So, I need you freaky kinky fuckers to help me out. Now hear me out...

So, I need you freaky kinky fuckers to help me out. Now hear me out. I have this girl who is totally into daddy kink and bdsm and shit. Teach me all about it. I cannot provide precious tittys as of right now, but mark my words if I can hold this girl down I will share her with my Sup Forumsros

TDLR turn me into a kinky motherfucker

it's best to just slap her in the face with your dick a lot with a dog collar on. also if you can get her dad to fuck her im sure that would kink things.

Daddy kink? Shit, man, good luck. Act like her dad. Make rules n shit. Make up cutesy words for your dick. Also, BDSM girls like necrophilia. Keep in mind, Sup Forumsrother.

I don't think this girl is into necro. But I am from here so I'm probably more open to it than she thinks or than I honestly should be.

Dont know about daddy kink, but my gf is very into bdsm. Slap her, spank her, choke her. Tie here hands - like dont be afraid to tie them tight, like leaving marks for 30 min afterwards tight. Call her bitch/slut/whore/cunt/dirty/bad girl etc. In my experience, if she's on her back you need to be much more careful while choking as the leverage of your body weight on top can very quickly increase pressure on her windpipe. If she's on top you can go a lot harder with the choking without worrying too much. Don't be afraid to be rough with the nipples just dont bite them off lol. Don't enter her until youve teased her a while, maybe make her get on her knees, suck your dick or w/e first "earn it." Um you can also use a collar/leash to pull her around (if she doesnt already have one you can improvise with a belt. Very fun to pull on while fucking her from behind. Drive her crazy after tying her up/blindfolding by getting up. You can go either way, leave the room for a cig or w/e (make sure to say dont move, if you come back and she has moved you can then punish her and she'll love it), or you can stay in there and like walk around and whip her from dif angles so shes not sure when or where to expect it. Give her demands. Cum on her body and dont let her clean it up.

Most importantly: have a safe word and have fun!

Praise the fuck out of her when you get what you want. Act like you're the shit.

This guy knows what he's talking about. Not OP, but thanks user

You guys are p fuckin awesome. Thanks.

Oh and also before you put your dick in her, get the tip to where its just touching her labia. Move back and forth just a little. Tell her to ask for it/beg. If she tries to pull you in, dont let her. Keep doing that for 1-2 minutes and then when she doesnt expect it (like halfway through saying something), shove it all the way it. Also sometimes slap her midsentence. The surprise makes it hotter. And sometimes when you slap her you should bring your hand back in a follow-through backhand. 2 slaps for the price of one! Careful if using a belt to whip btw. You can hit harder than you intend very easily.

The only kink you need is the one in the rope you should hang your self with.