Driving down the interstate and this dash light pops on for the first time ever

Driving down the interstate and this dash light pops on for the first time ever...

What the fuck does that mean?

>Car is a Ford Focus if it matters

self destruct imminent

You could be out of window washer fluid

That is a maintenance light. Go get an oil change, then have an auto parts store clear the code.

Read your manual while you are at it.

The Powertrain malfunction/reduced power is... Michael Parra. The Powertrain malfunction/reduced power is a warning that is illuminated when the vehicle is experiencing a condition - that if driven can cause damage to the engine, transmission or drivetrain

gl OP =P

just ignore it. especially if its flashing


It indicates a butthole to tell you you're a faggot.

Low tire preassure. Check the psi on all your tires.

Tire pressure