Hi guys I know I don't deserve it and probably won't get it but whatever I'm a fag...

Hi guys I know I don't deserve it and probably won't get it but whatever I'm a fag, really want to play conan exiles but don't have the money to anybody out there want to help a miserable cunt be happy for a while?


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you gotta earn you own happiness cunt, that shit isn't free. fuck off


Couldn't agree more friend

you are the digital equivalent of a street-beggar, only worse. you're begging for a video game. you're begging for a $30 piece of early access software. nothing screams 'lazy smelly neckbeard with cum crusted underwear from jacking his small dick to hentai' than that.

need to make $30? do something for it, dumb fuck.

why don't you play Conan Online
Shit's free and you can still run around naked

suck a dick for 30 bucks, i bet there are plenty of fags around you.

>digital equivalent of a street-beggar, only worse.
The guy asking for a free game is a lazy faggot loser.

But he is not worse than the wastes of human flesh that beg on the streets. They have a tendency to be:
>literally depressing
90% of them get offered help by western society and 90% of those 90% don't take that help in order to imporve their lives and their society. Fuck'm. Bums that are worth helping are the exception to the rule.

Comparing this guy to an irl bum is ridiculous.

it's not ridiculous at all.

Crush your enemies.
See them driven before you.
Hear the lamentations of their women.

You need a good gaming pc to run that game.
How can you afford a gaming pc, but you can't afford a game?

i have the game and it is very resource greedy!

you'll play it for less than a week and be done.
better off getting ARK, its more stable and has way more content

do NOT get ark its absolute shite

was going to say all i meant is Conan Exiles is worse, but you got dubs 00 so i yield good sir

At least click here so I can buy it with a discount :/


Don't be so heartless dicks T.T

Dont waste your time. So many issues with the game. Just read the steam reviews.

Complete shite a level 50 player can beat low levels all day just because he has been grinding for longer. No survival spirit here. Just grind faster than others and wipe the floor with everyone else.

get a job

Any anti American thread gets pushed to bottom pages automatically now. Have fun you absolute idiots...

Meh, it's a mediocre game at best. Plenty of other shit worth picking up for a lot cheaper.

Creativerse is free and has more content to unlock than Exiles

Sure, add me steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198120251719

Are you gifting user?

At least beg for a good game

Was worth a try :/ steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198000927743