Why isn't lacrosse big?
Why isn't lacrosse big?
No one?
It's big in the NE and Central USA.
In the south, other sports can be played nearly year round.
Also, most schools don't spend money on the sport in high school (9-12 grades), and give that money to Amer. football and basketball.
>it's popular in cold places.
p.s... have you ever had *real* Parmigiano-Reggiano ??
It's a sport where many of the best players would never think of going pro because they can work in finance or go to law school and make way more money.
It's too rich and white for its own good.
Need monies to play
same reason hockey really isn't. It is expensive. A good stick can cost upwards of 175$. Then if you play in a cold climit because its a spring sport you have to rent indoor rings. And the learning curve from middle to highschool to college is crazy and pros dont get paid shit. My older coach was a pro for the lizards back in the day and he said he would maybe make an extra 10k a year if that after all the travel.
and to come back to this. My club team was about 2.5k a year times that buy 4years and then Ive dropped 10k a lax club that was lacking in all and any decent facilities having to practice from 10-1am on some mediocre POS tennis courts.
Pro-lax is boring af to watch. few hits, more slow technical work.
I played lacrosse for 5 years. It's a terrible sport
because is not a tv sport friendly sport
everyone i know who played lacrosse seriously were just guys who weren't good enough at hockey. its nobodies 1st choice sport. Same problem as soccer except it's a million times less popular
Expensive. Not a lot of exposure. People hate it for some reason. Seriously, I'll tell people that I play lacrosse and they say "ew I hate lacrosse" so I ask if they've ever watched a real game. Always the same sheepish "well, no..."
>it's nobody's first choice sport
Explains why it's Canada's national sport. Cuck.
Why isn't your dick big?
it is ice hockey for fags too poor to skate
>People hate it for some reason.
Can nearly guarantee that is all cucks hating it because its seen as a white sport
It's seen as a sport for upper-class kids. Also, the Duke lacrosse case had an unbelievable influence on the image of the sport (even though they were all innocent).
It's their "national sport" officially, but not in reality.
Not a lacrosse fan but ice hockey and figure skating have way too much in common. Maybe that's why they fight so much.
It's boring to watch. Also it's pretty similar to ice hockey, but with everything babby-fied. No need to skate, or control a puck. You just run around on your feet carrying the ball in a little basket on your pole. LAME. Lacrosse is like watching Barcelona do their tiki taka. Its too easy to control the ball so you see the whole team just pass it around in circles about the net until finally someone launches a shot, which you cant see because its just a tiny little ball. Then everyone jogs down the other way and it repeats with roles reversed. Actually it kinda reminds me why I thought handball was very boring too. It's like handball played with sticks.
You're wrong, most kids playing lacrosse do it as their second sport, hockey being there first
Even though it's played in New York, with a bunch of Italians and Native Americans.
Yeah I forget about those things. With that guy from Virginia who murdered that Yeardly Love. Bad apple spoils the bunch
its big-ish in new england, Pennsylvania, the DMV, and Carolinas. Apparently more and more schools (hs+college) are starting up lacrosse teams each year so that means it's growing but idk, part of what allured me to it was that its kind of a special snowflake sport, and hoes loved hearing you played
who /fogo/ here
its nobodies first sport senpai, its a spring sport ffs, kids play it just to stay in shape during the offseason before they get out for summer break. Everyone on my team played football, soccer, hockey, basketball, wrestling and xc in the fall/winter seasons.
its very popular as a youth recreational sport in eastern USA.
At a high school level it's pretty big here in the Northeast.
It's mostly only rich white kids that play it though
What is a lacrosse and why is it not big?
because trust-fund stick is really only played by those with trust-funds...so you know a much smaller population of people
>Notre Dame lacrosse would booty blast all these teams
I'm a college lacrosse player, I have to be honest.
The main reason it's not popular is because it's extremely boring to watch, fun to play and I'm grateful for the opportunity to put a massive dent into my college debt, but I get why it's not popular.
Very fun to play though.
Even more boring to watch.
Literally the worst spectator sport in history. Not even remotely interesting to watch.
Who /yfmoc/ here?