
According to a 2016 poll, 86% of Serbs perceive Russia as Serbia's biggest enemy, while the percentage was significantly higher in 2015, at 93%.

"Svinorusi" is a Serbian slur and is widely used in Serbian Internet forums

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Pigs are cool



>tfw my name is Nikita

That's a strong fucking slur, good job Serbs.

But why?

But wait, serbs are the biggest russia worshippers on Sup Forums.


Ok, I understand I am responding to obvious bait, but there are plenty of tards on here that believe the first thing they see:

>that pic

loosely translated to "Russians pigs may not enter" - France boycotts Russian fans

2. >86% of serbs
Complete bs. No source even mentioned, this would be more accurate:

Not even a word. I am a Serb diaspora and have lived more than half my life in Belgrade. Never had I heard of such a thing. People quite like Russia, idiotically in fact, because they "haven't bullied us like Amurrica" and are "le orthodox brothers" meme.

yeah this guy is insanely and desperately shitposting on rus threads

Classic russian disinformation
Meanwhile the russian justice ministry has brought a case forwards in the russian supreme court to declare jehovahs witness' a radical group and ban their head offices from operating in russia.


Are they really this genre blind? The first sign of budding dictatorship is always banning jehovahs witness' because of their refusal to acknowledge secular power and refusing to be conscripted.

technically speaking, is it just towards Russian citizens or just ethnic Russians from anywhere?

B-but muh westcucks!!!


russia has a trend of showing its border countries it is to be mistrusted

this has translated pretty far though, serbia doesn't even border russia

If Albania goes to defend Kosovo, do you think Bosniaks and Croats will join in?

Russian 1906's year latin


My sochranili v tajně
Vsě tvoi sekrety
Nerealĭny sny
I tak chotim obratno
No zakryty dveri

Glupaja vesna
Plačet s kryš domov
Ja s toboj s uma sojti
Gotov davno

S*bs are worser than chechens desu.

I really doubt the frogs actually cared about it.

>I'm pretty sure this offensive picture will prevent the angry bydlo fans from coming to my shop. Nothing bad's gonna happen.

Please dont start a war in Balkanlar.

t. concerned erdoge