I hate my life, and I hate the people in it... got no gun. So what's the quickest and efficent way out Sup Forums?

I hate my life, and I hate the people in it... got no gun. So what's the quickest and efficent way out Sup Forums?


Don't die just yet! We need more miserable people in this world to make the others feel better about themselves!

okay heres the pplan mate
>work hard
>get nice job with nice pay
>be sexually attracted to person
>date person
>be married to person
>grow old

it's fullproof. I promise it will end in death in as little as 40 years

The best way is exploding inside the Hillary house

oh and just to throw in some extra Sup Forums charm i know a faggot like you is looking for. Quit being a little bitch and man up, fuck face. we all have problems, many of which are worse than yours.

here's something worth saving your nickels for, friendo

hang yourself or light yourself on fire

Find somehwhere tall and jump. Bonus points for nailing a car or a pedestrian.

Not OP but thank you for this :)

you're the last person I'm sending a message to, feel special

Buy helium, tubing, and CPAP mask. Make sure to use the bathroom before you kill yourself, so there's nothing left when you void your bowels after dying. Hook mask up to helium, open valve, breathe easy, get comfortable on bed, go to sleep and be gone within a few mins. Peaceful, easy, clean, and relatively cheap.

Inspired... Thank You Sir!!!

Shit, beat me to it. Good on ya m8.

You should really do something about the whole "got no gun" thing.

Have a good trip!

...and Thank You!

this is always a solid way

there used to be a woman who sold kits online. hers had a bag instead of mask, made it a lot cheaper. she got raided by the feds.

Finally, something to do with my allowance

you forgot to add make sure you buy a huge tank of helium, the common one is no longer enough to kill you, it will just turn you into a vegetable.

good luck, mate. as soon as i hit 30 i'll be right there with you.

Hanging is pretty alright, as far as dying goes.

Buy toy gun.
Paint orange tip black
Point it at a policeman
Wake up having breakfast with St. Peter
Your family can sue the cops and get a settlement.

>got no gun. So what's the quickest and efficent way out Sup Forums?
Find someone with a gun.
Kick them in the balls.

I know the feeling, and I can't honestly say it gets better, but it does get more interesting. I'm 22 and for YEARS I've been being treated for a number of different mental illnesses and been fighting thoughts of killing myself and everyone around me. Finally finding a good therapist helped me discover the real issue behind it all and I'm voluntarily going into a mental hospital next week to start treatment. It's scary, but I highly recommend getting professional help one way or another. One therapist/psychiatrist does not equal all of them, and medication is like roulette. You can be better but you have to want it.
It's worth finding out where things go from here.

>Hook mask up to helium, open valve, breathe easy, get comfortable on bed, go to sleep and be gone within a few mins.

And dictate your suicide note as you go out.
That would be hilarious in helium voice.

shoot yourself in the head with a crossbow

keked and rekt

Use a defribillator: place one electrode in yr.mouth, the other on yr. heart then start it.
More you can find them in every public place.

Also I think it's worth noting that since all these people are alive, and I doubt their medical degrees/knowledge on what's the quickest and most efficient way out of here.

Why do you hate your life? Tell us what's going on. Stay strong instead of pussying out over a temporary problem that will change soon.

Death is not fun.

Hanging yourself seems to be a good way. I remember when I was 13, my friends and I would choke each other out, and it was relatively painless. The difference is that when you pass out, the rope or whatever doesnt go away. I think if I do myself in Im going with hanging.

Finding a relative hanging from the ceiling is scary as fuck and will most likely mess them up for life though. Its the last method you want to pick unless you have no other options.

Not everyone lives with their family user, and they can always go to the woods or a park.

I always thought using a forest would be better, and maybe call it into the cops right before you do it. If you hang yourself RIGHT, it's an internal decapitation, you die almost instantly.

and instead let some poor kid find you hanging there? fuck no.

hanging yourself right is near impossible though, if you do hang yourself then you should expect to suffocate in pain while fighting your survival instinct.

Then go to a fucking Starbucks, idk.If user really wants to do it, he can plan the details.

If I were you I'd move and change my name. You got nothing to lose. Maybe you'll find a life worth living.

Get some climbing gear, find a strong sturdy branch, bring some weights up with you for added effect if you're skinny or don't mind actually having your head torn off.

This is OP. There's a number of reasons. But to sum it up... I'm past 40. Got a dead-end job. No GF, and a horrible quality of life. That, and I'm a regular on Sup Forums. What other reasons would I need? The decision is made. The suggestions have been helpful.

You have any money saved up?


But are you a lost cause? It sounds like all your problems CAN be fixed with change. Having no girlfriend right now doesn't necessarily mean that you'll stay single forever.

Its worth giving it a try, user. Go talk to a therapist and sort your life out


Well shit, you have a job right? So instead of paying rent, buy a shotgun. Just so you realize, 40 isn't as old as you think it is, you can still make a positive change in your life. But if you're serious, a shotgun will blow your head right off. If you want to do the world some good, find your local Antifa group and take a few of those fucking degenerates with you.

hanging is garbage u retards the two options are either jump or suicide bag

Thanks, but I've no valid reason to hurt anyone else. What is "Antifa" by the way?

Theyre the group that rioted at berkley, theyre communists

yea if someone is going to suicide at least hack one of those with a machete thanks


Commies have a right to live too... My license has expired.

goodnight sweet prince

Goto Maui for two weeks.

Trust this advice.

I'm 57. I've seen things.

Take a hand full of sleeping pills and then fall asleep on the train tracks. You will never wake up.

You can only ask a dead man but dead man tell no tails

natural causes

Fil it and put it on a snuff site like bestgore


>overdose on different drugs
>drive as fast as possible and crash into something solid like a tree or a light post
That's how I'd do it, shooting yourself is no fun, but that's an option too

Exit bag

And possibly end up surviving the car crash and end up getting burned alive while you're trapped in the car in the process. Sounds like an awful idea.

Or do 240 on the highway and crash head on with one of those barriers that seperates the express lanes/exits without a seatbelt. Disable airbags too and you're good2go

That's what the drugs are for, you either pass out and crash as a result or you crash and don't feel shit/give a fuck

Hitting a solid object that fast and going from 240 to 0 in less than a second will provide more than enough force to rip your vital organs right off their arteries
Plus it'd be more fun than an exit bag

people have survived worse

not at all u can still survive to be a vegetable

I don't care care, I'll still do it. People can survive all kinds of shit, but a lot don't. I'm pretty sure a combination of a fatal overdose and a high speed crash is more than enough, and it looks like an accident if anything too so that's a bonus

>my sides



>okay heres the plan mate
>>work hard
>>get nice job with nice pay
>>be sexually attracted to person
>>watch person whore around and fuck people who don't give a shit about her
>>watch her get married to first guy who knocks her up
>>grow old
