/b how can i please a woman, 33yo virgin small dick , premature ej and not very hard. a hot 9/10 wants to date me and i dont know what to do. pic related
/b how can i please a woman, 33yo virgin small dick , premature ej and not very hard...
How small is "small"?
Might not be a big deal
idk like 4 inches without pushing the fat
Fuck outta here Tom.
Looks fine dude, maybe try and lose a little weight.
I'm like 5.5" and normal girth. Never had a woman complain at all.
If she actually likes you dick size won't be an issue. As for the premature ej, wear a condom, you WILL last longer...maybe not a lot but the more you have sexy time it should get better and better. Also, download the prostate aerobics app. It teaches you to increase the strength of the muscle and will eventually increase your lasting power (the male version of kegel exercises)
If it does happen just tell her you were a Virgin and she turns you on so much you couldn't help it..also mention tge prostate exercise so she knows youre working on it. most likely she'll understand and be understanding...might even suggest more sex to help with it.
Sorry if I kinda jumped around explaining all that. I'm on mobile at work haha.
You should be fine Sup Forumsro. You can do it!
Don't make it all about sex. Don't wait too long either or she will think you're gay. Maybe around the fourth or fifth date you can start really being brave about making sexual assertions, just be sure she's cool with it and you're not all "lol boobs are gud yours nipple sucky yum yum" n shit.
Before you guys do it warn her. Sit down and talk to her like a damn man and tell her "before we do this, I want you to know that I'm a little on the small side, and I'm also very sensitive" and if she really likes you she won't give a fuck. Beware, women are ciniving bitches when their feelings are hurt, and if you guys don't do well together and she decides she hates you, she will tell everyone that you have a babycock. Just be aware of that. It is a universal constant that will never change, sorry bro.
Basically, don't get into it for the sex. If you don't like her for who she is then for you she isn't worth fucking.
cant you gyus give me some better tips how to please a woman? like use toys? how to lick? something guys? use viagra?
Use money
iam broke and nojob
33 y/o virgin with small cock, no job, no money..
Yeah.. you got this OP....
you are watching too much porn if you think that dicks please women.
money pleases women.
can i have som real advice wont get money, unless some billionäre user wants to send me some millions
D ont rush it op. It will be fine.
If it comes to sex, be gentle, kiss and before trying to get youre junk in there, use your tongue. If you cant get hard coz of stress or cum too soon, tongue again, its a good joker.
Plus, honesty never killed anybody. You can tell her youre a virgin. If she wants to date you, shes obviously not into alpha macho men so she will not react badly i think.
Bumping for op's sake.
Also do you know why she want to date you ? What does she likes about you?
I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA; SHE TEXTS ME EVERYDAY; I Really dont know, she says iam cute and have a nice face .THE FUCK i look like a Cross betwenn Hobbit and ORC
But did you allteady met her irl once? You know her like a little
now we met online, we message every day with video talk and pictures.she even send me some half nudes to ask if i think she is fat
If you're a virgin how do you know you don't last long?
i have a hand
So? You've been jacking off your cock for 20 years. You know what feels good to you and she doesnt. You'll probably last longer than you think
Okay Op.
I think when it comes to girls, the hard part is to get them into you.
Since it seems to be it, and that you already talks often, see her irl wiĺl not be so different.
You said she wanted to date you, where are you going to meet her ? Like restaurant or her place ?
i dot knw i thought a restaurant, and everybody pays his own share
Yeah nice. And if you want more casual, you can go for a coffee during the day.
Do you think she's wants things to go fast, and have sex, or does she want to learn to know you ?
I may not have good "dates advices" since all the relationship i had started with casual sex...
If you all start to have sex tell her you are a virgin and kind of uncomfortable tell her you'd like her to tell you what she likes because you really want to please her then do what she says.