Can we get an info graphics thread!?

Can we get an info graphics thread!?





come on guys!!!

I am intrigued.

Lets do more of these

I want to learn more!!











This is bullshit


fuck all these drugs,bombs, nerve gas, darude-sandstorm and weapons.
post sme usefull shit











This is a pretty shit wine chart..


Super powers



I've been following these charts for ages and they don't fucking work, like I'm not sure what the go is hey, but shits starting to grow in like april but by harvest time in August, the fucking bugs have eaten it and it's gone rotten, like fix your shit cunt.





These are great guys! keep em up!!!





It depends on your country due to different climates who knows for what country those charts are meant

Yes, better to find your climate zone and follow it's respective charts.



Is this for a bomb or some shit?

Oh man ninjas used these oh geez wow!


Its for a good trip

TOR is compromised, do not use.
















This kills the noob

Number 5 for corporate.


Formula is correct just dont touch it with hands etc.




Flavor does matter. Shit is gross

This chart makes no sense. Somebody just took the dits and dahs and said "durr, how can these fit into letters?" There's no rhyme or reason to help a person remember. Worthless garbage.
