





lmao i swear i didn't see any g thread as i made this one, but as soon as i refresh an old one popped up

The apparition of these faces in the crowd,
Petals on a wet black bough.

I should start taking drugs again.



Any of you faggots ERP or have Steam?


Everyone here does I think. I don't.



You are what you what you eat, which is why I eat garbage.

Also because it tastes good.


JW cause I felt like expanding my ERP list.


I don't have that kind of list and nobody has ever asked me to be on one. I don't get the mechanics of it.

Fuck bitches get garbage.


It's just more enjoyable to write it out sometimes. gives me a chance to down the irl act and not be me all the time.

I want to get high.

Who else could you be besides yourself?

This spam is getting weirder and weirder.

>stop fapping over snapchat

Literally who does this?



Long story really.

Too many people think its trolling when people wanna toss up a steam profile and go "its me" and shit.

I saved the first spam email I ever got.



I am always myself. It is why I never understood or was capable of any sort of RP. Neither the sexual or nonsexual kind.

The Mexican cooks at work are convinced that I am a Brujo.


I think that is why they are so nice to me. Their superstitions dictate that Brujos are dangerous and shouldn't be crossed.



I wonder what the world will be like after I die. Will those I know and who care about me mourn me for very long? What will they do with themselves after my passing?










Do you have any mental illnesses?

Not exactly, but something like that.



Can you post your paintings please? I much prefer them over the heads.

That was the last head I photographed anyways.


yay paintings!












Stop fapping over snapchat > Snapchatz .com can help you tonight!

I talked to you yesterday, I really enjoy your paintings. I'd post another picture, but they aren't loading for some reason. I'll have to look into it.


Yes, I remember talking to someone about my drawings and sculptures.

I can upload them, but I can't see them something's wrong. I'm out.




I'll stay and post random images I can't see for the time being. You posted that one yesterday. It's my favorite so far. Could you please explain it?


One of my external hard drives seems to be corrupted. I unplugged it and running some programs on my lap top to identify the problem and rectify it. I was going to leave, but I find conversing with you interesting

These drawings are all fights between my desire to make a mark, have a mark hold, and the battle of the materials with both myself and each other. They're the first steps to learning the language. Of course, the interest in space, structure, and how they feel is there, but as a subconscious level. I would do these without having that in mind, then when I wasn't doing them I'd wander around and look at natural and artificial structures.


External hard drives are notorious for being shitty. I don't a single person that had one which didn't crap out in a relatively short amount of time.


These are all essentially experiments in the language that I ended up working in.

Essentially these don't really mean anything other than a working out so to speak. They're important only in the regards of my development as a painter.

Dammit, the person that gave these back to me after my old hard drive crashed numbered them incorrectly.

WHy don't you go to Snapchatz .com and all your worries will be gone!

Musicians need scales.

Similar concept.

I have only kept a very small handful of these drawings. The ones where big breakthroughs in the understanding of the language occurred. the rest I sent away with my other young children to live on a farm in Alabama where they will be taken care of and loved, out of harms way.

Yes, very similar concept. Only this isn't something you can exactly teach.

Music scale is a very objective thing. It's the same for everyone no matter what and is just about developing the muscle memory to do it. You can teach some basic things in art, but it gets beyond basic muscle memory almost immediately.

That's not to say that music is any less difficult, it's not, not by any means. It's just different and can be more readily learned.

I love it! I take care of my externals though. It's the first one to not act correctly in 8 years.

Nothing because both you and your 'art' are irrelevant.

Are you gay? Serious question by the way.

With painting and drawing there is some muscle memory involved, but it almost immediately gets into the "either you get it or you don't territory" that music gets into only at the point when you go to actually sit down to write.

Yeah, these people were a bit more careless with them.

Maybe so, but that itself isn't so bad to me. Most people are irrelevant, even a lot of famous people. It's comforting to know I'm just like most everybody else.

Yes, I'm gay, though that has nothing to do with my work.

I think the most difficult thing is to be an author. I can barely form a coherent sentence without a lot of effort.

People who can write well astound me. I read a book and scratch my head at how they were able to do that.

In all honesty, musicians amaze me too. Anybody who can play an instrument with a level of skill above mediocre gets at least some level of respect from me.

It's strange to me that I don't surround myself with other painters. I am friends mostly with musicians, my best friend is a filmmaker who writes all his own screen plays.

I used to sit and watch my friends play their instruments or watch my best friend write or direct, and just be awestruck that they were able to do that. It's like magic to me.

Forgot image.