Mind Fuck Thread

Mind Fuck Thread
ITT: We fuck eachother's minds.

Images | Stories | Thoughts | Concepts | Anecdotes

What thoughts always seem to perplex you, or radically change your perspective?

Thoughts/concepts that fuck my mind up:

>Fractal geometry and how it exists in nature

>Golden Ratio geometry and how it exists in nature

>New space telescope will be able to look at the edge of the universe to try to see how things existed before the big bang

Will bump with some thought provoking images

Other urls found in this thread:



We shave with razor blades.

Our stomach acid can dissolve razor blades but not our own hair.

This is the rock-paper-scissors of the real world.


Quantum entanglement blows my mind. Photons interacting at a speed faster than light regardless of distance

Youve known your oarents your whole life, but theyve only known you for part of theirs

I thought it was all particles. Not just photons.

Zipf's law, and how it applies to pretty much every set of data.

Photons are particles fucker

>>Fractal geometry and how it exists in nature

Off to a good start guys

No matter how many times I read this, it still amazes me.

plants use quantum superposition in photosynthesis to maximise efficiency

Yeah but particles don't have to be photons

>Hitler was friends with Ghandi
Mind blown

It sounds like a troll post when you put it that way.
>Did you know that Hitler and Ghandi were friends?

>An E. Coli cell has about 4,000 genes
>Humans have only 20,000

Well I truly believe I've seen and spoke with Satan or a demon close in his chain of command.

Its whatever, Mother Theresa was much closer friends with much more savage brutal dictators.

We are probably in a simulation. Just like the sims but on a planet sized computer built by some super advanced alien race that are simulating trillions of universes.



I got to class late so I just took a picture


Have heard this. Anything substantial to back it up though?

people think about the world as if we are inside our own minds, looking out into the world. try right now to imagine the inverse.

this universe is a dome / bubble, and our consciousness is on the outside peering in

What is more likely? That this is the first universe ever. Or that this is one of infinite simulated universes.

retarded, life requires a atmosphere, smaller worlds have no atmosphere so no life on them. Heavier worlds with stronger gravity retain atmosphere. Most planets bigger than earth. we're light weights who can barely leave earth, alien alphas with huge worlds might be cucked by gravity.

There can't be infinite universes that aren't simulated?

all probabilities are equally likely to occur.

The big crunch and A.I.



>smaller worlds have no atmosphere so no life on them
Actually, it is very possible for a small planet to have a substantial atmosphere.

>Most planets bigger than earth
Most detected extra-solar planets are bigger than earth because those are easier to detect than smaller ones.

Is consciousness an accident? I mean emergent behavior.


Ha, no, I was just oversimplifying it to be a stupid joke. I hadn't heard of that letter though, it is pretty interesting to think about with all things considered

all we know so far is that life as we know it requires water and ultraviolet radiation to exist.

>all probabilities are equally likely to occur

You are literally retarded kys and never talk about probability again

I wish to live there

>we take set theory to be the go-to foundation of mathematics
>high level physics deals with large categories (not sets)
>sometimes even models spacetime using category-valued stacks
>monoidal categories are used all the time in advanced level quantum mechanics
>functorial quantum field theory works without set theory
>renormalization and regularization actually work for some reason
>people are using algebraic geometry for physics

the rabbit hole never ends, boys

What if there is a spectrum of consciousness? How would you decide where things fall on it? I don't know how one would measure consciousness.

I've wondered about this for a while, especially when it comes to simulations or AI.

why arent any bugs in the simulation then?

what is the third option?

Conceptually the past, present, future are all haooening at the same time


And how did this happen obviously D had people working with him not Against him. There is no scenario where I come out on top. The game is only revealed once I've lost. Or there is nothing just me freaking out. I got free lsd at least.

There could be, but how would you notice them?

I think a good indicator of consciousness is understanding (not necessarily fear) of impermanence. To recognize its existence a being must also imagine its nonexistence. Almost like survival instincts.

There is no "third" option, there are infinite many other options.
> infinite universes "before", "after", "beside" our own
> some religion is right, there is a god or multiple gods that created
> this universe is just a dream of a giant turtle
> [make your own]


The only way to tell that what you see is a bug is by knowing what the expected behaviour of the program is. The universe is simulated at the level of elementary particles, bugs would be most likely to show up there. It would be hard to trace how these bugs would affect the macroscopic world, and we'd probably just see them as particularly bizarre rules. Even if neutrons occasionally violated the law of conservation of mass and disappeared, physicists wouldn't cry out "The world is wrong!" They'd figure out when and why this stuff happens.

Each bit of daylight you see has been travelling through space for eight minutes.

Starlight has been travelling through space for years before hitting your eye.

Our neighbour galaxy Andromeda is 2.7 million light years away. You can see it without a telescope in a rural night sky. Its light left the galaxy when there was no species homo sapiens. All these years that light travelled through empty space while hominids evolved, and now here I am, catching these photos on my retina.

Me too!

Why did the chicken cross the road?
To get to the other side.
Suicide, that is.

About what?

the speed of light?
black holes?
weak fundamental forces, speed limits, and holes in the topology are not indicative of perfection.

fractals are just mental masturbation for pseudointellectuals who want to pretend to know things about mathematics and pretend to have some sort of "insight" into some huge mystery of nature

I dont even want the get i just dont want you to have it



>holes in the topology



Consciousness has countless bugs.


Stop fapping over snapchat > Snapchat (z) .com will help you tonight!

Hey guys come watch Black Mirror with us! I will be streaming it from Netflix.


m = E/c^2

Welcome, may I take your coat?

Yeh this is much more likely than an omnipotent god-creator.

black holes, all direction beyond the event horizon is toward the center of mass, a "hole".

Has it ever occurred to you, that, just maybe, (YOU) are the bug?

Scientists can now consistently cause astral projection in the lab. They do this by hooking people up to a VR headset and then feeding them an image from a position located over their own shoulder. Instant out-of-body experience

It turns out that this occurs because the reality where we live -- the symbolic representation created by the mind from sensory perception, memories, experience, and expectation -- can be moved anywhere. We generally position our point-of-view inside our heads since we have the most sensory information about this spot, but it's not actually necessary. You can move your point-of-view anywhere you like in relation to your body. The problem is, your brain wallpapers over spots where you have no sensory data with a best-guess. The farther away from your body your point-of-view travels, the less information you have, until eventually your brain is simply making up everything. This is why astral projection usually results in trippy, psychedelic imagery.

im the op that posted this simulation question in the first place. ur autistic. and so are half the people on my side.



Source for this? Interesting!


Got me good man

i got a simple question that can greatly mess up your brilliant mind.

What is Art?

For me, Art is one of those bugs in our simulated universe

I think, therefore I am. (This means that is not an accurate assumption, nor is it likely)

There's a lot of misunderstanding about what scientists mean when they talk about a simulation. It doesn't necessarily mean that we're in the Matrix, but that the nature of the Universe is a two-dimensional informational matrix which is expressed as a simulation of higher dimensions, just as the matrix of information on your hard drive can be used to create a 3d simulation of Skyrim.

The specific experiment I read about was in a dead-tree edition of SciAm, but here's a link to an article which links to a bunch of different scientific studies on astral projection: sploid.gizmodo.com/scientists-unlock-mystery-of-woman-who-sees-herself-out-1538196076

wow dude you must have fried your brain with too many drugs. art is a natural extension of consciousness. not some weird unexplainable shit like a black hole.

your ego is fucking with your philosophy

>dude weed lmao

Regardless. You don't have to win if you don't play, concern yourself with something else, like life, reality and if youre already playing and you don't know you're effectively not playing untill you do.

In summation D is full of logical fallacies akin to a pseudo intellectuall high on bought dopamine.

Was that a art?
Is this a art?
What was the last best art?

I agree that dimensions are something that we will never fully understand. Could be 11 of them. We experience 4. But i'm proposing that the entire universe is simulated down to 1 dimension. planks are the pixels.


The ring worlds from Halo would have to spin 44,004 m/s in order to have the same gravity on earth from just acceleration alone. If the initial equation of a=v^2r is wrong someone let me know because I am unsure about that.

Graph too

>But i'm proposing that the entire universe is simulated down to 1 dimension
Isn't that essentially what String Theory is all about?

doing math in the toilet can seriously harm your brain asshole

Place that had the best amount of light to take a picture

string theory is an occam razor for scientist who got C- in math

No one can actually explain how wheat came to be and a whole bunch of other things we take for granted
>people are tribal hunter gatherers that move about and live off the land and have a lifestyle that is extremely harsh and most die extremely young
>one day cave man decides that he wants to eat the seeds of grass
>grass seeds are about the size of pepper flakes
>he picks the largest pepper flake sized grass seeds and then takes the time to clear land and plant seeds every year
>takes largest seeds and repeats every year of his life
>selective breeding takes an incredible amount of time so he gets his kids and their kids and so one for an insane amount of time to keep picking and planting tiny seeds and selecting the largest so one day they will be big enough to actually eat
>all of this while hunting and gathering and trying to survive off the land and having to move about when food supply's dry up
>grass seeds also go through a genetic change in this process magically so that people's stomachs can actually digest them also unlike all other grass seeds
>after a few thousand years of keeping all the generations focused on a goal that expends energy with no return they profit with the creation of wheat
Make of that what you will
Also cheetahs are so close genetically that you can skin graft from any one to another and they are a mixture of cats and dogs. They can get feline and canine diseases and they have two different types of hair depending on the colour and the feet of dogs

Conveniently pictured right next to the exact place where you should have left them.

BTW did you write that out with your feet?

I understand, such wise.

Nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means nothing means aids

A simulated brain is a brain nonetheless.

Regardless few people "cogito ergo sum" on their own. It's too common a meme, and most people don't even know the context from which it came.