Okay Sup Forums, I have a favour I have to ask you. Did anyone here buy For Honor and has since stopped playing it?

Okay Sup Forums, I have a favour I have to ask you. Did anyone here buy For Honor and has since stopped playing it?

I want to try it out but I'm definitely not prepared to pay 60€ for a game I might not play after a week.

inb4 get a job you lazy bastard
I do have a job, two, actually. 60€ is a lot of money here.

It's not really that fun after the initial enjoyment wears off. I got over it quick. Save your money, play something else that's worthwhile, like Doom or something.

Thanks user

Its really good, once you go competetive it gets even better.
I have over 120h and im not even tierd of yet.
Storymode is kinda meh, the the focus is on pvp battles. And thats whats fun anyway.

Yeah, it's clearly pvp focused. Maybe I'll wait for a sale or something.

Also, how are the servers holding up?

gameplay is god tier everthing els is dog shit wait for a hard ass fix servers are trash peer 2 peer is shit, game runs smooth as hell so thats good too

Playing it as we speak
Rep 3 Warden
Still enjoying it, should've played the beta my dude

Yessss, I know, I missed it.

Play Nioh a good game, for honor multiplayer stinks, p2p dude, p2p on a fucking game miltiplayer oriented, do you know what that means? THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE SERVER FOR THAT SHIT, plus, when you've played for 2 or 3 hours it gets repetitive and boring, bugisoft sucks, don't buy their stuff, just remember black flag, that shit was crazy horse shit, FUCK BUGYSOFT.

>implying Ubisoft would ever spend money on dedicated non-peer2peer servers