Aliens drop a scout to track her down and kill her

>aliens drop a scout to track her down and kill her

Awesome concept - drastic change in tone pulled off perfectly

>"You gotta be kidding me!" line
>blows up organic spaceship with a bottle of whiskey and some matches
>knocks over mailbox that literally says "10 Cloverfield Lane" in CGI letters

Full Hollywood retard

You're just butthurt

cloverfield fans, everyone

>Full Hollywood retard
Well yeah, while it's widely known the "cloverfield" has been coined last minutes for marketing purposes (why? it's not even that popular) and the movie has jackshit to do with it, there is an apparently much less know trivia about this movie.
I've read god knows where that the aliens action sequences were a request from the suits, otherwise the movie would have originally ended with her seeing the floating ship upon exiting the bunker.

They hint at why the bottle kills it. It's organic and the poison gas is lit af, you see this when it lets some out snd there's a fire. So she throws fire at the source and it causes a chain reaction. This is why the aliens are losing, because they couldn't quickly annihilate the human race.

Just fucking with ya, yeah it could have been better.

That scene was completely unnecessary schlock and the movie would have been stronger without it.

That said, it bugged me that the aliens have only two ways to kill people, poison gas and attack dogs ( I know it's not a dog, but it's the same principle).

You'd think a species that developed FTL travel with the intention of invading another planet would have also brought something analogous to a gun, but you'd be wrong.

Nothing implies FTL travel.

>doesn't know how big space is

Are you brain damaged? There are plenty of scenarios enabling space travel without the requirement of mad speed.

Name one, professor.

>FTL speed inherently means the ship travels at that speed and excludes the interpretation where the ship merely reaches its destination in a time faster than light particles would take to reach the same distance

-coming from not so far away
-life cycle going on normally during the travel (born/live/die on the ship, farms...)
-live long (and prosper)


Gassing the planet is a much better strategy than shooting bullets at every one of the 7 billion people on Earth.

>closest planet is still 14 LY away
>degradation of ship materials over that time
>hand-waving nonsense

I didn't ask about your mother's nickname.

Someone needs to make a version of the film that has her drive off as soon as she escapes, with the only hint of aliens being that flash of lightning showing the silhouette in the sky.

you mean a non-relativistic form of transportation.
FTL is simply an impossible idea. as nonsensical as saying slower than stopped.

they are morally opposed to guns, pay attention next time

>Every insignificant detail is set-up, even the fact that the shelf can be knocked over
>But they don't confront him with the earring or anything

The aliens were real all along. So the little girl wasn't real?

>implying an alium has to come from a copy of earth
>implying there aren't shit ton of materials both both known and unknown that would hold up for millions of years
>taking a trek reference out of its parenthesis to make it replace the actual point
confirmed fedora faggot.