i'm 40 minutes in and this is kino as hell
why isn't it talked about more
i'm 40 minutes in and this is kino as hell
why isn't it talked about more
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Did he died?
Because you discovered Sup Forums this summer. It was flavor of the month back in 2014 and since then Sup Forums grew out of it.
>white male gets shit done and is a good parental figure
gee i wonder
Maika is cute. CUTE!
Did you watch it?
Why is he so literally perfect?
This is a good movie. Dat bar fight is great and the soundtrack to the movie is awesome.
i've been here since 2005 fuck off.
if it was rly kino you wouldn't be here but watching it attentively
i can have 2 windows without overlapping
Fucking love it. 80's throwback done properly: by not drawing attention to it at all.
it's not kino, it's a more of a flick
it's a better version of drive
>kino as hell
I don't get it. It's cinema as hell?
Okay that's 100% incorrect
Cause it goes to shit in the second half.
I still liked it, but it's not kino
Yes. Did he died? Or gotten away?
He kills everyone except the two kids
goddammit nigga, the human brain can only focus on one thing at a time, stop shitposting and watch the goddamn movie you're gonna regret missing good shit
The crew behind this need to get on a Hotline Miami movie, with Dan Stevens as Jacket.
So he was a metahuman, right?
I think it's a fucking great film. Very well done.
kek it is
Also, is You're Next good? The Guest really gave me some high expectations from these guys
i saw you're next before checking this out now
i like this one more
you're next was ok, the atmosphere wasn't as good
Only for gothfu and the slapstick
I'd be down with that. Bar scene definitely conveys the type of speed that would make that work.
Mutant actually
>40 minutes in
You go on your computer/phone while watching a film? Disgusting.
He got away, it's literally the last scene.
the same concept behind universal soldier
Then why he not kill Loli Mia Malkova? He has to kill everyone to keep identity secret.
Clearly, it wasn't him.
Pretty sure he was a cyborg bro.
Doesn't need to eat or sleep, doesn't get drunk or high. Survives all kinds of injuries.
>shitposting in the middle of a movie
Do you have ADHD or what? Juts watch it
>not having transparent windows to allow you to shitpost
Would you expose an immortal madman?
He no longer saw her as a threat, since no one's gonna believe he's alive. They'll just attribute it to shock.
That's how I rationalize it anyways.
I'm a lot like the Guest 2bh. Handsome, warm, confident...but if you put me in a tight spot, I'm absolutely lethal.
It was him, you just don't know what happens next, that's part of every wingard movie
its meme tier trash anyways
was he a robot?
Sup Forums wasn't started until 2006
Second part was trash and ruined the vibe of the movie.
Also this guy gonna direct the Death Note adaptation, be ready to HOLD UP
It's worth a watch, but not as good as The Guest.
OP here, just finished.
8.4/10 better than Drive
That looks fucking awesome.
Thanks for the link, user.