You have exactly 10 seconds to justify why you will never have children or pass on your genes to the next generation

You have exactly 10 seconds to justify why you will never have children or pass on your genes to the next generation

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm sterile.

Img related is literally retarded, to claim such a thing implies that you have absolutely no knowledge in sex ed.

>implying you could get pregnant after the egg is reabsorbed into the body once ovulation is done by simply clenching semen in your pussy for 20 minutes

>20yo m kissless virgin with hiv
>never shared needles or shared anything
>0 clue as to how I got it.prob got it from some dirty toilet seat idk

>Skinny as fuck
>Tall as well, makes it look worse
>Chicks don't dig that

Sterile and my dick don't work anymore because of my antidepressants.

I already did.
Gf is laying next to me now snoring like a 40 year old alcoholic.

Everyone and then I reach over and rub her pregnant belly like Saruman rubs the Palantir.

Cause i'm white and white men rarely get any pussy in Europe

I have two kids already.

never been in to girls

don't want to spend obscene amounts of money on a family

>mostly to spite my dad