Miss me yet?

Miss me yet?

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do i miss a zionist nigger sellout? no

Nope. Never will and neither will the 95 million out of work or the 50 million in poverty

Fuck no... go back to kenya you fraud!


And Trump isn't?

he isnt a nigger. that alone is good enough

President Trump, is trying to fix the shit that dumb halfcunt nigger broke



like what

Ok troll. Did you not watch the joint session of comgress yesterday? nope didnt think so.

No nigger.




Lol, keep telling yourself that, faggot.


ok troll
tu madre es puto

ITT: The real niggers of the world.

>but mah mama tole me I could be prez...not a nigger.

Faggots, you are only jealous that a black man achieved the status of most powerful man in the world, while your worthless asses sit at home being butthurt.

Yeah...let's see how far that orange cock goes up your ass before you realize you're being raped.

Not trolling fag-hombre. You're just a sensitive little shitstain.

Never took the shot...

mmm rape

fuck off, we are better with trumpt


damn right we are

Hell no

Man, you alt-right neckbeard fucks really made this site go to shit.

I mean, it was already shit, but you cucks really put the nail in the coffin.

How is he raping us? Under Obama, people who couldn't afford insurance would've had to pay up to 2.5% of their income in fees.

You that 94 million includes, retired folks, students, parents that choose not to go back to work, and vets right? Numbers are high just not that high


Actually, I can now afford insurance because rates pre-obamacare were ridiculous in the private sector.

Complete bullshit, premiums have gone through the roof

Just because the nigger was prez doesnt mean he did a good job at all

fuck no, GTFO



Sure kid

No they have not. My premiums were over 500 before now they sit under 300


Which is why healthcare should be free, you stupid American.

lucky you. I guess you live in the right state. or maybe the LEFT stae



>95 million
>only 315 million people in US
>1/3 (33%) unemployment rate
Maximum kek

nothings free you stupid eurotard

You know a lot of that was because half these companies did not like having a 15% profit margin. They hiked up the prices to try to net more.










So, you are just retarded and admit to being retarded?


What, were you counting the number of times Obama said Obamacare?

Yes i miss him. He did good despite of the shit that was handed to him.





Cause we aren't in the middle of a violent civil war, or at least we aren't yet.

Why would I miss someone who is a complete fucking hypocrite and demolished the middle class singlehandedly?

Fucking democrats are a joke


Wait.... No wait just a minute there. Why would something like this end up on Sup Forums? You some sort of normie faggot?


>A speech about what he did vs. a speech about what he will do.

A mass murderer who dropped 4.5 bombs a second during his office and
still managed to somehow get a Nobel prize

Not the same user.
I live in Texas.
My premiums are better now than before the affordable care act.

Pre existing conditions and all that.
These threads are getting predictable and the answers are the same.

Bad human Vs bad business man

There is no such thing as a middle class, it was a term coined after what Reagan did to the economy and credit. If you believe it was always a class, please go back and look at history and notice there was always a poor and rich but never really any "middle".

I smell shit and decay.

The do-nothing president who just got a $65 million book deal? No way. I wonder who will write the book for him.

>implying bush didn't do the same thing
>implying Trump wouldn't do something worse

I guess reading history books and social studies is a little out of your league or are you talking about Russia?

no, I fucking dont. sure, you had a couple of good ideas in my OPINION, but those were overshadowed by your shit foreign policy, asinine health care system, and complete lack of transparency which you promised you'd give in the beginning. also, thanks for leaving behind a horde of your god damn worshippers who completely hate the world around them (goes to show what kind of behaviors you promoted)


Why the fuck is that when you see trump be a stupid asshole you project it on to Obama? Just who do you think has all the ghost written books?

>But Muslem terrersts!@!#@
Yeah, it's Obama supporters that hate the world.


every president sucks the middle east's dick, what matters is how much each one does.




>lie repeated a thousand times

This was basically the entire democrat strategy for the past year and a half. Just call Trump and anyone else you disagree with a racist. Call them that again. Then again. Then again tomorrow. Then the next day. Over and over call everyone racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, sexist, all of it... do it enough times, and people will just believe it because they've been sold the idea they they are perched on the moral high ground, so anyone that doesn't agree with them must be all of those things.



found the Sup Forumstard



At least the prez is not a nigger






it's funny because no matter how much his supporters are pressed to admit it, that was one of the main reasons he got elected: he was fucking black.

Now really ?
Was the OPs question about anything other than Obamer???