Hillary CERTAINLY isn't far left
clearly haven't been on there, people trash Trump all the time
Why are you being intolerant and not inclusive towards my beliefs? I thought you were a tolerant and inclusive liberal
I think both progressives and conservatives wish to improve society in their own way. The difference lies in their preferred methods. Conservatives want to return to what they perceive as "traditional" values, while progressives prefer a more experimental approach that integrates new ideas and methods.
Each side has its own drawbacks; conservatives tend to romanticize the past and overemphasize the positive aspects of traditional values while ignoring the negatives. And while progressive ideas are often innovative, they also tend to have unintended consequences that aren't really considered until they've already caused some damage (case in point: affirmative action).
You can by making them worth less than the minority, and this seems to be the prevalent approach to much of the hard left propaganda.
Surely Hilary was a centralist. Maybe it's just because I'm from the UK but she was not a particularly liberal candidate.
Why zero in on muslims, you shitty racist?
Illegal actions will still be illegal. White rapists and murderers will NOT be excluded from punishment.
So, the US has a bad history of seeing political ideology as a single, one-dimensional concept: Left and Right (liberal and conservative, respectively).
Except, in reality, political ideology is a three-dimensional concept:
* Liberalism vs. Conservatism,
* Progressivism vs. Traditionalism;
* Libertarianism vs. Federalism.
Progressivism is the idea of expansion, most particularly of citizens rights and liberties, with a strong focus on an increased scope of public knowledge - science, math, technology. Traditionalism is the opposite of that (so fewer rights, etc.)
Libertarianism is the idea that government should leave it's people alone, while Federalism is the idea that the government has the right and authority to directly control citizens' rights and freedoms in certain things.
Better the some trap or feet thread
Since when is Islamic a race?
You are such a faggot, OP was asking why anyone falls in line with that and then you go all leftarded on him.
>hey guys, why do some people agree with modern liberalism
>tha kinservtives!
>tha kinservtives!
>they ritards but no worry am enlitened and in no way a pursitun cuz am librul
>Why zero in on muslims, you shitty racist?
>implying criticism of muslims/islam is bigotry based on ethnicity and not belief
sound pretty loud and shouty in your post there bud
If their leader can hardly read and has stated on multiple occasions that he does not read particularly then that must tell you something. I'm not a pretentious a sjw, but reading is way more important that people are comfortable believing.
I'm not a racist, I just have a problem with their religion. If they were middle eastern I don't give a shit about their race, I just don't like muslims. Why is that bad? Am I a bad person for not wanting psychopath murderous rapists in my country?
>Why are people liberals?
Reading, in itself, at base, doesn't really mean jack shit.
Limbaugh's written plenty.
how are they worth less? i dont foresee a future where heterosexuality is successfully made "worth less"
It's not a race, but lets be honest. You don't hate them because they''re Islamic, you hate them because they're brown curry people.
You can say otherwise but no one is going to believe you.
"Rights" are not a zero sum game. Granting rights to group B does not remove those rights from group A.
If you're talking about programs like affirmative action, then yes, they do provide more of an advantage to a historically marginalized group. That's sort of the point - the goal is to use incentives to help correct historical injustices, because things like racial slavery have long-lasting consequences that persist through generations.
It's not about bringing group B above group A, it's about group B starting out behind and needing help to catch up to group A. When they're on par, the programs can end.
He said liberals, not republicans.
>It's not a race, but lets be honest. You don't hate them because they''re Islamic, you hate them because they're brown curry people.
You can say otherwise but no one is going to believe you.
It's fucking retards like you that make it tough to be on the left nowadays. Kill yourself immediately.
>Niggerish minorities
>Weak bleeding hearts
>Religious extremists
>Loud and bullheaded
>Blissfully ignorant of their own retardation with delusions of grandeur
I refuse to believe there are no more level headed people who care about a functioning democracy yet don't turn into frothing retards when it comes to politics. Humans are disgusting animals.
To say that all muslims are the same would be racist because most people just hate them because they happen to be darker. People don't actually understand the nature of extreme Islam, it's just an excuse for them to be racist.
Too few people get this, both sides are skewed and flawed in so many ways, for every ideology they get right (right for the progression of society as a whole) they cling to two completely fucking stupid policies that are damaging to all but a fraction of the population. There was no correct way to vote that would ensure progression of society (in even a small way) by the time both Hillary and Trump were the runners for POTUS.