Fridge Squad
Fridge Squad
It's OP's unique wit which brings me back to Sup Forums
Can someone explain why girls with big tits always have flat asses
White girls with big tits always have flat asses.
I'd eat out of that fridge if you know what I mean
Would you rummage around in the back for leftovers?
I'd like to stuff my meat in her, if you know what I mean
Can confirm gf has big tits no ass
You're getting a bit lewd.
Sorry, I'll tone it down
I don't know but it's definitely an Irish trait.
>big tits
My gf has both and isn't fat, so
>big tits
I laughed, but also felt a little grossed out.
No one here has a gf
just think, she had to do so much physical training and stunt work, and choreography, and post editing in order to get that body
I'd eat her roast beef tbqhwyf
I know, I was just memeing
nice pits
I've heard people say that there's only so much body fat to go around, so if a lot of it is in the breasts, it's not in the butt. I don't know how true that is, since I've googled it before and the % of total body fat stored in the breasts is pretty insignificant.
More likely, we're just not looking at things objectively. Assuming we're talking mostly about white women here, they generally don't have butts to begin with. Probably like 80% of white women have small/flat butts. So, big boobs or not, most likely they weren't going to have a nice butt to begin with. They were just going to be like every other square-shaped white girl with a flat chest and flat butt.
Also, we just automatically associate a woman with big boobs as being "built" or whatever you want to call winning the genetic lottery, so we figure she must have had the same luck with her butt. Holding them to that pretty high standard, you're inevitably disappointed when a chick with big boobs doesn't have a round butt. It’s possibly their butt is perfectly average, it just seems bad compared to their chest.
I'm going to dump some more of these because I feel like it
Feel free to make your own, here's the template
oh, fuck man
fuck, yes
oh god
oh yes
Thats why latinas are goat
High tier fridge coming through
>grossed out
I wouldn't mind tasting a little homemade fudge, she's that hot.
Why are you mean to her she's beautiful.
Her fat puss looks delicious
You could never score a thing like that.
she's not a fridge
>not a fridge
Go away Krager
Where do y'all buy fridges like this?
>crush ends up going full skank just to spite him
>user dies alone and bitter
Really makes you think
I buy everything on
>crush ends up going full skank just to spite him
Except that didn't happen
oh, is this based off of a real story or something?
I was just figuring how a moment of paranoia could ruin both people's lives
She wears underwear with penis holes in them
Also fridge
what are you implying, user
Now show the next chapter where the user goes on /r9k/ to talk about how women are whores before wondering why he's alone.
That really hits home