Anyone got some alternatives to shooting up my school? Anything helps

Anyone got some alternatives to shooting up my school? Anything helps

killing yourself

Maybe don't shoot up the school

Chew gum.

Go home and become a family man

stab people instead

>Play video games

But seriously OP don't do that, it's not good

suppress the urge like the rest of us and keep living until you die.

Yes. The alternative is to study hard, graduate, grow the fuck up and get a life

I forgot the name but there's a chemical you can buy online, where if you boil it into a vapor, it becomes so deadly it will wipe out the entire school in minutes. Burn it in the main hallway and it will float around to every room and kill everyone.

Yell "ALAHA ARKBAR" when you do it so anyone who lives to tell the tail will tell the news it was isis

Taking a bazooka

get addicted to drugs and loose control of your life for roughly 10 years, sure you'll suck dick for meth BUT it build character you'll become a better person

Talk to a girl

Seriously killing yourself

poison water supply

2 words propane bomb

Have the school shoot you up.

Learn the difference between
Lose and Loose
Mr. Drug Comedian Fag

do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it DO IT DO IT DO IT FUCKING DO IT OP

Throw a mattress into the school pool.

It becomes so heavy you need a crane to get it out.

sure got plenty...depends on how much time you want to spend in a jail cell....caution tho...your dick will rot off before you get out



>posting this on channel 4

Mount a gopro on your head, have it hooked up to a laptop which live streams your point of view as you shoot up the school.

Grenade the school, and Start a holy war. Yell deus vult when you Blow Up the school Honey. Dont be late for Dinner Luv u

Serial killer, draw out your kills over time for better effect. Might even get away with it if your smart about it. Serial arsonist is also pretty effective too, with a low chance of getting caught


Eh too Hanky

Holy fuck man LOL


>ask to go to the bathroom right before lunch
>strip naked
>take a huge shit
>cover yourself with feces
>wait till everybody is in the lunch area
>run through it flapping your arms and flinging shit everywhere
>now that you have everybody's attention
"911 was an inside job."

Shoot a load on to your teachers face or in them