Traps post pics and kiks

Traps post pics and kiks
Also trap/cd/mental illness thread e

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wont be reposting it

Yeah good, please don't. Nothing feminine about you or your penis.

its not me faggot.

found it on photobuckets recent, its not being reposted because I dont want that shit on my PC.


I didn't know that gypsy curses could turn you into a gigantic faggot.

yes, you have to give files on your computer away to get rid of them, it isn't cause you like dick girls. I know what you mean, I ain't no faggot neither.


Nigger you're thick headed.

If you'd like, in the future when I run into this faggy OC I wont come to Sup Forums and find a trap thread to stick it in for you niggers. It's all the same shit to me, how am i supposed to know what constitutes as too nasty.

You're welcome.


No Kik?