Prove you're a useful member of society by not being a libcuck

Prove you're a useful member of society by not being a libcuck.

Use this

You are quite liberal, retard.

euthanasia- if you're choking on your own fluids, dying of lung cancer and you probably have a few pain-filled days left, go ahead, kill yourself if you can't stand it.

Legalising it for the general population, however, is retarded. It would thin out the weaklings from the gene pool, but people change. And with all the SJW bullshit going on, you know that whoever legalises this shit will likely let teens do it, so any kid having a bad day is going to dive into the local suicide booth at the first opportunity.

Obviously should be allowed after psychiatric evaluation, to determine if there's a genuine reason.



On the topic of weed, if it's for medical use then I'm legally and personally for it, recreationally not though.

I don't understand why personally and politically are separate.

Because you're retarded.

People lie to make it look like they aren't an asshole, when behind closed doors their real opinions come out.

sure, although the way I see it as is political opinion is what I would actually participate in voting for/against whereas personal is just if you feel it's morally correct or incorrect.

Since polls are private you usually go with how you really feel, not with what you tell others.

what's voluntary pedophilia?

Yes but I mean if you feel so strongly enough about it that you feel you want to vote for/against it. Kind of like personal being a less serious or less cared-for version of political.


Purposefully seeking out underage individuals rather than unknowingly fucking an illegal aged individual.

Political portion is your public opinion - what you share openly.
Personal is how you really feel.

so is basically asking if you're for/against getting rid of the age of consent laws?



this is the dumbest fucking thing in the world OP why should your political views be different than your personal views?

this is just evidence of the fact that you would lie to your constituents in order to get their vote while holding a completely different belief


Surprise - all fucking politicians are like that.

How beta are you to not be upfront about your political stances?

Also where's guns on this shitty chart?

>useful member of society
>browsing Sup Forums


Really? Because all I've seen for the last 5 weeks is Trump delivering on every single promise he made on the campaign trail.

Suprise - career politicians are the problem with politics.

Most people will lie to your face about what they claim to believe in.
Case in point - democrats claim to be for personal freedoms but want to censor shit like hate speech.

What's best for you isn't the same as what's best for society

He's a Democrat from Jew York. He's just doing what all democrats have wanted to do for years and not been able to get away with. He has the same values as a pre-Civil Rights Southern Democrat aka Dixiecrat.
He is exactly the same as Clinton and the rest.

Keep believing that dickhead.

He supported the assault weapon ban.
Look at his donation records to the Clintons.
Look at the amount of known fraternizations on record with the Clintons.
Hell his voter records are available online that shows he was a registered Democrat in Jew York as well as an independent and no party.
The fucker is a Democrat, and will be the little fascist Nazi they are openly and he's going to do it with a Republican label.

pretty funny how the display of the confederate flag is here but gun control isn't.

Too retarded. Makes my head hurt.

Cuckservative. Not "Libuck" that doesn't even sound good you fucking faggot

in general I believe people should be able to do whatever they want with their own body so long as it doesnt put other people at risk (think hard drug users with children)

and if 2 (or more) consenting adults want to have fun in the bedroom why should anyone give a shit?

He donated to the Clintons because they were in power and he was a businessman.

Reagan was a democrat at one point too.

Found then liberal cockstain.

He still was - look at his policies. Democrats aren't against capitalism, they are capitalism - only less openly so they can seem to be sympathetic to the fucking sheep.

Wait what?

Are you anti-capitalist?

Anti the best system in the world?

Fuck off commie berniefag

Sorry for the shitty circles, I'm on mobile. Question my choices if you like.

I ain't anti-capitalism, I am anti-hypocrisy and lying fucking politicians. There ain't a single fucking Democrat serving today that ain't a millionaire.
That's about as far from working class blue collar as you can get, and then those pandering demogogues lie to their fucking constituents faces and claim they are with them.
They ain't fucking with nobody but themselves.

pedo detected

pedo definitely detected

Oh, shit, I missed the paedophilia one. I'm light blue, btw. I would have put neutral for both, though.

well, at least he admits it

Isn't euthanasia Just for vegetables or something?

Terminal illness as well

like people who have brain cancer or something and it causes them massive pain all day everyday


Someone can personally support pedos but if it was public support for them, they'd have their heads kicked in.

Sometimes you have to keep things separate.

assisted suicide isn't ehthanasia


they are literally the same thing.

heres a wiki copy pasta for you

Euthanasia (from Greek: εὐθανασία; "good death": εὖ, eu; "well" or "good" – θάνατος, thanatos; "death") is the practice of intentionally ending a life in order to relieve pain and suffering.[1]

There are different euthanasia laws in each country. The British House of Lords Select Committee on Medical Ethics defines euthanasia as "a deliberate intervention undertaken with the express intention of ending a life, to relieve intractable suffering".[2] In the Netherlands and Flanders, euthanasia is understood as "termination of life by a doctor at the request of a patient".[3]

Euthanasia is categorized in different ways, which include voluntary, non-voluntary, or involuntary. Voluntary euthanasia is legal in some countries. Non-voluntary euthanasia (patient's consent unavailable) is illegal in all countries. Involuntary euthanasia (without asking consent or against the patient's will) is also illegal in all countries and is usually considered murder.[4] As of 2006, euthanasia is the most active area of research in contemporary bioethics.[5]

In some countries there is a divisive public controversy over the moral, ethical, and legal issues of euthanasia. Those who are against euthanasia may argue for the sanctity of life, while proponents of euthanasia rights emphasize alleviating suffering, and preserving bodily integrity, self-determination, and personal autonomy.[6] Jurisdictions where euthanasia is legal include the Netherlands, Canada,[7] Colombia, Belgium, and Luxembourg.



Your political beliefs align perfectly with your personal beliefs? that's the sign of someone up their own ass.

or his actual beliefs are generally socially acceptable and he wont be ostracized for them.

or he can speak his mind without giving a shit.

I guess your views are not and you're mad about it

How do you actually survive being this retarded?

Because of "I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to my death your right to say it" kind of shit

I'm not pro confederate flag. But I believe a person has the right to fly one if they want. It is not a symbol of hate.

Women do not belong in combat roles. Women cannot pass the physical requirements that combat role males have to meet. If a male is deemed unfit for combat by not meeting those requirements of strength and stamina why do we let people of a lower standard in just because they have a vagina?

Combat is not a place where you need to worry about political correctness and equality. You win the battle or die.

I don't use drugs but I put "For" both politically and personally. Should I have put neutral for personally?

isnt that free speech?

I think its more "People should be allowed to do this but i don't have to like it (or i just would not do it myself)"

forgot pic

I'm pretty neutral on transgender issues. I think somebody has the right to chop off their dick, get a boob job, and dress like a woman if they want. But I also have the right to think they are a freak.

I also believe that a person who owns their own business can hire and fire whoever they want. They should not have to live in fear of a lawsuit just because they pass on the interview with some lawsuit hunting crybaby.

I think I'm mostly a libertarian.

Rate faggots.


No, that's the sign of somebody who isn't a pussy.

Fuck you sir

surprised people care about so many things that legitimately doesn't even affect them


This level of ignorance. Lemme guess, you're a millennial right?

It really depends on what "for" and "against" mean. Legal? Personally approve? In certain cases? Neither?
