>Be American
>Wanna download movie
>Go 5 years to prison
>Pay 250.000,00 fine
Be American
is it me or does this seem a little steep?
in america downloading a movie is worse than murder here
>get shot
boards.Sup Forums.org/g/ptg
>Wanna steal a movie
Fixed that for you, you filthy thief.
Housing and food for free? I'm in!
its not stealing as you dont take away the original
also even if it was straight up stealing, the fine and prison time is out of this world
I see homeland security is hard at work safeguarding the homeland by shutting down torrent sites
gotta love the stars and stripes.
>so many gay ass badges
And they can only reduce the amount of pirating websites by 0.001%
This. OP, maybe you should get a job and pay for things that cost money to make, you filthy commie leech.
>By Homeland Security Investigations
Jesus Christ that is ominous.
Also I like how the National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center has fascistic yet goofy slogans under their very angry eagle.
>protection is our trademark
>My honor is loyalty
>The NIPRCC was created in 2000,[2][3] under the then-U.S. Customs Service as part of the implementation of the Clinton Administration's 1998 International Crime Control Strategy
Fucking Clintons did this.
>5 different federal law enforcement organizations to take down a torrent site
Federalism was a mistake.
How does China get away with it?
>be American
>get shot
>get hospital bill of 1 million dollars
>forced to live in projects or be homeless
>get shot again by niggers
>get hospital bill of 1 million dollars again
>can't afford anything nice
>have to sell computer
>decide to watch to watch one last movie on it
>torrent flick
>get arrested
>get 250 thousand dollar fine
>get 5 years in federal pound me in the ass prison
>get hospital bill of 1 million dollars for asshole reconstructive surgery
"""Land of the Free"""
they dont give a fuck?
why don't you just join Sup Forums tracker??
Astoundingly accurate
because i have no idea where to look for it
>copying 1s and 0s is stealing
>download movie
>5 years in prison and fined enough to buy a producer another sportscar
>movie hop at local theater
>stoned wageslaves so apathetic they dont even care to bat an eye at you if you were at the theater for 8 hours
I work two jobs and barely scrape by.
Downloaded movies are like the only thing that keep me going through the work week.
I'm already deep into being a working poor wagecuck. Just let me have my movies, ffs.
You take something that doesn't belong to you and don't pay for it.
>download movie
>fail penis inspection
Anti-piracy fags explain this:
If piracy is stealing and illegal, why is it legal to give your friend your dvd and let him watch it?
Or even buying a used dvd ?
it's exactly the same thing.....
the real treat is when your ISP gives you a on-start message but they wont do shit because I'd just drop their service
If you can't afford a luxury, then you can't have it you idiot.
Here's your logic.
"I don't make enough money to go to the movies every month so I'm going to sneak in instead. It's justified because I work 2 shit jobs right?"
How is this any different than stealing a $10 movie at the store?
Pretty much this.
BUT, if the movie is still playing at the theater, that's a private exhibition. Pay your money, support the product. Piracy is not okay.
Once the movie is on DVD, do whatever the fuck you want. TV shows are safe never, they broadcast that shit over the airwaves. If your TiVo can copy it so can you.
Guvment doesnt get tax.
>the money goes to fund the new ghostbusters sequel
you also get a free surpise sex service.I hear it's top notch.
because you take away the original
The government will not waste time taking individuals down its a waste of time and money and bad PR. Hollywood got rekt when they sued a kid for millions due to pirating and thats who many of these are kids. Also all you would have to say is my wifi got compromised it wasn't me and you get off Scott free.
>nobody making food analogies yet
good thread desu
>local man discovers technique to multiply bread
>proceeds to feed himself and the world
>gets jailed
that's copyright laws for you.
but the baker made the bread so he got copyright dumbass
you should pay the baker royalties for every bread you give out
lol its toys
americans are so fat they dont pay attention to what they eat so they also eat the toy and they choke to death cause theyre so fat
>implying each bread is unique
>implying it's not all just fucking food
>every movie is the same
>Be American who believes he can fly
>get shot by the FBI
>Be European
>Eat Kinder eggs
>Get cancer
Gee I wonder who's behind these posts
good goy
it's all 0s and 1s, it's all entertainement. Like watching a fucking sunset. Are you telling me each sunset is different? go write a fucking poem, rimbaud.
well nobody owns the sun dumbass so its free
And every thought in your brain was caused by electrical impulses. What's your point?
>oh vey you need to cut off your sons penis for government sheckels or we will jail you
kek dumb americans
and everything there is on earth comes from the sun and the earth, and no one owns that, so everthing should be free.Dumbass.
>its an 'murica ruins fun for everyone' episode
>i'm in for murder. you?
>illegal possession of foreskins.
>you sick fuck
my point is I'm not going to pay for something I can get for free because mr shekelburg tells me to.
are you running this industry?
if everything is free then how do people earn money
>Ira Rothken, a technology-focused lawyer who most notably defended Kim Dotcom during MegaUpload’s legal troubles. Authorities shuttered that site in 2012. There are superficial similarities between the two situations—copyright infringement, a lucrative advertising business—but MegaUpload was functionally very different from KAT. The former allowed users to upload any file (including a pirated movie) and create a unique link to share it, while KAT used BitTorrnet’s peer-to-peer sharing technology. In other words, MegaUpload housed the files itself; importantly, KAT did not.
>“We’re not aware of any case in the history of the United States where hyperlinking, or the use of torrent files, was ever found to be direct [copyright] infringement,” says Rothken. “In my view, without direct infringement you can’t have a criminal infringement.” Instead, Rothken says, torrent-related copyright cases have historically fallen under the purview of civil courts.
Will it still hold up in court?
why do you need money if everything is free? If you want food just pick it off the ground.
because you need motivation for work and if you dont earn money why would you work
There you go, reddit.
what if your motivation is just the outcome of your work? i.e.building yourself a house
how are you gonna pay for materials and tools if money doesnt exist? dumbass
>plant vegetables and fruits on my property
>the US government comes and seizes my produce because they're watching my every move through satellite and they thought it was """""""weed"""""""
holy shit, I didn't realize someone could be so classcucked
TL;DR: land of the free becomes freer still.
How much more free can we get? Will we maybe one day be free to pay for the air we breath?
Thinking about it, how is circumcision even a thing?
I mean, as in, procedure done by the hospitals.
Aren't they generally against performing unnecessary and hurtful surgeries that has no medical benefits? I mean, it seems more like a plastic surgery thing rather than a hospital thing.
its worked on my to be honest. cox shut my internet off for downloading oj simpson american crime story. i stopped pirating shit after that. i just stream things now
I'm surprised that there have never been a "VHS / DVD / BluRay" sharing services.
You buy the new movie that just came out on a physical media, watch it, then you send it to the share service where they allow other people to watch it and then it eventually returns to you. You earn points with the service that enables you to borrow movies that other people have bought. You either go the "earn points" route to watch new movies for free or you could pay money for these points.
Free to be spied upon isn't much of a freedom.
Well, we gotta ask the majority first what they want, and make sure they want the same thing as us, and make sure they get that, and make sure they pay for it, so they can be even more free.
t. lobbyist #5245
Parents request it.
Every time I see a Sup Forums kiddie ranting about parents "forcing" their kids to transition at young ages, I really wanna tell the American bunch to look down their pants.
Yeah, but why don't the hospital go "yeah, fuck off and go to a plastic surgeon then"?
As someone grown up in a non circumcised part of the world it just seems so odd.
Not saying it's you know, something terrible or awful. I'm all for plastic surgery(well if the person wants it). Just doesn't seem like a thing the hospitals should be in charge off.
>why don't the hospital go "yeah, fuck off and go to a plastic surgeon then"?
most american doctors are jewish. gotta get the ingredients for their matzo somewhere.
Lmao wahhhhhhh I want my free movies wahhhhhh
Fucking NEETsexual faggots BTFO. Time to get a job, poorfags.
as the wageslave typed while sweating profoundly while his boss walks past his cubicle to drive to the golf course in his lamborghini
>socialism and big government is good you guys!
This still doesn't explain the supposedly superior white parents willingly giving up their kids so a Jewish doctor can play Sculpt the Toddler Penis.
>openly mocked the government in that post
>"lmao fucking liberals and their hypocrisy xD"
I know everything I need to know about you. Thank you.
I'll never understand why people who practically no possessions feel so beholden to an economic system that allows the few to gobble up almost everything and charge the many at an expense that barely allows them to live.
Capitalism is a pretty shit system, m8s.