Hello Sup Forums

Hello Sup Forums

I come to you in a time of need.

I am in the process of kicking a morphine addiction. I got hooked on PST (poppy seed tea) last spring as a way to deal with chronich back pain I developed after working landscaping for a summer. I am quitting becaus when im on the stuff i just sit around high instead of doing things to fix my problem.

I am passed the stages of physical withdrawl. But all i still have the psychological aspect to deal with. (Intense cravings)

I am here to ask my fellow anons for some spare $ to buy a sub to runescape (i know, shit game but i still enjoy it) to keep myslef occupied. I recently made a new account after being banned last year. The free game is shit and is not enough to keep me playing for long periods. You would be helping a poor wretch recover his life.

My paypal is: [email protected]
(I know "plague" is misspelled, made the email in grade school)

You would be helping me out immensley with my recovery. Thanks in advance.

Help a recovering junkie replace his addiction with a shitty browser game so he can reintegrat in to society.

>Also, tits

How much you need, son?


8$ for one month

Just buy a bond noob

It would take ages to make 12+ mill on a free server :(

Moar tatas

>mfw busted for growing weed for back pain
>mfw the courts insist I use normal medicine
>mfw I'll be you this time next year
If I hadn't lost my job for line 1 I'd help you

Well, 11.7mil as of now.

It's not hard man just do headless arrows and alch it's not hard to get 12m

Telegrab wine of zammy there's lots to do for gp

That sucks hard. USA, im assuming?
If they put you on Oxy, really try not to abuse it. Itll fuck you up good. You wont even notice your fucked untill your eyeballs deep in addiction. Then youll keep going just to avoid the hell of WD's.

Holy fuck a bond is $3 for 14 days OP. Go-to piegp, buy 3-4m for $5 then go kill green drags using a safespot. Are you seriously begging for $3?


Step 1: When you get cravings... jack off.
Step 2: Step 1 not working? Try again.

That is all.

To anyone who plays the game add chaospanda1 and abuse via pm with me:)

I am literally flat broke. All my money went to morphine. Im lookif for a job but that will prob take a few weeks.

Masturbating 24/7 is not feasible...

Im beging for 8$ but ill take 3$ :)

Hopefully you find something soon user, I'm struggling to find one myself


I am almost out of phone porn

Guess its time to whore my ass out for drugs.

>I am here to ask my fellow anons for some spare $ to buy a sub to runescape

> is kicking morphine
> begs for money
> "it's totally for runescape"

hahhaha you kill me user

seriously, though, fuck off.

West EU, I'm looking for work in Holland to avoid the opiate trap. I'm on tramadol & codeine, our medical system isn't as crazy as the US but it's still very moreish and they're useless, I'm still in pain but to stoned to care.
Took a day off them today in itchy have headaches and need to lie down after loading the dishwasher.
Fuck the pharmaceutical industry, I hope the politicians & people who support and profit from it get a spinal injury like mine, I'd give it to them if I had the strength.

You cant buy morphine with paypal...

you never bought morphine you idiot.. you been buying fucking poppy seeds..

Whatever, Bulk Barn dosent take paypal, kek.