Will Season 20 change the world as we know it?

Will Season 20 change the world as we know it?

probably not!

Who is Sup Forums's favourite character?

Mr Mackie/Butters/Cartman here

randy marsh

I bet you enjoy the films of Mr. Dead Pool

Randy/Stan man myself.

cartman, goth kids and jesus

Mr Hankey and Towelie

Detective Harris, Cartman and J-J-Jimmy

Mr Garrison. Maybe not so much in later seasons but earlier seasons he was funnier.

*clangs triangle*


Cartman, then they ruined him. After that Randy, but they ruined him too. I guess Stan now.

Kenny, Mr. Mackie and Detective Harris.

mah nigga. Not even gay but he's fucking cute

Kenny doesn’t act like a cunt even though he is poor and lives in a shitty environment, He likes breasts and toilet humor and has died for my amusement many times.

too many to name

Favorite episodes? I would say Stanley’s cup and Free Wilzyx.

Nothing beats Cartmanland

Best bro too. I really didn't expect him to be so caring

I saw the wikileaks one a couple of days ago and I didn't realize how funny it was.

"The comedy writer has been dating his partner Boogie Tillmon for several years, and they live with her 11-year-old son from a previous relationship.

They are now set to welcome a new addition to the household as Tillmon is expecting the couple's first child together."


Yeah, the Hawaii episode showed that side of him quite well.

I hope parenthood doesn’ŧ screw up his sense of humor.

Funniest characters are golden-age cartman and butters followed closely by post-peak Randy

As far as likable characters I think it has to be Stan, right? Stan is a cool guy.

nah Kenny is definitely the most likeable character in the show