What's Sup Forums smoking tonight?

What's Sup Forums smoking tonight?

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Got a pipe with some Super Critical Mass in it... got a grinder with I think what my dealer said was Cheese but doesn't smell like Cheese.

some random shake i got for free from my friend

hits pretty strong for me if i haven't smoked in a few days

Heroin. First time :)

good luck with that

I feel happy

Some Girl Scout Cookies and some type of kush i forgot the name of.

dabs the size of quarters

Nothing. Gotta drug test coming up.

This, Girl Scout Cookies are my favorite

The rest of my blackberry kush , about a gram left, and a bunch of resin. Picking up another ounce in a day or so.

A brief PSA for you and the rest of the thread:


Nothing because I'm moving to a new place and my gf said I couldn't buy anymore until after the move. Need monies.

GDP and GSC are my favorite indicas. Super Sour Diesel is my favorite sativa

Dark souls is so much better when you're chilling. A lot less frustrating.

houdini kush, homemade strin im soooo fuckg high i cam barly type

I'm also smoking girl scout cookie!

live resin

good loud, got crystals on it and shit stayed up for days!

can never go wrong with some cooks

When will you guys stop smoking kiddy buds and start distillates.

Lol nice leaf

Lmao you got ripped off if you bought that

GENERAL QUESTION FOR ANY STONERS IN THREAD: Ive been smoking out of pic related made from one of those plastic red ink bic pens and duct tape to cover the tiny hole that opens the airway. is it safe to smoke out of with a small removable aluminum funnel as the bowl?

shitty biker crank that gives me the worst headache, but fuck it i will be high as fuck for a few more hours

White Russian. Mellow high.

No u get cancurs

did you start using Sup Forums after meth or did you have a computer before? also what or who convinced you to do crank?

you are a faggot

buy a real pipe

I'm so happy it's available again, my dude grows it and I've been watching that juicy girl grow anxiously.

i hate you so much

Never smoke out of aluminum foil, friend. Get a cheap piece at the gas station if you can't afford much.

my gf found it and thought i was smoking crack

>girl scout cookie!
Which literally tastes like smoking a sugar cookie.
Gets me a little jittery. I prefer dank indicas.

Some dank Lemon Haze. It was real mellow to smoke and now it is creeping up on me.

Fentanyl patches on a dab rig. Fuck that's strong

same guy.
i made a mini shotgunner for blunt roaches out of duct tape and a fireball shooter. is it any better?

Had 4 gummys, 1 canna candys, smoking green crack and platinum OG

Post what you smoke out of

you sound like a hillbilly

just make a bong like a normal beginner. you aren't a real stoner unless you made one from scraps laying around

a $20 bong
im cheap

i have everything i need to make a 1.25 liter gb but need a socket and time. and a place to stash it.


also a clear joint


christ, just get a dugout

why would you smoke plastic?


it's not plastic, it's plant cellulose

Greened out stories

>be me, 12
>bro drug dealer to pay for food so he wakes me up to 2 liter Gravity Bong his
>he leaves for school and leaves me a good full bowl of loud
>clear an entire 2 liter hit with my baby lungs
>dies coughing and runs to toilet
>heaving but never throw up
>go to bus stop higher then ive ever been
>get on bus have a vivid imagination and hearing the buses each and every engine noise in great detail
>get off bus and as i walk to my homeroom im hallucinating the engine of the bus even though im inside now
>go to homeroom sweating and panting
>thanking jesus my cool ass teacher didnt make us do anything that day
> never got caught and kept smoking everyday

NIGGER JUST STEAL AN APPLE FROM SAFEWAY OR BUY ONE they are like 20 cents plus you can eat them

Don't fucking smoke out of aluminum/plastic. Shit will fuck you up. Buy a cheap glass/wood chillum. Or if you're really fucking desperate, carve an apple/carrot and smoke out of that.

>plant cellulose

Weird, I never heard of it before.

>be me 2 weeks ago
>smoking weed for the first time
>smoke a joint and 3 bowls
that's all, hasn't happened since tho

Peace pipe bitches

I'm smoking weed.

it looks and feels like plastic but it's made of plants.

Grass is better.

also i forgot to say never puked off of weed to this day.

that thing is retarded, and so are you for buying it

I feel like its happens at least once to every new stoner, getting too high your first few times can make you nauseous, isnt that the point of weed tho, to ward off animals?

surprised I haven't seen them here in WA. Christ I've got 4-5 pot stores to go to.

im a 40yo addict who has lived Sup Forums close to 15 years, weed is for niggers and teens, coke is a little to spendy at the moment and black has sent me to the hospital way to many times, so yeah if i want to get fucked up i know the straightest shot

straightest shot as in?

>weed is for niggers and teens

A little bit of everything. Brisket, chicken, sausage... I am the smoke master

Bong stem resin mixed with tobacco.

No one has any weed for me :(

they were behind the counter at my smoke shop, so you might have to ask for them. they're called cyclone cones

That's not smoked, that's blackened.

well it is true, the molecule for methamphetamine is the closest to the pure dopeamine structure so it is the highest you can get.

You need to stop going to drugs and start going to Jesus Christ. His high is eternal. I will pray for you.

rough times, my man... hope you find osme soon

as in the straight shot to your dome when you realize that you're a 40 year old junky who fucks around on Sup Forums.

>2 new posts
you never smoked clear papers before, they are a bitch to roll but smoke pretty evenly?

Denverfag here. Smokin on some Nightmare Cookies. Fire indica dominant hybrid strain.

fair enough

I'm going to open a Christian Pot Store.

get a job you lazy fux

both ways, im not banging it now, when i bang it it is insane and a week later im slammin black.. and there is no happy ending to that




Sounds just crazy enough to work. Fuck around and 5013(c) it or declare it a religious whatever the fuck and skip taxes. Wow.
*hits blunt*

Nothing, cause I'm waiting on my dab pen refill that was supposed to come in Monday.


Don't have pictures but I like smoking out of bananas. Really smooth hits, especially when they're green.


As in injecting heroin dumbrass.

About to try some Cotton Candy Kush. Any of you tried it before? How was it?


>lrn2 /ck/
Those guys would roast the fuck out of you for that fucking skillet burned Ohio trash.

My first grav hit wasn't much different, but I couldn't clear the whole two liter. Coughed a ton, almost puked, then I got a crazy fucking head high and had to go back to my room for the rest of the night.

I really don't see how we all don't all just lose it. Our only purpose seems to be to procreate. :

The stuff I had was high THC. Buzzy.

Yes. It's a sweet smoke. Literally tastes of fruity presence. Very light but pleasant smoke iirc it's affects are that of a mild kush

at least fucking feels good

Go back to Sup Forums faggot

sadly nothing

yeah it does give you something to strive for lol

I like using my smoker as a cover for weed smoke. I hang around my smoker all day checking on my brisket/pork butt/lamb shoulder all day getting high as fuck.