>in the next 10 years Basketball will become the 5th most popular sport in America, and hockey and baseball will overtake the NFL
In the next 10 years Basketball will become the 5th most popular sport in America...
>divegrass will be more popular than apesketball
TYBG desu senpai
>nikeball will be a distant memory
My body is ready
Hockey is immune to niggers and bandwagoners get shit on
You are now aware that driving cars in circles is more popular than niggersqueak.
arent there only like 4 big nascar races a year though?
Doesn't baseball already overtake the NFL?
>ever being relevant
Good one
And the Caps still won't be able to make it out of the first round of the playoffs.
Thanks for that hot take Cletus. I'm sure your Uncle-brother is real proud of you.
good fuck football
hockey and auto racing are the patrician sports
and no I'm not talking about ASSCAR
basketball is ascending worldwide.
soccer is ascending in america.
football in america is trending down.
baseball is holding strong but still has a growth problem and a young people problem.
hockey is as irrelevant as ever and that will continue.
im a 21 year old, born and raised in los angeles. i always thought baseball was boring. the only team i ever watched was the lakers and that was casual. i work in a sports bar and i had to be around the mlb games for all my shifts. i have to say, it completely changed my mind about baseball. holy shit, i was glued to these past few games and i wasnt even rooting for anyone. when did baseball get good and why have i been missing out?
world series hype mostly
true to some extent. the comradery was much better more than compared to other sports
>Hockey is immune to niggers
It's funny because it's true. It's the most expensive to get into.
>football is trending down
>regular season games average similar ratings to the NBA finals
interesting, very interesting.
>Soccer is ascending in america
spics are outbreeding white people
and they love them some soccerball
Basketball has always depended on marketable superstars, their future will depend if they can get new Lebrons.
I still think it's to big too fall, the worst thing concussions can do is discourage middle class parents from letting their kids play it, but as long as poor people and retards are willing to dedicate their lives to it, it will remain big even if it doesn't stay in the ridiculous levels it has been in the past years.
This guy knows what he is talking about
If anything is going to overtake the NFL it's going to to be College football.
I'm fairly certain morenpeople go to highschool football games in the fall then they do hockey games
Haha u mad? NASCAR is 1% more popular at 7%.
also auto racing
hockey is only irrelevant if you're not white or don't live somewhere cold
>basketball is ascending worldwide.
>and they love them some soccerball
Foreign soccerball.
Daily reminder that over 50% of NBA teams are owned by jews.
wait a minute i recognize that blowjob.
I'd guess the rise of soccer popularity is primarily due to American upper class values turning away from American football. Soccer is less dangerous and has way less black people. Of course it's hard to make money off it due to the lack of game stoppage. So it may not actually be that popular for that reason alone.
Most American sports fans however still view soccer as a sport for rich white girls at least questioning their sexuality.
that food looks good. what do you call that?
Wouldn't upper class whites go for baseball or hockey?
>mfw in the coming years real football will keep growing more and more in the us and unproductive rednecks will keep losing jobs that will move abroad.
>all of this will make americans feeling threatened start voting more for isolationist demagogues like Trump, the isolated american economy will become less and less efficient, while the rest of the world will become richer because of trade advantages. More and more countries will start to surpass the us in gdp per capita. The us will become irrelevant and will implode from within like the ussr.
You heard it first here guys.
Your fantasies are amusing
looks like boiling soup, Taiwanese dish
they serve it to you on a mini-burner so its kept boiling hot, filled with noodles, fish, and crab
Like it or not the only alternative is that you adapt to the world and that includes soccer, is it either that or the former, choose wisely.
>baseball is holding strong but still has a growth problem and a young people problem.
Only reason baseball's holding anything right now is that all of its biggest and most passionate fanbases are in the places they need it to be, i.e. the Northeast, Chicago, and the Left Coast. And it helps that their main fanbase is upper-middle class - to - elite, depending on which city the club's located in.
naah .. the NFL will be fine. They will dump TNF and SNF and stick to what worked. They may also allow a little fun again.
Nah, it's mostly just mexicans and hipsters. """"Sports fans""""""" still don't embrace it by and large
The NBA is literally starting to challenge the NFL now.
>I'm sure your Uncle-brother is real proud of you.
oh look its this meme again
I tried to work the family tree out but it would be impossible to be both a brother and an uncle
Mexican sports fans only care about La Liga, Liga MX or to a lesser extent, the Mexican National team. They don't watch anything to do with American soccer at all.
American sports fans dismiss soccer as a girls sport, which in this country, it still is.
Baseball isn't a girls sport.
Softball is popular among girls. Especially girls who have already fully committed to lesbianism. Hockey is a little too rough. They want to rebel, not start a revolution.
Meant more of the chicano types that full-on just hopped over the border folks. I can remember my old high school's soccer team being mostly beaners despite being < 10% of the school's population. They also all followed MLS
you don't want to accept it. but it is the truth.
>NFL will die in your lifetime
>less black people
>hard to make money off it
>not actually be that popular
you understand patrician principles now
>last four digits are when handegg is officially gone
eSports > basketball
Oh look, another insecure as fuck hockey fan. hey OP, seriously, WHY are hockey fans SO INSECURE about the NBA? Like, I never see the NBA being insecure about hockey players or the NHL
Is it because the two leagues are on at the exact same time and hockey fans are jealous that the NBA is more popular? That can't be right?
What else could it be?
Not impossible at all.
T. An uncle brother
They are as popular as each other dipshit
And I only see NBA is be insecure and also assert that hockey is irrelevant
>the dudes in the back
How do you not see that
>this post
>calls others insecure
Baseball's youth is in the Caribbean & white kid's who actually play sports.
It's a restaurant and clearly the bearded dude is hungry. Nothing wrong with that.
Nice bait but anyone who isn't retarded knows they can't make it out of the SECOND round.