What's the point of rap if you have to read the lyrics to actually understand it?

What's the point of rap if you have to read the lyrics to actually understand it?

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Pic related?

unless you're pretentious, of course

completely unrelated, just had this screenshot on my desktop

What political test is that?


there's always intuition user

This is a weird complaint. Once you read the lyrics a few times and know them, it can make some songs even better.
Why does the extra step bother you OP?

well, somebody posted an album of Milo in some other thread and I realized that I had to read the lyrics because otherwise you can't really understand it. It just sounded like any other rap song.

Guess rap just isn't your thing. It's cool.

I like it though, it's just that it feels overwhelming sometimes because I feel like I need to precisely understand what they are singing about

You can say this about any genre of music. Why are you singling out rap?

instrumental music doesn't have this property

Of course it does unless it is very simple instrumental music or you have a superficial understanding of it.

how does instrumental music have lyrics?

op is stupid

You both should be hanged.

post link to quiz?


Honest question: Why would you even want to read rap lyrics? Rap has some of the worst lyrics of any genre I've ever heard.

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