Redpill me on media. How do I seperate real journalism from fake news? Is pic related a good method?

Redpill me on media. How do I seperate real journalism from fake news? Is pic related a good method?

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Just be on watch for subjectivity.

its not that simple.
you need to do things like fact check, look at things such as sponsors, source material, if the persons are reputable or biased.

heres a simple way to look at it: if its mainstream media its most likely biased in one way or another.

also If you think the phrase "alternative facts" is actually a thing you should kys and never think about politics again

Just watch rt.

Trump has, under guidance from Bannon, called the press "The Enemy of the People". His cult following now only trust Breitbart and Fox News. Delegitimising independent press is the first step to setting up autocratic rule in a democracy.

Soon half the country will believe anything Bannon and his cronies want and disbelieve anything the media says.

Pic related is not accurate. Trump himself said negative stories about him are perfectly fine, as long as they are fair stories.

all you need is dave rubin.

>negative stories about him are perfectly fine, as long as they are fair stories.
>Said by the man that decides if a story is fair
You are brainwashed as hard as the libcucks, kys

And since Trump is infallible, any negative story about him is faker.

Look at the journalists history..... Most will self identify as Democrats.

Are the AP or Reuters affiliated or a hobbyist working for Salon, Buzzfeed, or Slate?

Trump knows the people that the media is reporting about. He has respect for honest reporters. But it's not a state secret that the mainstream media has bias. Pretty much every media has some bias besides C-SPAN. Calm down and look at the facts of the world. What are you, 12?

Your pic is all you need. Is he a russian pedo or a fascist or a commie or zionist? Terrific journalism. Is it anybody else? Fake news n real joos

The media is constantly unfair to Trump, always reporting the things he says and does, instead of writing about the man he sees himself as in his mind.

Donald Cuck

>How do I seperate real journalism from fake news?

You don't, real news died by the early 80's and it's not coming back.

If it's not on Breitbart, take it with a pinch of salt.

Your pic is what every politician does

>How does one separate truth from fiction
>Responds with conspiracy
This, OP, is -not- how you be objective.

Reporting facts instead of what Trump wants to be facts is not bias. Facts don't have bias.

Trump criticises the media for fact checking his statements. He calls it bias because the media doesn't want to paint a picture of the world in the way he and his supporters see it, instead reporting facts and statistics that prove them wrong.

It's all inherently opinionated so if that's what you consider fake news then in sorry to tell you but there's no such thing as real news.

If you want real news regarding the U.S., watch RT. They're propaganda when reporting on Russia, but fairly trustworthy when reporting on the U.S. Same can be said about U.S. based news organizations. They're propaganda when discussing the U.S., but more fair when reporting on other countries.

fuck man I wish I knew. shit is messed up right now. It's always been kind of fucked up - media channels are driven by corps, and run on money like every other business.


You know the Breitbart was literally created to be a right version of huffpo, right?

>Literally contradicting themselves in their own articles with clickbait headlines

I will agree that facts are facts. However, you can take an unrelated fact and misconstrue it. That's what Trump doesn't like, and that's what the American people are tired of, including political correctness. Are you new here?

Yup all those videos of Trump calling the press "The Enemy" and Bannon calling them "The Opposition Party" and literally telling the press to "Keep quiet"... all doctored in the same lab that faked the moon landing.

This is not at all true. They hype stories that show any corruption in America. ( right or left ) .

What exactly is the conspiracy? He has publicly called the press the enemy of the people.

>Reporting facts
Yeah like russian hacking. Oh wait, no proof. I meant like pissgate. Oh wait, no proof, sloppily put together and flatout verifiable lies and spelling errors. I mean about one of Trump's constituents being in a "facism forever" club. Oh wait, that was just a yearbook joke.

>I will agree that facts are facts. However, you can take an unrelated fact and misconstrue it. That's what Trump doesn't like,

I thought he didn't like the part where he lies like a bitch, and gets called on it.

The only reason you think they are constantly unfair is because daddy trump says so.

Dont get me wrong trump is doing a decent job, much better then I thought, but pretending the big bad media bullies are evil to him all the time is just stupid.

Media that argues against the ones in power is a basic piller of a functioning democracy

The same shit would be happening if the libcucks won except the media outlets would that like trump would be doing the shit

Right, I do remember when our last president questioned the legitimacy of the New York Times

Everything thing you hear on the news could be anywhere between totally true and total bs.

When they say something ask yourself:
what do they want you to think?
what do they want you to feel?
what narrative are they pushing?

in general, the more they try to make you think or feel something, the more suspicious you should be.

Trump lies pretty much constantly. Having to point this out constantly is perceived as bias.

A dishonest corporate media is an enemy to the citizens of a republic. How could you be doing a service to the people by feeding them propaganda?

All media uses clickbait shit, at the end of the day every news source needs to make money to pay its staff and operation costs.

I bet you watch Sargon of Akkad and the like, right?
You realize people like this will paddle their narrative just like the MSM does, right? If you believe in capitalism then this is logical to you. Watch any of their videos when they make the slightest attack on Trump and see the dislike bar go on to 50% and then realize that they are incentivized to circle jerk about the alt-right.

I like how messed up Trump supporters' reality is that my sarcasm flew right above your head. We've gone full Poe's Law.


>A dishonest corporate media
wait, I'm sorry - You think Breitbart/Fox are anti-corporate? Not sure I'm understanding what you wrote.

>calls your wife a whore

Conway literally said "alternative facts" on live television you ignorant cunt

and he should kill himself as should you

I mean, what is the job of the journalist? To report the facts to the people, right? So when it begins to slew those facts for money, ad revenue, or political gain, they are putting their own interests over their job, thus, they have failed at their job. If they willingly do this, to the point of slandering people that simply disagree with them, then they become tyrants. Tyrants by definition are enemies of the people.

Honestly, it's become impossible to tell when he's lying, because whether or not he tells the truth or not, the media calls him a liar.

Reading as a trump supporter. This is some next level stupidity

If you've been living under a rock for the past couple of years, wikileaks proved that one of the two major political parties in the U.S. actively tries to get their prefered candidate into the general election while suppressing the other ones, despite what the American people want. It's not a stretch to say that the RNC was doing the exact same thing behind the scenes but failed. That's corrupt as fuck.

Like reporting sensationalistic news stories with no source, and the "evidence" looking like it was written by a second grader?

The media is reporting the facts. You don't like the facts. That doesn't make the media dishonest.

Like all populist right wingers in modern history, it just means you are turning "Truth" into a malleable commodity that can be moulded to justify policies and ideologies that are clearly absurd.

Do your own research. Look into the actual statistics of things (race, crime, etc). Study ontology and the true nature of things (as opposed to the appearance of those things). Mediatate, know yourself, then take yourself out of your perceptions.

Yeah nah.

No, Fox and Breitbart are equally as biased. I don't have a horse in this race, but to say that a dishonest press does a service to the people by feeding them bullshit is laughable.


>Redpill me on media. How do I seperate real journalism from fake news? Is pic related a good method?

you read stories from both left and right, and figure you still only getting part of the picture. It is possible to spin same facts all kinds of ways.

For example, Fox has been drawing this picture of protests as

1) fake protesters
2) violent
3) Anarchy

Left sees protests as

1) real majority of americans
2) peaceful
3) fighting authoritarianism

and that is they each report the same "Facts". Unless you own your own private intelligence and analysis agency, you are stuck relying on bullshit news at some level.

>Google news.

The fuck is wrong with you morons? Just use google news and use more then one news source.

>be news
>be owned by someone so I report on whatever they think will make money
>take tidbits of info from real events and only show the info that backs up the point you're trying to push
>basically boiled down to nothing but misinfo and lies
>ever being real or reliable

Hypothetical scenario of how the news works

>Trump caught in a burning building
>saves a kid on his way out
>be news
>don't mention kid Trump rescued
>"Trump: arsonist? Trump caught fleeing blaze"

Literally all lies. And I just used Trump because there was a pic of him in the OP, you can swap out Trump with anyone in that story as long as the news is trying to smear them. Alternatively:

>Hillary caught in a burning building
>she stops for no one and saves her own skin
>be news
>"Heroine Hillary clears path for survivors in deadly blaze"

In either version of the story, you have no idea what the fuck is going on or what really happened.

The media is also reporting blatant lies. Russian hacking, wikileaks not being true, wikileaks being illegal to view, pissgate, etc etc.

He speaks in hyperbole. His comments are at least generally in the right direction. At least he doesn't flip flop views like Clinton. At least he doesn't hate America and allow Americans to die. At least he has VALUES.

Simple as that.

Yeah, that's full of facts from this world. I guess I have to look up the news in Narnia which probably matches Trump supporters' idea of facts.

>All media uses clickbait shit
No the fuck they don't, and they get rightfully slammed for it.

Kellyanne Conway is Trumps dumb-fuck advisor. Also a woman, you ignorant cunt.

torl detect ez

Give us an example, oh informed one.

>wikileaks proved that one of the two major political parties in the U.S. actively tries to get their preferred candidate into the general election while suppressing the other ones

Sorry, how does this show that RT is a reliable news source? Also personally - Internal party politics isn't really "corruption"

yeah personally I Think they are worse, since they were created specifically to fill a void in the marketplace.

russia hacked the DNC, according to our own intelligence agencies you fuckwad

You literally said: "He uses falsehoods to evoke irrational emotional responses, but I like having those emotions."


"Maybe he lies, but the lies he said about Clinton are so scary there's no way I could vote for her."

What facts are the not reporting? What facts are they lying about?

Latest I saw all the MSM has been doing is call Trump a liar when he outright lies. He then continues to claim the media is "very mean" to him.

The implication that Fox and Breitbart are truthfull outlets is laughable. They are as bad as the MSM (Breitbart is worse, they are like one of those garbage left-propaganda newspapers like Mary-sue or whatever it is called)

I seem to remember them also pushing grossly out of touch polls before election day too.

Lots of people seem to forget how the entire election cycle panned out. I would say Trump has legitimate cause to call a lot of these news outlets " Fake news" for the simple fact, that they are his existence as president proves that.

The majority of the media in the U.S. are not reporting facts, unfortunately. I'm not sure where you're getting your information from. They don't attack Trump on his policies, like they should. There's many things he's doing policy wise that I think are stupid and if the corporate media wants to stay relevant they'd attack him there. Instead they attack him personally for whatever reason, calling him and his supporters literal nazis. This level of dishonesty is something I haven't seen since Reagan, which should tell you something about the administrations for the past quarter of a century.

notice how I say nothing about Trump
also *she
ignorant cunt
actually read what I say

And where's that proof that they've had three months to show the american people?

This is from the same organization that said that Iraq had WMD's. Their reputation has -never- been clean.

>mfw all these people not getting op's irony

its fake news when
>its talking about non issues
>telling lies

"The media didn't predict that Trump would win. Therefore, the media is lying and we should listen to whatever God Emperor Trump says."

I mean, I can understand this from the Trump supporters' point of view. To them, the media read the goat entrails wrong and therefore the gods are clearly angry with the media.

Russian Hacking
Anything involving wikileaks
The Facist Forever club thing
The black church being burned down
I can go on. There's literally a neverending wealth of this shit.

>telling lies
But how do you know they're telling lies? That's the question OP's asking. You are answering his question with his question, stupid retard.

"Hillary so far ahead in the polls she doesn't even think about Trump"

WTF media are you looking at? Sup Forums? They're constantly attacking all his policies, EO's and every bill the GoP is passing in the midst of this chaos.

Trump himself lashes out almost constantly at the media criticising his policies.

>They don't attack Trump on his policies
Are you still using rabbit ears, user?

if a Greenburg is involved its probably fake

>man in police custody beaten and dragged on floor through hallway on security camera footage. Goes to hospital. Dies.
>tacking on at the end of the five minute segment in passing that the reason he went to the hospital/died has nothing to do with the scuffle at all and that he was the aggressor unquestionably.
The media breeds fear and hate. ignore all of it.

>media criticising his policies.

They really don't. They just shout about feelings being hurt.

Yes. YES. No one has ever denied the media's polling system needs to be updated to take into account the poorer rural America and less affluent suburbia.

WTF has that got to do with media dishonesty? Are you actually saying that because they didn't predict the election right you can ignore anything they report?

>Delegitimising independent press is the first step to setting up autocratic rule in a democracy.
That was done a long time ago by the press itself.

No it is not as clear cut as "The media read the goat entrails wrong", it's about the obvious bias and subjectivity that circled 90% of the major news outlets during this period, the American people or at least most of them are too retarded to have there own opinions hence there entire mindset is based on articles like those.

If the election had been covered with objectivity on all fronts i am quite sure you would see less of these whiny social justice warriors spouting "Not my president" and crying when he got Elected.

I must say i was quite pleased with his first actions as sitting president, this is the first time a very long time that president is cutting through the bullshit and following through on their promises.

You do realise we can all look at the politics section of ALL the media on the internet right now right? 98% of it are headlines attacking his policies.

Do you get all your news from Conan O'Brien or something?

There is no conspiracy theory. Bannon literally said at a CPAC meeting yesterday that Their goal is the "deconstruction of the administrative state,". They are literally trying to pass bills that completely eliminate agencies and completely gut 150 years of American supported and funded social infrastructure.
If you don't want your taxes paying for them then you need to see your representative about taxation without representation, not try and tear the whole fucking house down so all the white, heterosexual people can't use it any more.

Keyword is independent.

People seem to be happy that he's keeping his campaign promises. I guess it doesn't matter that the sum of those promises is the destruction of the united states of America.

Journalist here. You're dead wrong.

There's no sure way of doing so. Generally, knowing the subject is a good way to avoid fake news and bad journalism. This means that you go further than what the news does, and just use the media to know that there's something going on, but get a more exact opinion on the subject by yourself. You generally have to rely on some mass media at some point, unless you want to spend all day searching for the relevant information.

Here's an example :
A few years back the US reported that a Russian Su-24 buzzed one of their warships, the USS Donald Cook in the Black Sea. Some other medias, especially the crackpot garbage like Info Wars and other shit Russian media reported it as the Su-24 using a jamming pod to "disable" the warship.
If you know how jamming works, as well as a little bit of information on sea encounters in public waters, you know that the crackpot version is just retarded. If you don't know, you have to look the information up from many sources, and try to figure it out on your own. If you do this, you'll find that the manufacturer of the jamming pod denied the event and stated that they do not actually have their jamming pod on the Su-24.

Of course, not all fake news is so clear cut as this one. The F-35 losing a dogfight to an F-16 was actually fake news too, yet it wasn't only in crackpot media, it was present in more serious mass media, with almost no opposition nor fact checking. Even today, most media are convinced it happened. To fact check this one you have to go directly to the US announcements, and check what was actually said about the F-16 encounter, and it turns out the F-35 was just following the F-16 on a maneuvering test of the software.

So basically someones just looking at different media makes it easy to figure out what went on, while other times it's much more difficult to get a good idea and requires more in depth research. But in the end, your personal bias will have as much of an impact as news bias.

Dude, the media assumed the American people were intelligent. Trump, the king of reality TV knew otherwise and exactly how to pander to that demographic and ride a populist wave based on absurdism.

Campaign promises... remember "draining the swamp"? He's appointed the richest cabinet in history. Posts were given to his billionaire friends and GOP donors, who have no experience in the department they now run.

He lambasted Hillary for speaking to Goldman Sachs. He appointed one of the worst GS veterans to head the treasury and he has already rolled back all the financial institute regulations put in place to stop another 2008 financial crisis or Wells Fargo debacle.

The only silver lining is this is going to affect rural and working class people the worst and they voted for him.

Not even American, but looking at it from a third party perspective your country was doomed anyway, your foreign policies where a joke your healthcare is shit, your immigration problems are through the roof your minimum wage barely even covers the cost of living i could go on for hours and hours but i am sure you get the picture.
Your country is stagnating and decaying slowly from the inside out radical change is important even if its wrong kind of change because that's a good precedence for people who come afterwards.
Trump is doing SOMETHING, its progress and that is important, thank your lucky stars that the person representing you and your country obviously gives absolutely no fucks about public opinion since that paves the way for him to get shit done instead of mindlessly pandering to the masses throughout his entire term.

It's fucked up. For 8 years the conservative base lived off of extreme anti-Obama propaganda, believing that he was dismantling the system for some socialist wet dream.
Now that Obama's time has come and gone, they see that none of what they feared ever actually happened, or was ever going to.

Now they see the left declaring that Trump is dismantling the country, and they refuse to believe it. Even though it is actually true and not even being hidden from them, they are always one step behind in knowing what the fucks going on in the world.

>obvious bias

When making polls, you pick a representative sample of the population and ask who they'd vote for. The difficult part is selecting that sample, and making sure that it really represents the reality of the voters. The polls were right in the sense that Hillary was far more popular, but where they failed was to fully consider the electoral college and its impact on the result. You don't need anti-Trump bias for the polls to fail, you need unexpected voting behaviour that distances the polls from the actual vote.

Yes. Attacking. Not criticizing.

Real talk OP, use this as a reference. Take everything you read with a grain of salt.