Help a Sup Forumsro, if you can

Help a Sup Forumsro, if you can.

> Background:

I'm slowly starting to introduce my wife to my kinky side. Our first kid is coming soon and, yeah, I have a bit of "last minute panic" about exploring them before my life changes completely. (we're both in our late 20s)

We had lots of good talks and even tried a big one on my bucket list (pegging, although not with a strapon yet but a dildo that she moved - still probably the best sex I ever had)

> Today:

One issue in all of this that came out was that her sex drive is... lacking, to say the least. Even she is annoyed that, (quote) she had to basically prepare the whole day to get herself to be horny when she felt it had been too long since our last time.

She has done 2 years without even so much as masturbation, because she didnt feel like it.

I have the exact opposite problem - I get horny by just looking at a pretty face. Heck, I would probably jump her every 20 minutes if she just gave me a kiss or something.

So there is a big disparity in sex drive that we kind of have to work around, especially when I want to explore more of the kinks with her, which she is absolutely OK with.

> The Gist

How can I work together with her to increase her sex drive (which she WANTS to do, because she LIKES sex but it's like her body just... doesn't produce enough horny-hormones or some shit like that).

She had the idea that she will try to use more of her free time to simply masturbate more when I'm not around (so she doesn't feel forced), hoping it will make it easier to get started.

In the vein hope someone here might have some ideas...

Also: Kink Thread.

Why would you marry a girl who has a terrible sex drive? Did you not stop to think about how that might be shitty?

It has not been like this in the beginning.

People change when they grow older.

This. I had a relationship like this and I just knew I wouldn't last five years married before cheating. I broke up and we are both happier now.

Well call me old fashioned but I think people can work through it if both parties are willing.

give her some molly

She's lying to you to make you feel good. She's a prude.

Sure, get a sex therapist. $400 bucks a session. Have a nice life, pal

I'll fuck bout anything on molly. Cheated on my last bf on it and I loved him.

Might be, sure. But I'd rather choose to believe her, because so far there has been no indication that she is not honest.