Hi Sup Forums, so I'm 19 and later on this year I have to move out. My problem is that I don't have a job...

hi Sup Forums, so I'm 19 and later on this year I have to move out. My problem is that I don't have a job, I have no qualifications or very little, I also have no money saved so I'm kinda screwed. My thoughts were I could get a part-time job and save up, but there's no way I'd be able to sustain myself and move out on minimum wage or less. Wat do Sup Forums?

You're about to be homeless. Bundle up, it's cold.

Can you suck a dick?

No, but how hard can it be?

You're right :( Fucking global warming.


Get on back page or craigs list and sell your mouth and ass then.
Do you need a pimp?


well you like kpop so just move to korea fam, they love white boys.

wew lad, real eager aren't you?

>just move to Korea fam

If I had the money to do that I wouldn't be here asking about my initial question...

When you're at rock bottom you will consider sucking dick as an option also, or maybe not. Maybe I'm a faggot

< ---- this thread

just go teach english retard, they'll literally pay your flight AND living expenses AND korean tutor expenses

Dont look for minimum wage jobs. Thats your problem. Its easier to get hired at a respectable $11-$12 and hour than a shit minimum wage job. Every loser goes for MW, so theres a lot to pick from

yeah lemme just go learn fluent Korean real quick

>asking Sup Forums for advice.
That's an indication you have no future.

with my lack of experience and lack of qualifications? I'm sure they will jump to the gun on getting me to work for them.

Do you have a car?

You'll be surprised at what advice the anons of Sup Forums have to offer.


you don't need to speak ANY korean... they'll teach you while you're there (if you want), but it's certainly not a job requirement for teaching highschool students. seriously, look it up, it's definitely what i would do if i didn't have a job.

Guess I'm going to be knee deep in tight Korean pussy then. Thanks user x