As a patriots fan, I can't handle this drought. A-are w-we going to m-make it lads?
Mfw da pats win the super owl and break the curse
Luis Ward
Luis Lewis
I'm unironically worried Brady won't get his fifth desu. Would be a real shame. A lot of missed potential all things considered. He should've had six already.
Ayden Hernandez
maybe WW in 10 years
Jackson Taylor
saggy as fuck are real
Anthony Gutierrez
>she works in radio
Michael Turner
And it's been a hard 2 years
Landon Gutierrez
Has she been BLACKED?
Wyatt Brooks
she should get a breast reduction, those sandbags can't be good for her back.
Robert Hughes
considering the 10 year wait between owl #3 and owl #4 this isn't a curse
Benjamin Ward
Seriously guys, say what you want this is my personal 10/10.