Help me anons, this fucking shit is like the most annoying...

Help me anons, this fucking shit is like the most annoying, I live in a shit country in eastern europe and cant find a job for shit and because the pay is so shit around here i cannot maintain unless job is not complete shit, im willing to relocate to wherever to not be shit and maintain. I think I am not complete shit because good education, but I cannot seem to find non-shit eastern european job. Can you help me with this anons ?

Ask the questions and I will answer, anything I will answer if you attempt to guide me out of this shit to a decent job so I can maintain but jobs seem to not want me I dont know why, tell me anons.

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you got enough cash to move to the U.S.?


Yes I have enough cash to move to US, in fact I already applied for a green card just in case a while ago, will know if I can get it in may.

Problem is, I know no-one, I have no work experience in US, Im sure living is way more expensive, why would anyone hire me over some other local guy, many concerns. I have education went to study in UK, got the degrees, but not much work experience. What chance do I have if even an eastern european shithole wont hire me.

U.S. companies will hire you for the sake of "Diversity" no questions asked. also our government might be able to help you out with discount housing for awhile. what kind of degree do you have?

I went to New York for a week last summer, that place would eat me up, way too expensive and they probably wont hire me because from eastern european shithole.

don't know about that, my step brother has fixed income housing at 200 a month in NYC because his GF's family Puerto Rican I think you can do it with ease man. Just what fucking degree do you have?

I got a bachelors in international business and a masters in real estate from the UK, MBA and LL.M. from two local universities, but like... I spent so much time studying that I have like no job experience which is all local assholes seem to care about and no, im not willing to clean floors at mcdonalds or whatever, or at a store thats just asking for suicidal thoughts

You ask for advice and then have excuses for every response, man. There's gonna be risk if you want to relocate, but others have done it. Either stay where you are or accept that you might fail somewhere else, too.

so I've already said this once but I'll say it again. U.S. companies, particularly in the Northeast and Westcoast will hire you without any job experience at all just for the sake of "Diversity" IT IS A OK TO BE WHITE AS LONG AS YOU'RE NOT AMERICAN. jess fuck man I'm not even fucking with you, you've got the credentials to be a success across the pond


Just go to a temp service. Good for short term jobs and getting your way into a company.

Choose the right staffing agency though, one that is more focused on you being hired onto the company you work for. I'm college educated but didn't hear back from any positions in the state I was moving to; I contacted a staffing service while I was visiting the area and got hired on two days later. Just have the proper paperwork

where do you get these paintings/pictures?

true art.


>U.S. companies will hire you for the sake of "Diversity"
He's from Europe numbnuts, he won't get preferential treatment.


What the fuck are you talking about? "European" isn't a seperate category from Caucasian in demographics/HR statistics

he will... confirmed fact.
>white but not American ooooh boyyyyyyyy

thats also my concern, I'm white as can be, did a dna test - scandinavian blood, I dont think I get get preferential treatment, also its not like i want to wash floors at a company even if they hire. The wages in eastern europe are so shit, sure maybe i can wash floors at the local mcdonalds but if i want to buy shit thats just not enough. At least I have 0 debt, but family cant support me anymore i think im fucked.

find a poor neighborhood in a large city and avoid large cities with lots of colored niggers even if you are a colored nigger yourself, they ruin local job markets by demanding diversity at all costs

come to holand, ask for a job in a restaurant kitchen, they are always looking for people to do shity jobs ducht people dont want to do, like dishwashing or hard kitchen positions, you will get decent pay, no expences in food, lots of beer and beautiful woman. Is easy man, 40 euros fly.

thats another think about the US, you guys have it violent around there, i dont want to be stabbed on the street by some random black youth homo on wellfare

You should try and say "shit" a lot more. That usually makes you more attractive to people, makes them want to hire you, and will generally result in a higher salary.

i cant speak a word of flemish though, i can english, russian, some german and spanish but nothing else, that kind of limits options

apologies user but it is hard to contain emotion about the shit around me, its like the people here are zombies its driving me crazy

i cant move east because russia is a total shithole, even worse than my country

ok so whats the plan, I buy a place ticket to US without a green card and become an unhirable illegal alien hobo in NY, that doesnt sound like fun.

if you can get into the US look for staffing agencies and temp services, bring all of your relevant proof of employment, experience, and education.

show up every day as early in the morning as possible and be ready to work, expect to do this for a year and you will move up into a more desirable employment situation if you're half as good as you say you are

I got 4 university degreen but almost no work experience, wont someone with no education but 4 years of work experience (even cleaning floors) always get the job instead of me ? I dont know how it works in the US but in eastern european shithole its all about the experience and with uber credentials maybe they give you 500 bucks a month, which as i am sure you will agree is nothing if i want to maintain a decent living and buy shit from the international market.

Maybe i can move to bangladesh, at least there living is cheap but there too probably education is nothing and experience is everything

Slav bros are always welcome in Austria.
With your education you can easily land a job here.
Pls remove Kebap if you come

Look up Gregory Jacobsen.
You're welcome.

I fear australia is full of venomous insects, bugs and snakes, that sounds too hardcore for me, im a pussy and afraid of direct confrontation with deadly forces it gives me hard anxiety

Nice b8 m8

omg thats the most beautiful thing ive ever seen, maybe this is my passion, fuck the education can I make it as an artist in US if I commit fully to this type or art ?

the staffing agency will use your university degrees to land you entry level office jobs which do not need experience, you will gain experience and connections which will earn you a better job

you will be competing with people who have 0 degrees and 0 experience, those people will be given the hardest and shittiest jobs


Stop already, dont talk shit. You dont want help, you want to whine. Not sure which country exactly you are from...but I am as well from place what is considered as eastern europe and I am doing pretty well, also most of my friends are. I got great job right after I finished my degree.. Maybe you are just unable to take care of yourself.

then perhaps our definition of a great job differs my eastern europeen friend, I dont want to drink the vodka to wash away the horrors of shit life to cope

>can I make it as an artist in US if I commit fully to this type or art ?
It's a pretty niche art style, you'd probably have moderate success with that style. If I was you, I'd have other types of art as well to compliment your preferred style. That way people looking at your art know you have various artistic techniques.

Dear OP,
I understand you are some kind of a "business specialist". Educated to know about economy and business.
Based on your responses, I get that you are a pussy. No sport. No guts.
In business, what counts the most is experience and people skills. For example, I am uneducated prick who smoked weed every fking day of High School and got thrown out for causing troubles.
I am some kind of intelligent however and I got a job in business as a sales representative of a multinational company (im not high in ranks but i get paid well).
Business world will eat you alive and every HR guy knows that the second they see you. You are screwed. You chose one of the worst edu ways for you. You employer cares little about your education. They care about what you can actually do for them, so unless you give good blowjobs you should learn how to use heavy machinery and work in production/construction.
You are welcome.

I once played a text based game from the eighties called executive suite, starting from entry level is shit there and i imagine much more shit irl, i shudder to think that 8 years in university and what i end up with is an entry level shit job while the negroe lives greefuly on welfare

From which country are you? Just curious. I am from slovakia, and sure I would get more money in western part of europe, but it is not that bad. I have qualified well paid IT job, get to travel, company car.. Not trying to be dick, just want to understand what is so bad at your current place.

ITT: OP is a fag

Shit country in Eastern Yurop --->>> that could be no one than just Orbanistan.

yes, this is true, ive been educated as some kind of business specialist, no practical knowledge whatsoever, during MBA our coursework was like case studies figuring out what big companies like coca cola should do, throwing around billions in budget for project, after education i am left with nothing i can practically use, ive been promised lofty prospects after university, but in realty i cannot support myself, have no actually useful skills etc. If I would be left alone in the forest i would wither away, unemployement agencies reject me because education, i do not qualify for any benefits etc. i think this is completely fucked, my life is a joke.

OP, it's too late to cry about "mu deegres no experiencie".
WTF were you doing all these years while studying?

6 years ago I was fucked, no father, debts, living in South America. What did I? I manned up and worked my ass off, did a 1 and 1/2 year technician got a entry position, year after year got promoted, used to travel 6 hours a day to work and study (after started uni) and now I'm making more than 100 grand a year, I'm 26 and only have a simple degree.


You want a good job but doesn't want to start from the bottom, wtf?
I hired some ppl passed years, everyone one that I hired was about ATTITUDE. You won't solve your problems moving to US or elsewhere, because is not the place you are that is shitty, the problem is yourself

Don't live in a shit country dumbass

I have been studying full time all those years, i have been studying in university degree after degree since i was 18, i am now 29 and my peers who started working 10 years ago instread of studying are lightyears ahead, so much so that i seem to have no chance unless i want to work at a cashier or something which would numb me to suicide tbh

>4 university degrees
>business specialist

>nothing i can practically use
>cannot support myself

>my life is a joke

I was born this way

off course not.

Don't you have entry level office jobs?
Like in a bank (banks really like ppl who nows bout housing market), or big ass construction companies, or maybe government jobs?

enlighten me oh wise one, I welcome your advice. even a shoemaker has a craft he can use, what do i have, fucking hell the business education is so generic its basically useless it seems

Of course they do. OP is autistic.

wise one here, OP is a troll asking for advice and then making up absurd excuses against everything suggested

if you will wear a chastity belt 24/7 i might have a job for you

entry level office jobs are full of monkeys fresh off the conveyor belt of life, with aspirations and a will to endure hardship, i feel old and lazy. its life, i was studying for my whole life up until now, in anticipation of life, postponing everything (havent had sex in 10 years) and now i got these worthless paper degrees, and i feel like my life is over before it has begun

go on, i havent had coitus in a decade, this belt will not change my life at all

have you considered getting paid for shitposting on Sup Forums?

Dear OP
It's me again. I have found a solution for you. Life is hard and you know it. You know that you will not handle it, so the best way to handle your life would be to end it.
Jump off a very high building with a camera and stream it so your death will be forever remembered by the internet and praised upon.
That is the best way and you know it. Does not require much more than your phone, facebook app or some other kind of stuff like that and a taxi. If you cannot afford taxi you can always walk. Use google maps to find easyily accessible high building in your neighbourhood or city.
You are welcome!

well move to where the refugees are leaving. Sure you could find work out there

i shitposed hard to help get trump elected, if someone would pay me enough for this, even out of Sup Forums i can shitpost all over, my life would be given new purpose and vigor

even in this this shit country holds me back, we have no high buildings and becoming a drooling disabled muppet does not serve my future well i think

i am not even on the progressive stack, i am not sandnigger enough to get the benefits, i can go where they are but police will come and take me into prison and leave them alone i know this for a fact

where the fuck do you live?

why does it matter, its all one big shithold anyway this part of the world

i might need to hire a manservant.
you have to cook and clean.

I dont have any practical experience nor any aptitute for cleaning, i would use wrong liquid and ruin your stuff probably, my peak cooking experience was figuring out that the plastic wrapping needs to come off the supermarket freezer ready-made pizza

Serve in your army, motherfucker.

i actually considered this, but i had childhood asthma and am because of Sup Forums and game all day very physically weak no muscle mass, i smoke excessively so no stamina, i would not be able to pass physical test, and cannot high-tech because country has like one tank and no cyberwarfare division

Become a mortgage analyst. 100% commission phone sales. Pays over $100k

Easy as fuck. Just talk to people and put them in better financial positions in turn putting you in one. Everyone wants to wave money or buy a home. Refinance or purchase..

also i am unfortunately on the spectrum...

Légion étrangère. Here you can start a new life.

well no. you cannot compare countries like serbia or albania with countries like poland or czech rep.

America, because, muh guns

im in the royal institution of chartered surveyors so technically i can like do real estate valuation and shit, but i know nothing about refinancing and such. also, 100k holy shit, thats like, alot of money i could buy a castle

>Légion étrangère

sry i dont read the french

im in the baltics, so more shit than all of those i am sure

Yeah man I'm 24 and make bank doing refinancing and purchasing. I knew jack shit about it before I got into it. Find a company to get you licensed like I did. They paid for my training and everything. I made 129k last college degree.... C studen t in highschool making more money than everyone

Better get used to... Welcome to the foreign legion, motherfucker.

Tell me more

>more education than 99% of the entire fucking human race
>can't figure out how to get any job

are you from Kazakhstan?? maybe you can find job sucking dick

>OP lives in shitty country.
>autism everywhere.
>It sucks.

ok, im pretty sure im gonna fail the IQ test and fitness test, also im fatter than the BMI they cite almost certainly :(

Stop eating and start working out. You can loose all your weight within 12 weeks.

I feel so bad because I cant stop myself from posting:

But Brolly isnt REALY from DBZ

its so bad i drink heavily and often cry myself to sleep praying for the morning not to come, the highlight of my life is the unconsciousness of sleep, fucking university faggots tricking me into this shithole of a life, parents also for saying education is like the most important thing its the only thing they cant take it away from you they said, well yeah now i have shit that cant be taken away from me great ma and pa thanks! It seems i have to choose between sucking dick for bread and board in bangladesh or cleaning floors at mcdonalds with the rest of the 'highly educated' geniuses

im 90 kg with 0 muscle and a prominent beer belly though, it seems hopeless

maybe thats why the girls dont like me

Mortgage analyst guy again. I'll tell you all about it.. Got an email? Or a way to contact?

im pretty sure the things that apply to an advanced financial architecture like the one in the states do not apply to a shitty eastern european shithole


All I know is if people buy a home they need to finance money usually.. Someone needs to set that deal up..and they don't do it for free. Usually its a % of the loan amount. I get 1% loan amount. So if I sell or refinance a house for 600k I make 6k.

Regardless of where you live people buy and sell houses. And someone gets a commission for setting that up. Its worth it to check out at least.

You would have zero problem finding a corporate job here in the U.S. You are educated and bi-lingual. I hire around 15 college educated kids a year. I talk the bi-lingual immigrants almost every time they come across my desk. Most big corporations and LLCs here have subsidiaries all over the world. It helps a ton to have an office full of bi-lingual kids

well, that doesnt work me here right off the bat, yes some people get a mortgage but they just go to any bank and the bank does everything, all services included there is literally no place for brokers in the equation its all done in-house

but how can they be good, they wont bring in any business because they dont know anyone, dont know local laws or the market, or customer preferences they know nothing, arent they more useless than pretty girls that are cheap and can make coffee and look good for clients ?

I'm not a broker... I work in a bank. Everything is in house. People get commission for doing the job.

hmm, but isnt it real fucking cringy working with old ladies who dont know shit and whine into the phone about their shitty trailerpark home or something ?

OP describe your ideal job

Average age is in the 40s 50s.

Some old ladys.

I don't care honestly. I make 6 figures doing it. To listen to peoples problems and help them out.

Cringy work? No. I just sell the deal. Hand the paperwork off to the underwriters to do the paperwork

You have a Hollywood image of corporate work in your head. I have 45 kids working spread sheets doing data input all day. I don't give a shit who they know. You only get to do the Hollywood stuff after a lot of promotions.