Need people knowing hungarian to help me find someone, money prize included, 1000HRK (about 150USD)

need people knowing hungarian to help me find someone, money prize included, 1000HRK (about 150USD)

Other urls found in this thread: modell viki&espv=2&biw=1280&bih=894&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi72IWBgLPSAhUJ1iwKHZCkCDMQ_AUIBigB#imgrc=QYSRjYSt0YqELM:

Please explain.

bojler eladó

I don't know it myself and I need to find a hungarian girl and am willing to pay for your assistance

Only to fuck I suppose.

not important, only looking for anything of gher like a fb, wapp or instagram

alright i'll bite mi az óhajod

Why Hungarian?

because she live there and speaks the language so I suppose any online info on her will be on hungarian
post pic of validity, like an id with a timestamp (don't show name duhh) just so I see it's hungarian

That awkward when the Hungarian currency is HUF, not the Croatian HRK and 1000FUF roughly equals 4 USD...

yes but if I put 150USD on his account then he will convert it to his whatever with quite a bit of value

Oh I see so you need info on an exact person. I thought you just want to find anyone.

this is what I know so far
goes by viki(or vicky or vikki or victoria I don't know, just said viki when I met her)
met her on the set of the new robin hood(we are both extras) and I got info that she returned to Hungary, and she got the job because she had an account on some website for extras or something like that and they gave her a call when it was filmed, her role: ethnic extra

was retarded of me not to get contact but filming lasts until march 6th (in dubrovnik) and I thought I would see more of her


jesus christ you dont believe me im hungarian, let alone that i speak hungarian, just tell us something about her so we have something to work with


Look buddy, there are like 1 mill of vikis here and your description is a long-shot at best. Any by black I hope you not meant a gypsy because they are europe's niggers.

Eltéríthetem a thread-et?
Innentől magyar thread!

ánon mit evett ma?

Pizzás tekercset mert nem csináltam kaját tegnap este

btw we speak Hungarian but dont work in the film industry

I know it's a long shot but if Sup Forums can't pull it off, noone can, battles have been won with worse odds
viki in hungary, not really gypsy, one parent african and one european (hell might be but she was pretty advanced gypsy then, had around 1300 on SAT)

I know but if there is a hungarian site for making a profile for being a model or a film extra, hungarians would know about it or at least how to navigate a hungarian site

hmm, keep in touch user, ill look up some casting sites and ask in email if that helps
those i dunno if they give information away

unfortunately viki(viktória) is quite a common name

thanks mate, I'll be here modell viki&espv=2&biw=1280&bih=894&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi72IWBgLPSAhUJ1iwKHZCkCDMQ_AUIBigB#imgrc=QYSRjYSt0YqELM:
any of these may be?

in hungary?

another hungarian fag

she is 19, forgot to mention
nope, black

említette hogy sötétbőrű

whats the problem user? u mad cuz sand-niggers fucking your wife?

also, she stayed in grand villa argentina, which is a part of hotel argentina in Dubrovnik, you probably can't get any more info out of that than I can since hotels don't give out guest info but just throwing it out there

gypsy like black or african black or so-so?

can't tell mate but if I had to make a choice I'd go with black

you know what mate, send them a really heartbreaking e-mail maybe you'll get lucky and keep your 150 bucks

jutottál valamire vagy rá se kerestél?

nem vagyok elég zsidó és kemény munkás, hogy könyörögjek egy lány nevéért

Welp, mail sent to B4U casting i hope i didnt sound like a perv who needs info from a young black girl

Post the mail tho

Nem is lenne sok esély megtalálni, szóval felesleges

lol, are B4U hungarian? sound as creepy as you want, I just need a contact

Kedves, B4Casting!

Egy külföldi barátom keresi a Robin Hood forgatásán Dubrovnikban megismert Viki nevű lányt aki elmondása szerint 19 év körüli, színes bőrű és a szerepköre etnikai statiszta. Nagyon fontos lenne neki, valamilyen elérhetőségi forma mert nagyon megkedvelte de elfelejtette elkérni az elérhetőségét.

Elbasztam /b?

az a gond h kva sok a viki nevü modell
mind1 sztem hagyom én is és nem is a pénzért csináltam volna, csak gondolj bele hogy tudna ez a srác biztonságosan utalni neked?

paypal link?

de szerintem nem sok nigger niki van

én csak azért csináltam hogy szerelemre találjon és boldogan éljenek

google translated this more-less, sounds good thanks

Teljesen fasza
ezt meg csak adom

*cockroach noises*

sracok hogy a gecibe lehet kubai badargomba spórához jutni budapesten?

Amíg várunk az emailre csinálhatnánk vmit hogy ne halljon meg a szál.

A puruttyával mitörtént anno?

jó kérdés. mire kell az neked?

just to keep the Sup Forums community entertained for a bit while this goes on

mi a fasz az?

>megvan a newfag

nem vágod mi volt a puruttya blog? ember az volt magyarország /b-je egy igazi pöcegödör. jobb volt mint a napiszar

Addig roll-olok

Magasan verte a napiszart. Még bocson voltam szerkesztő. Azok voltak ám a jó napok. Amúgy nem tudom pontosan mi lett vele, egyszer csak eltűnt a faszba.

régen régen suliba csak a napiszart néztük elég rákos volt, szerintem rákosabb mint Sup Forums


Akkor tizenévesen tapasztaltam meg először hogy az interneten vannak ilyen degenerált dolgok és szépen lassan megszoktam és megtanultam rajta röhögni.

Ja, extrém meg bizarr rendesen oda tudott baszni.

I'm OP and I'm kind of lost with the situation... I'm translating as much as I ca and laughing my ass off

also anyone else find anything?

no response so far, and I cant search ppl who liked casting sites because FB doesnt show them anymore on the page.

this is officer Kővágó, im sorry to inform you, but we found a woman who matches the person you described. she drowned in the Duna when she robbed a watermelon store and fell into the water from the Lánchíd.

egyet tippelhetsz kek

if you ever get a response can you send it to me? on instagram? I like it best because on Sup Forums it's sort of the least info link

ne, hagyd már szegény OP-t eltudom képzelni hogy majd meghasad a szíve a kis csoki iránt

i dont have that normie shit fam. nor snapchat or whatever you call it.
i have discord tho.

League of legends accounnt?

i used to have one (on NWEU?) but i will reinstall it just for you :)

I played on east european I think I was on EU east but I'll check or at least find someone who plays on EUW

Jezusom OP miert sramotis tatu Stipu

found west if you're willing to install it again

ITT: csicska élettelen magyar gecik nem érzitek gecire szánalmasnak hogy ezt az oldalt nézitek? meg ahogy ilyen hangulatjelek nélkül beszéltek bazdmeg csicska kockageci az összes élettelen egyetemista humorral rendelkező élettelen nyomorék

i recovered my username and was able to log in so sure i can reinstall

a csalid nem eleg jo faszfej

yess, you can also download lol app just for messages
name: Hi im Lukic
not mine but friends acc whom I'm in contact with

okay will contact if i get any response

thank man, remember if you do get positive response I'll keep my word on the money