Is this the Neon Genesis Evangelion of music?

Is this the Neon Genesis Evangelion of music?


No, that's MBDTF


Yes. They're both held in the highest esteem by those uninitiated to the medium. When you've acquired a taste for true art you'll find the supreme masterpieces are Safe as Milk (for musics) and Futatsu no Spica (for animations).

naw that album had an end that was coherent.

Safe as Milk is dime a dozen blues rock

9/10 doesn't sound "dime a dozen" to me. Care to share your music critiquing credentials?

care to suck my dick bitch

this. i was thinking about this the last time someone posted this thread. i'd write something explaining why i think this, but it'd be the cringiest waste of time to write that. so give it a week and i'll post it when this thread gets made again.

It's the grilled cheese of music

NGE is overrated.

Fucking exlain why you say that.


but so is OKC

it's the ghost in the shell of music though

Will someone answer why OP says that? I listened OK computer a fucking shit ton of times and saw NGE even more, ??

MBDTF is the akira of music
or would that be graduation

>Care to share your music critiquing credentials?

Please let this be a meme.

Non-weeb here. Explain what this post is trying to say, pls.

Yes. Kid A is EoE.

it's not our fault you're clinically retarded. I'll give you a hint though, it not entirely about the musical content.

I don't know because I'm not a weeb loser lol

My favourite tv show of all time, and yeah it's pretty fuckin overrated. I'm getting tired of people evangelizing (amirite) media made to make money for wealthy people


Is it because they both deal with loving something you've never truly known?