Can we talk about black holes?

Can we talk about black holes?

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I think UFO's use black holes to travel long distances



.I have no idea what NYPA means so I'll spam it

Your mom has a black hole.

You're retarded. You've fallen before even reaching the first hurdle. The gravity in and around black holes is so great that ANY object that enters will be crushed so completely there is no hope of ever returning to its initial state.

Eww no, I don't like nigger ass

Firewall or turn to spaghetti?

Its actually a large brown hole

Okay maybe for humans but I am talking about alien spaceships

yeah I don't know why people thought black hole = something you can go through

it never made any sense

Wormholes are a different story.. but black holes just mean dead

I didn't say any human, you dumb fuck. I said any OBJECT.

The bigger the black hole, the less they eat.
Betya didn't know that.

Conservation of information and Hawking radiation. Dumbfuck.

And you know what technology aliens have or have been in a black hole?

Fuck you hawking radiation has never been observed.

Exactly this. Worm holes are largely theoretical, but at least they have the potential of being a method of travel. A black hole will crush you in an extreme relativistic way. You would experience length contraction and time dilation in such an extreme way that the term spaghettification is the only approximation we can provide for what would happen to an object that enters the event horizon.

lurk more

Black holes aren't actual holes, ya dangus!

It is incumbent upon you to provide the largest exception in the universe. It is so incredibly absurd of you to proclaim that such an impossibility could occur. It beggars belief that you think anyone would listen to such complete and utter shit and not think you're retarded. Technology, no matter how advanced, can not overcome a magnitude of spacetime that is theoretically infinite.

I think our universe is inside of a black hole. The big bang was a star imploding into a black hole.

When did I say the information was destroyed? Hawking radiation is theoretical and not strictly an object, even in theory. If the object is distorted by the gravity in a black hole you can not return it to its original state.

Japanese science man says that if you were able to envelop your ship in a bubble of antimatter you would be able to pass through to the singularity unharmed

nasa never talks about purple holes

And he has experimental data to back this up? As far as I can tell, this is conjecture. We know next to nothing about antimatter and even less about black holes. How in the fuck would someone be able to confirm or deny such baseless conjecture?

why does this make my dick get hard

I have no idea what would lead you to believe this. Are black holes in our universe just recursive universes? Is it universes all the way down? Get back to me when you've flushed out your hypothesis and I would be more than happy to consider it.

Seems like you'll have to lurk g/furs now
rip my dude

>thumbnail looks weird
>think its some NASA pic
>open pic
>its a dogs asshole
how do I forget where I am


god damnit thought this was an /x/ thread now I'm horny

>doesn't know what a black hole is or how it behaves
>proceeds to shit on someone else's hypothesis
Hey bro nice job you really should him since you're the master of black hole knowledge!


Nice post! I especially enjoyed your usage of the word "should" when you meant "showed." If you could provide the instance(s) of my incorrect knowledge of black holes, that'd be great.


In addition: I wasn't shitting on his hypothesis, I was genuinely curious about what led him to the formation of his hypothesis.

You are so gross lol

You are usage. Wow you're fucking retarded.



it's not infinite in any sense

So you own fucking retarded? Strange that one could possess fucking retarded, but you're the expert on being fucking retarded here. I shall defer to your retarded judgment.

my gf got one, she died

itt: a bunch of people who have never taken a physics or astronomy class past grade 11

So you're just gonna state some shit and not even try to back it up? A black hole is a point mass with infinite density (as massively oversimplified in my physics text book). Therefore, the gravity produced is theoretically infinite. Obviously it isn't literally infinite or the universe would have been sucked into the first black hole that occurred.

how can you own retarded, are your retarded?

I am a college physics student in my final year of undergrad. I'm not the most knowledgeable person on the subject by far, but jesus these fucking kids make me cringe.

you possess retardation you dont be it

It's not the hull of the ship. Look up "spaghettification" in relation to black holes. Your body would literally be stretched apart by the tidal forces. The hull of the ship wouldn't matter.

Also, black holes don't "go" anywhere. A wormhole might go somewhere, but they're incredibly unstable. Most wormhole equations show a breakdown at something not much heavier than a proton trying to traverse them.

It was a joke playing off the fact that he is incapable of discerning when to use you're as opposed to your. The sentence with his correction would read "Wow your fucking retarded." implying that the fucking retarded belongs to him.

It's not ANTI-matter.

It's "exotic" matter, whole different concept. Exotic matter would have a negative mass. Both matter and antimatter have positive mass.

sory my england very small i am russia

>because you have to take a course in an educational institution to have knowledge on a subject

Kinda looks like a guy giving anal

see You don't possess the retarded unless you own retarded slaves. You may possess retardation, but that would make you retarded none the less.

Roople pooples?

Nigger you need to lurk more. He meant to greentext.

I am not too familiar with black holes at all, my question is that do you think in the next millennium we will figure out a way for a manned ship to travel even close to the location of a black hole? This question is partially based on your knowledge of black holes as well as your knowledge of where you think science is heading today.

Maybe he was suffered a nerve gas attack and forgot how to greentext.

>implying you're a mindreader

>Can we talk about black holes?

Nigger cunt?

in b4 beyonce

yea autocorrect got me, and he probably got it from Neil Degrasse Tyson, I remember him talking about on the show Cosmos

The fact that none of you posted a black asshole proves this site isnt what it used to be

>This thread

Look at me spewing out sciency words without understanding their meaning.

A manned ship could travel fairly close to a black hole right now if we had cryostasis and very powerful thrusters. The issue comes when you travel close enough to the event horizon to start feeling relativistically large gravity. anywhere between 1g and 10g due to the black hole would be close enough to be scared out of your mind. Although then the question becomes "why would you want to see something that swallows all of the light that comes too close?" You wouldn't be able to see much of anything significant past the crazy shit happening around the event horizon.

>When you try to ask a legitimate question but it's just people calling each other niggers

Let's talk holographic theory!

Interesting stuff, let me summarize:
- both quantum mechanics and relativity are two prevailing aspects of physics, both considered to be true
- yet they oppose each other when involving black holes! (hawking is wrong)
- quantum mechanics says: matter can never be lost
- relativity (hawking's black hole theory) says: all matter is lost in a black hole and cannot escape
- there must be a way round this as energy CANNOT be lost
- quantum physics states that something cannot be in two places simultaneously, yet black holes cannot work in this way:
- essentially.. matter sucked into a black hole must exist at the same time, in the same amount, outside the black hole in a "holographic" field
- the horizon of the black hole acts as a holographic film, where matter inside the black hole is projected on the outside of black hole
- thus, is the matter inside the black hole real, or the matter being projected as an apparent hologram real? how can we know? is the universe a hologram induced by the horizon of the universe itself?

from memory, don't quote me lol


That would still be pretty impractical consider our solar system is 8 kiloparsec or about 26 thousand light years from the center of our galaxy (where a black hole is)

It blew my mind when I found out he actually said this.

What does Sup Forums think about this black hole?

Largely theoretical? You mean they're a little bit observable? Stop chatting shit to try and seem smart.


you forgot to call him a dumbfuck

I'll try not to be too nitpicky as you're going off memory. I have quite a few issues with the presuppositions. Quantum theory does not translate to things that aren't on a subatomic scale. You can find the quantum wavelength of a planet but it isn't gonna tell you anything about the planet's behavior because it isn't on the quantum scale. A black hole deals in mass quantities that are much too large to be governed by quantum behavior in the standard sense. When scientists talk about an object being at two places at once, they are actually referring to an electron showing an interference pattern that is indicative of two light sources interfering with each other (within the context of a double slit experiment). This is strange because it implies that an electron can interfere with itself. We have no idea why this occurs, but we know that it doesn't occur in the macroscopic universe ever. And I wish I had paid more attention in class the day that my professor was talking about it, but in quantum mechanics there are a few instances where matter and energy are completely lost.

I'm gonna take a shot in the dark an assume that the poster meant they're largely theoretical in that most of the established information on them is theory, rather than observation, or was that just the only thing you had to pick apart?


You UFO alien to earth? Yes we are here. Make ready

What do you mean "a little bit observable?" As far as I know there have been no confirmed sightings of a wormhole, making it largely theoretical by virtue of not being testable.

You'd be crushed from relative space. Inside the deformed pocket both you and your environment will "shrink." You don't actually get crushed by pressure.

Ok, they're the opposite of the stupid
>holes in space
explanation we're always hearing and anyone who acts like they know exactly or next-to exactly what is going on in the center of 1 and then mocks theism is an idiot.

I've referenced time dilation and length contraction in other posts, but I appreciate the correction.


I.e. if you were going into the black hole you'd see the world outside it blow up and slow down.

Interesting ... yet hawking himself has admitted that his theory on black holes was wrong due to this opposition. However your points seem to be pretty sound. Weird. Wish I currently paid attention in class :)

literally got excited,expected some new discovery, a "purple hole",something amazing...aaaand its a retarded mans porn

I think Hawking may have passed his prime as a scientist. I respect him a great deal as a scientist but I think Einstein is the perfect example of the degradation of the brain that occurs with age. Einstein was resistant to the concept of quantum mechanics which greatly hindered his final project in life (the unifying theory of everything).

"I must confess that I was not able to find a way to explain the atomistic character of nature. My opinion is that … one has to find a possibility to avoid the continuum (together with space and time) altogether. But I have not the slightest idea what kind of elementary concepts could be used in such a theory.”

One day I vow to go visit his brain. Wonder if IQ is contagious.

Length contraction works the same way on both sides of it. This may fuck your brain a bit, but if you're moving near the speed of light then an observer at rest will see your length contract and you will see the length of everything at rest that you move past contract as well.

>the crazy shit happening
yes this is what I would want to see

I'm more interested in what you wouldn't be able to see. I must admit that it would be quite a sight to see spacetime bending and light being "eaten" by the black hole, but those things tell us only what we already know about the nature of a black hole.

>double slit experiment
look up pilot wave theory if you're not already familiar

also you are totally right about quantum mechanical no apply outside the quantum level however black holes would interfere with individual atoms so the forces governing quantum movement may apply

That makes sense when you're receiving light beams along the path at the same point. However this is a condensed matter pocket where OP would be resting, meaning the leading effect is an intensification of particle interaction i.e. relative acceleration of time and expansion of space.

i supply

r & d for mass negating super cold
toriodal magnets,tachyon speed transmission for a probe that can get inside the damn things,look around,either return them,or record whats inside,where it goes,
all instruments we possess now are not up to universe exploration


the purple light

Balderdash, we're on the cusp of becoming immortal.

Interesting. I've not heard of an inverse relative behavior being observed due to condensed matter, but in a hand wavey way it makes sense that condensed matter would behave inversely to an extreme velocity.