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Winnipeg @ Detroit Gamethread
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nth for Ded Wongs vs Moose
Cool hand luuuuke
>how big will the lead be before Detroit screws up
predictions for the minute of the jets winning goal? im thinking 87
Hockey is only 60 minutes bro lol
too much fifa fuck, you know i meant 57
>tfw I will never marry this girl and her big nose
Why even..
Tonight's song of the game, powered by Kmart, will be:
when's laine getting sent to ahl?
If they're playing 2 lines of actual AHL plugs I see no reason in sending Laine there
niggers don't actually watch the sport. they just like the teams colors because it matches their shoes.
Pretty cool article tbf.
>"Finland is neither very fertile, comfortable nor happy"
easy there bud
>mad at 2pac
try talking to one of them sometime. they just smile and nod, and then admit later on that they don't actually follow the team.
but onto more important on topic things. pic related.
>my anecdotal evidence is universally true
you're on the wrong board
I need some goose and sauce
ITT your safespace apparently
>based wongs
>gordie howe special night
>pizza arena is half-full
Niggers don't watch hokei do they?
Even a bust can score when Ded wongs meme them out of the play
Corporate seats, scalpers, sold out, etc
if anyone is upset about a "safespace" it's you :^) im just telling you that you're wrong
>this shitty NHL network intermission report
You're wrong about him being wrong. He's totally right.
Maybe this isn't the place for you...
Everyone is wrong and should be talking about hockey instead of identity politics. People who talk about such things are a cancer upon humanity.
Talking about black people pantomiming interest in hockey IS talking about hockey you oversensitive Sup Forumsposter
why does it always seem like the joe is half empty, wings fans? Serious question.
Perhaps, but when it veered off course the discussion was no longer relevant or useful. Both posters revealed themselves to be insufferable faggots. Sup Forums should stay on Sup Forums. Same goes for Tumblr. This is why all week I've watched almost nothing but Cartoon Network this week, sick of the garbage political ads.
Sitting in the lower part of the arena fetches a very high price from scalpers. Beyond that many of the seats are season tickets owned by corporations that rarely get filled. Everyone is shitfaced drunk in the upper level and you can't see them on TV.
yeah, THATS the reason why you watch nothing but cartoon network
You're not too far off base, I am a manchild and an autist. I watch other channels though. They're usually showing cartoons too.
Is that Tupac and Dave Chappelle?
>Cartoon Network
You should stay on tumblr
Will Tatar ever score in this season?
I don't go on there. I'm too lazy to even go to Sup Forums most of the time.
Please just leave this board asap your kind is not welcome here
Shut up, I'm watching the game.
It's tupac
At least start using a trip so everyone else knows to instinctively hate you as they should
Yuh huh, I'm listening
you're shitposting off topic SJW propaganda, is what you're doing.
I don't like SJWs or alt right faggots. But hey, I'll be whatever you want to be. Whatever makes you mad.
This better be a fucking goal
>I'm neutral that means im rodeoing a high horse yaddaya
And you think that's good. While shitting up the thread with your shit opinions like they're the only ones allowed.
I'm not exactly neutral. I just don't like identity politics spouting political extremists. Left or right they are shitty people. Like you. You're probably not even watching this game, you haven't said a word about it. Keep fishing.
You're the one, the only one, who turned it towards identity politics. That is Sup Forumsposting. Stop it.
Yeah, I dont think wongs will get past the first round either. Their defense is shit.
Not really. Anyway how about that Laine goal? Did you agree with the no goal getting overturned? Are you watching this game or are you too much of a fucking retard to use the catalog so you got sidetracked and ended up in the wrong thread arguing with a 27 year old autist who brought you down to his level? That's what I thought.
Your youth explains everything.
I would have had you pegged for 19 though.
If you're any older than me you need to question what you're doing with your life even more than I initially thought. Anyway the point I was making still stands, this is a zero sum game. Time for you to go back where you came from.
what's up with this grandpa color guy? I've never watched a Wings broadcast before.
>"i'll tell him im old then he'll take me seriously!"
>he thought 27 was old
>"you're old i can't take you seriously!"
literal child mentality
See again
Don't question it, just kick back, pop open a Vernors and listen.
Keep going.
>good ol grapes
>the rink
>the ice
oh dear.
RIP Montoya
Got that game open on my laptop while the Wings game is on my TV. It's fuckin ugly.
that's putting it so mildly its borderline offensive.
What a bunch of bullshit
made up for the high stick goal
The fuck refs?
Heard of make up penalties but guess makeup goals are a thing too
Mickey preaching lol
>not a penalty shot
not even once
wow what a power play 0__0
>Jets get hyper aggressive during a power play against them
Is this their strategy
Foligno is their goddamn strategy.
Feels a little better knowing that the goal wasn't refpuck tbf. They should be able to show the replay quicker though
>trips dont lie
Get out of here akoocheemoya.
The joe is rockin tonight
Wish it was anyone but Abdul Qadir. Hate his guts.
Tampa fan?
Enough of this shit
... this team
Whatever happens tonight, and least we won't be trading our goalie to the Avs and watching him win a cup.
Fuark! My stream keeps turning to shit.
this is a good physical game
You need to get Kodi and install the VidTime addon. See koditips.com
They have a 5000K 720p 60fps stream tonight
Byfuglien is the biggest meme player in the league. Really can't tell if he is a fucking idiot or a hockey genius 90% the time
Larkin's gonna step up, but I have a bad feeling it'll be a perfect pass to Helm, who will decide not to shoot.