There should always be a rekt thread

There should always be a rekt thread.

Couple new things, and fresh content always welcome.

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Would appreciate a bump.


I guess Ise gonna be free.


that little bobble head is killing me.

The huge truck was killing them.


I won't do pixelated

Checked and holy shit.



Turned on the wipers after impact.


and he just YANKS it out like it's going to help

>mfw the wipers nudged him over the side

>robber has gun in right hand
>sees old man aim for him
>tries to pull a different gun from his left hand
but why

I think he wanted to line both clerks up with two guns, movie style.

This is what you get when your firearms training is from CS and not going to the actual range like Kenny Rogers there.

Wait, that went into his ear? Eye?

these threads just end up annoying me. People are so fucking stupid, rekt threads just remind me of the fact we are surrounding my complete fucking morons. I never feel bad when i see natural selection at work.

Man, that guy didn't seem worried at all that he was stopped halfway in an active expressway lane. Granted the car that hit him was paying zero attention, but no way would I have opened the door on that side of the car. Insane.

Eye per filename

Not only that, since he's only interested in opening right side doors, he's not even trying to hug the wall to get as far over as possible. The stupidity at work here is impressive.

Pink Guy?

Could you rephrase the question?

Love these threads.
Reminds me that slowly but surely the brain dead zombies are being sorted.

this has been soundtracks of gore thread by smooth dude

Well, there is a crosswalk in the background, one of normal intelligence would think to use it.

Is there a site where I can see all these videos?

you're welcome Sup Forumsro

Yet literally not one single person is. They are all taking the longest possible route putting them in the middle of traffic flow for the longest time.

Ey b0ss


I bet you don't even know what they're called. Newfag

This is exactly why I don't live in the city fucking buses

you can see a liquid squirt out of the poor guy.

Guess that's why they create so many offspring.

Yep, likely out of his asshole. wew


That was played in reverse.

They don't use Cyrillic in China dumbfuck.

What does the train driver do in such a situazione

Who, Russians?

The video is from Russia, and Russia has negative birth rates.

Toplel m8

You know how silly you reverse video conspiracists sound?

Sorry, I'm retarded.

Pull the emergency break, wait 3 minutes until the train comes to a stop while contemplating yet another idiot killed on the tracks, then call authorities.

Nothing. It can take up to a mile or more for a train to come to a complete stop.

how about i wish this was reversed

Did you think I was talking about the video I posted...? But I'd say *some* people use Cyrillic over there, so that would be an incorrect statement.

So everyone's journey is delayed because of one dipshit that doesn't mind their surroundinos?

what if they had an electrical line that ran to the back triggering breaks on each individual car of the train?

ey b0ss

may i habe de pucci plz?

No fuk u mane

What do you think should happen? It's an accident, it needs to be investigated. The train can't go anywhere until that's done.

Stamps another "person killed" stamp on the side of the engine.

Internet cafes still exist in 2012?

Based grandpa

no just give ya meat a nice ol rub

Each car has their own brakes already. They just weigh alot.

hey man homless people need internet access to get jobs

Pretty much.
Wouldn't work. Enabling the brakes on each of the cars would not only be expensive, but the weight of each car would still make the stopping distance too long. You might reduce it to about half a km, but you have to account for the G Force inside some of those cars. People and orders can't be destroyed to spare one unintelligent life.

Is multi track drifting possible irl. I doubt the wheel hubs swivel that far

This was on purpose, right?


You are fucking dumb if you think each car does not have its own braking.

I think I have those exact pliers

Not a Porsche :(

That reminds me. I saw a Ferrari 350 get T-Boned by a shitty 2nd gen fiesta a few weeks ago. Imagine dat feel

"Train driver" here. You pick your feet off the floor so you don't feel the person being cut apart, then you slam on the emergency brakes and report the accident to your dispatcher. Cue lawsuits.

I'm gonna say prob texting or sleeping.

All of my cringe.

What did this guy do?

i think that where his insides

Excuse me, railroad engineer.
Who sues whom usually?

The family. Usually they just sue the railroad, who settles. Occasionally they sue the crew, which is a massive pain in the ass.

I love the Bakky videos. Not into those ones where they shit all over the girls though.


When's the drug test happen?

Not like you could have done anything to prevent the accident.

>su d cru
That's why I asked. It must suck. How does the slice feel?

Well if someone is stupid enough to walk on the tracks with a gigantic fucking train coming they deserve what they get. Its not like a train can sneak up on some one like a smart car.

You're saying you can feel the train run over a person?


How the fuck did they not see/hear this massive machine barreling towards them? Fucking retards deserved to be bulldozed, kek

I love art deco locomotive engines.

Drug test happens almost immediately, you get breathalyzed as well and sometimes they'll pull your cell phone records. Engine and front facing camera also gets downloaded. There's a lot of things you have to do when going over crossings, you can get in a lot of trouble if they find you willfully violated the rules.

Depends on how the train hits them. A sharp bang if the deflect off the plow, really nasty grinding if they get sucked under the wheels.

They can be surprisingly quiet if they're going downhill. Most the fatalities we get are kids walking in the gauge with earbuds in. It does blow my mind when people get hit at crossings; there's usually lights, bells, gates, and the engine's bell and horn.

Why has this become a train thread?


Do you even report post?

O U!!

Yup. If you hit them with the engine, at least. If they get cut in half trying to cross your train or something you wont know. I've had my train get hit by a car and didn't find out about it for hours because it was like half a mile back.

FYI the guy is dead the perp is a fucking degenerate debt collector that has a long record of violence and intimidation and is suspected of other murders.

This happened in south africa.

I kick off my flip flops and stick my bare feet onto the floor so I can feel the person being cut apart. Sometimes I can hear the vibrations for their final scream.

Then I clean up my jizz, wash the lotion off my hands and fill out the form.


It got derailed.


have you ever hit someone?

It says "MAMMA MIA", pasta boy

How far did he gauge it in?
Worked with a few S.Africans. Yku guys are cool beans.