Why do conservatives fucking suck at making music?

Why do conservatives fucking suck at making music?


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They don't all suck

>good conservative music doesn't exi-


>he doesn't like Death in June

Because they're too busy making good policy and nations.

Why do Amerifats make literally everything about race or politics?

Hey, Stravinsky was very conservative and he made The Rite of Spring which is pretty good.

He then proceeded to follow it up with 3 straight decades of crap.

We've been conditioned to do so. It's all part of divide and conquer.

Are you not a fan of Animal Collective?


NO ONE can be this retarded

t. retarded shitlib

Five Finger Death Punch is the GOAT of mainstream metal and Johnny Rebel is the GOAT of country.

Reminder that the Godfather of Funk was a lifelong Republican

Their head's are so full of Conservicuck shit there's little room left for creative thought.

Musicians who were left-wing in the 1970's and haven't changed their views, are now considered right-wing

Yeah 8 years of Republican congress plus 8 years of Bush, 8 years of Ronnie Raygun, and another 4 of le orange dementia man sure have done great things for this country. This country sure is better than it was 30-40-50 years ago yesiree. It's a real fucking success. We're 30th in education and our people die in the streets because they can't afford $500,000 healthcare! What a great country the conservatives have given us!

>saying shitlibs or libtards unironically

You say that as thought America was some shining wonderland under Carter, Clinton or Obama
Fact of the matter is no matter who's in charge there's very little change at all

>he says while getting his opinions from social media

Cry harder bitch

very retarded shitlib


I bet you're thinking of American neocons.

Neocons = brainwashed white trash low IQ degenerates, religious nuts, and corporate capitalist scumbags

Makes sense why they don't make anything besides safe buttrock and country.

Fascists on the other hand make great art, because it is a revolutionary ideal that attracts unique people and eccentrics that will create genius art, while neoconservatism attracts turbonormies and fox news watchers.

Democrats are shit too but they are far better than Republicans. There's a few politicians in the Democratic Party with integrity, and they don't deny indisputable facts like climate change or support spending money on stupid shit like aircraft carriers instead of paying for universal healthcare.

Obama would've made this country great if he had a chance to enact his vision. Instead, Republicans stonewalled his agenda every chance they got.

>Fascists on the other hand make great art
Other than Futurism and some Black Metal I can't think of anything that isn't really bad Punk or similar shit. Have any examples?

Name 3 good artists that support fascism

>STILL being liberal

W e w

Can you say wrong side of history?

>Republicans stonewalled his agenda every chance they got
Yeah, it's a good thing those open minded Democrats helped with the travel ban. Oh that's right...

Death in June
Boyd Rice

I'm sure there are lots of people who don't agree with you, snowflake.

Are you a fucking idiot