French and Germans hated each other for hundreds of years

>French and Germans hated each other for hundreds of years
>have massive wars to destroy each other
>get past all the hate and become best friends
>no more bombs or bullets just love

Is there anything more beautiful than the French German relationship? I'm so jealous

Other urls found in this thread:


Germany > France

The US-Britain relationship is pretty terrific. You tried to stop us from becoming independent, tried to burn our capital to the ground, tried to split our country in half during our civil war, then we got super rich and your government realized "hey, the Americans aren't so bad" and we've dominated the globe ever since.




Naaaahhh lad

Old France > Old and new Germany

>French german friendship

Doesn't exist. We just sit in the same boat. They don't like us. No one likes us.
Now please delete this thread.

>tried to split our country in half during our civil war

The Brits built and sheltered ships for the Confederacy during the Civil War.

My wife is Japanese and I'm a full blooded American. I love it. It's rather beautiful really. I met her parents and they're like 88 years old.

The British government didn't.

It's ironic but true Islam is a religion of peace

Bollocks, the British people were extremely anti slavery and the government would have gotten decimated for supporting an independence movement based entirely on slavery.

The "French-German friendship" is just France coming up with some new scheme to curb Germany, failing as usual, then acting like they didn't mean it while Germany remains oblivious like a dumb ox the entire time "fracne yu are my greadest ally :-DDDDDDD"

The CSS Alabama, the CSS Alexandria, and many other Confederate ships were built in Britain.

Now imagine if they just had split Alsace-Lorraine back in 1870 instead.
>tfw no Franco-German Entente

By the British government or by private British businesses?

>france wouldn't let germany unify unless they accepted the euro
>france thought this would equalise things if everyone had to share the same currency as germany

The French aren't known for being smart economists.

>let's make this highly industrialized export-oriented nation use the same currency as us! That will surely stop them from dominating our economy!

British private ventures built the ship with approval from British elite in a non-official sense

Britain would've been A-OK with joining the Confederacy in war against the US if France was willing to cooperate, but that never materialized

from my studies it was the opposite; napoleon iii was willing to join if the british did.

Alsace-Lorraine was never the reason. Imagine being the top dog of Europe for hundreds of years and over night instead of 500 tiny easily controllable powerless states you have an industrial giant as your neighbour, with a far larger population, army and economy. The french could never accept it. By the late early 1900's Alsace-Lorraine was as relevant as Dokdo i. e. it was a meme to rile up nationalist plebs. A French-German cooperation could only exist after both countries were BTFO in WW2.

I know this thread is supposed to be cynical shitposting but I unironically like them a lot and I hope they like us too.

You wanted the South's cotton.

We started growing cotton in India when the war started

they were willing to trade with the south
they are anti-slaves for themselves but would do business with a slave owning country

equality as a means

Still traded with the south because if was so damn cheap.

Do French men have more German gfs or do German men have more French gfs?

The Brits figured out that Indian/Egyptian cotton could more than make up for the loss of Southern cotton, especially since they were relying on American corn and wheat at the same time.

The true a beacon of reconciliation

NEED an answer to this

