No rekt thread?

No rekt thread?
REKT Thread!

Other urls found in this thread:



Literally though.

Did ISIS film this??????

Turn off the sound.

That file kek


Gimme sauce faggot


Holy shit...

is that website legal in the US


butch chicks still hit like girls

>is that website legal in the US

being this new

Not too familiar with the site but as long as it doesn't have cp its legal.

I want this to be real so fucking much

How did they get that inside-the-head footage? Crazy technology.

I just moved to the US from Mexico

I dont know if it does. I don't trust assholes on here.

It's safe, mate. Not banned in America.

go back

Only legal in mexico, faggot

NO senor I like the US please don't let Mister Trump send me back.


Not gonna lie, I flinched the first time. The damn sound.....


What a shitty way to die


he has ascended all dimensions

Fuck I know they get annoying when they're senile but jesus try something a bit more subtle.

>"oh yeah, I forgot my car is on fire"

Not this one.

I always suspected that the head wouldn't lose consciousness straight off. Some french faggot did some research on this after a guillotine. The head can be alert and responsive if it suffers no crushing trauma.

Jesus fuck


Stupid nigger


I hate the internet sometimes

why is he flailing like a kitchen

Why is humanity a thing?


I hope the rat scratched his insides to death




Lishten with this

Flailing like a kitchen?

Nigga set his own car on fire and cops didn't shoot him?? BLM/10

Fuck, i mean this



didnt expect that



So did someone died



>flailing like a kitchen

> I thought this was a rekt thread?


poor dog knows its about to get the living shit beat out of it

I like how he stares down the other guy like it was somehow his fault



I like how every time that webm is posted, someone points that out.



Shit, not that spin




Fucking kek his face at the end always get me.
sheit mayne



Hannibal was such a good fucking show




actually the guy walked away on his feet

That was from the show Hannibal.



back to the future


Notice how the white girls both walked past, while the niggers both instantly tried to grab it.


Niggers are kikes, they can notice free stuff from miles away. Only difference is that, niggers=random stuff while kikes=your shekels.

Oldie but goodie...

underground a bomb test??

I am confused.

I can't watch it and I'm in America

They had to see this coming.

You know he got his scrawny ass raped in prison

Think the first guy suffered more he was staring up at his balls

A bitch bites a bitch

niggers gonna nig

Wtf, airstrike?

Guy Smokes; Laced With Pure Meth and PCP In Controlled Experiment On The Brain

Satanic trips too...

No, your mom queefed.

>info in the metadata

The last season sucked