33yo virgin with small dick no money (med shool debt over 100 k), bald...

33yo virgin with small dick no money (med shool debt over 100 k), bald, 260 lbs 5ft7 was asked out on a date by a hot 8/10 6ft2 riped girl , and i dont know what to do. to nervous.

What kind of doctor are you?

That doesn't work and you are going to fuck your dick up, moron.

realise you're gonna get dumped because you're too neurotic and don't show up for the date

no enough studies show there is a signifikant effect and its also fda approved.

That's because there isn't a significant effect retard. It doesn't matter anyway because the thread isn't about the image

pics of girl or fake

Can't spell "Ripped", can't punctuate correctly, doesn't know the difference between " to" and "too", claiming was a med student. Literally kill yourself please.

someones mad that they didnt make it into medschool

you dont have to be an american in order to study medicine, its mostly multiple choice questions you dont have to write text books, even the OSCE test ist mainly practical with only MC


She's sniffing your med degree, you're her stock option, to be cashed once it's on the money.

By all means enjoy the ride, just don't do the signing.

As for the nervous part, she's the one who should be nervous, her looks are linked to the clock, every year it gets closer to hitting the wall.

Trade CFDs. Use a demo account until you feel confident to use real money.

but i dont make any cash, as a resident in the hospital i work 100 h a week and make maybe 30 K a year with student debt still to pay. i will be aroudn 38-39 when i finish residency in surgery and only after that , i can start my own private praxis

Sometimes I wallow in despair knowing that I'm just and always will be a neet but then I think about people like you with these huge ass student debts and think that life isn't so bad after all keep it up wage cuck I need my government funded munies


nigger how the hell are you so obese and work 100 hour weeks?

Poast her pic and we can give advice

That's how stock options work.

i did look above

Where's the problem? Just jerk off and go on a nice walk in a Park with her and afterwards eat somewhere

fuck her, faggot

as someone who was facing similar circumstances, such long work hours = fast food and snacking just to keep going. You are too tired to think about healthy eating, or cooking yourself, everything is about convenience, time saving and 'I need energy now'

I will fap to her to make you feel better no need to thank me

Looks like bad news OP.
Fuck her and get out.
Also don't get her pregnant.

I work with doctors all day, every day. They're no better at spelling and grammar than you guys.

I too am thinking about becoming a surgeon, would you recommend?

Agree to go on the date and smoke some heroin to relax yourself before hand.

watch those tv series, like Scrubs when the Janitor tells JD hey makes more money than him, or Greys Anatomy where they work all the time and have no cash at all. thats real live. For the amount of time you need in order to get through med shool, you could go to wall street with not even half the input and make more money in 1 year than in your life time as a surgeo slaving away in hospitals. You only make money as a doctor when you are in your fifties and have your own big private praxis, but for that you need a couple of million dollars as a start up and connections.if it is about money dont ever go to med shool, if it is about cutting people open and getting away with it then do become one

Good to know, gonna be poor fag forever confirmed. Thanks user!

what do you think of the girl?

bitch is trying to play the "I'm marrying a doctor" card on you. She doesn't know ur probably some loser dropout.
She neednt know until the deed is done
Be extra vigilant OP, our hope are with you

I know that bitch! She used to date a football legend.

ur mum was my football and my legend

whats the name? then what the fuck she wants to do with me, i look like a hobbit

prob this

This any good was going to buy one

hahaha 8/10 my ass. she def doesnt look like a trophy wife to me. Does have a degenerate lip piercing so would drop her just for that.

Dude, I'm just saying she looks like the crazy chick from Waterboy. But let's be real for a moment. You are being a neurotic little bitch about this. It's like you are already thinking about marriage, and you aren't even on the first date yet. You need to just focus on having a good time on that one evening and that's it. If she seems crazy, don't go out again. If she seems cool enjoy yourself. Worry about getting a titty in your mouth. Just don't cum in her. She looks a little on the nutty side.

iam a virgin i can get barerly hard , with condom i can not get even a boner so if it happens i will nut in her as solng she tells me she takes the pill. 33 yo virgin here dont forget. well she is 5 years younger then me, and she does pole dancing for a living (as a gym course).....even send me pictures

op posts dickpic, but wants to talk about his imaginary 'not' girlfriend fucking kek


>poledance for living
>gym course
of course
>even send pic
so where the fuck are these pics

u want help for free? go to communist north korea

observing foolish Americans is better than porn

if i do go out on a date should i pay? iam broke after all and dont see why is shoudl pay for a date and not everybody his own share

The hero we all need.

Fucking lol

She probably lost a bet, OP.

true dubs

i dont think so since it was a tinder match and she wrote to me

Just lay back and let her fuck you. It'll hurt a little at first but once she gets going you'll get used to it.
Make sure not to fart while she's fucking you. Total turn off. Wouldn't want your fart air going up her dick hole.

yea that doesn't seem like a lost bet:
look at that ugly fat fuck, u have to like and u have to invite to a date

go for it user

Your a piece of shit and as soon as you say this autism to her she'll fucking skip out. So this thread is now irrelevant.
That being said, /thread

show pic of the biatch


Hahaha you're the worst

God damn, this bitch looks psycho. Probably gonna beat you up and take your money and pants, leaving you in the street crying with your fat Hobbit dick hanging out.

>Predicting the future.

al least you learned how to green text

I've been on chan for seven fucking years.
>Go fuck yourself

and still get triggert so easy, sure
triforce me

be nice he's new here

Didn't mean to delete that.
Anyway, eh, dude. To be honest, I've just been messing with you. You're probably an alright guy and she fell in love with your personality. When women get older and mature, they realise looks arent really everything. They look beyond it and view your for you.

My only true advice is work on your confidence. It's in bad, bad shape. You have to think you're awesome, then people will think the same. You can't go out with her saying this sad shit all the time. Just be cool and enjoy yourself.

You'll probably have a good time, dude. Just go with the flow. Don't think, just enjoy yourself.

>Best advice you're gonna get on this hellhole site. Enjoy.

Who said anything about being American? user was pointing out that OP types like a drooling retard.