Interesting historical pictures/images thread 4

Interesting historical pictures/images thread 4










Interesting enough, we knew at this time that smoking was deleterious to your health (thanks to the National Socialists), yet such misleading ads like this were still prevalent.





Keep 'em comin




you are The One









What's this? Also. Bump.



The first sighting of Led Zeppelin


historic kek









am I the only one who sees a white face down at the bottom of the tomb (or whatever it is)?




how was it not common logic that inhaling smoke and fumes isn't healthy back then? I can't even begin to understand...


JFK and Marilyn Monroe


thats called advertising you retard. if you take it as literal you are the one who is a fool



Because homes burned coal and oil for heat, factories belched smoke daily, and most cars had visible exhaust. why would a cigarette be different?



i wonder if this was played like Wizards' Chess

eerily beautiful




Don't be a faggot and smoke a camel

Not OP but looks like the Rock of Gibralter in the 1930s

Where was this taken


>look at me being retrospectively smarter than everyone else now that decades have passed and I can safely make a judgement without taking any risk of being wrong

Kill yourself.


This man hustles harder than any one of you faggots. Also, bump.


What a beautiful place the world use to be

Not even because of the Nazis -- "everyone" knew cigarettes caused cancer since the turn of the century, particularly in the years after WW1 when all the 16-yr-old soldiers coming back addicted to cigs started getting lung disease within a decade.

cigarettes, oil, equity, and diamonds have been the basis for supervillain-tier evil companies in the 20th century. Crazy shit.





>soldiers coming back started getting lung disease within a decade
>the obvious explanation back then had to be cigarettes and not the widespread use of mustard gas, *I* would have known guys, if only they asked me

Seriously, just kill yourself.


That's pretty funny

That's a room Trump would love

>we decide to wear these



are you retarded, thats a palace, who the fuck wouldn't love that room?

you are aware you cannot just add "trump" top a post and think everyone is going to agree with you.


this has to have been shopped, no fucking way it's real


"I'm trying to look cool here kid, crouching behind this fence like I'm in combat -- quit photobombing the shot and scram."

*psst* It's a joke about it being gold...


i think, though i may be wrong (and didnt post original pic), its from an indiana jones film shoot.


As much as I hate that retarded piece of cloth and Islamic rules in general, the hijab was legally banned in Iran back then though.



psst. just saying the word "trump" doesn't automatically imply a punch line.





I think the Grand Hall in Central Station Chicago (famously filmed in the staircase shootout in The Untouchables).