City VS Country
City VS Country
Wtf is this shit
Btw country
I want to see who would win in a battle
>Common cold VS Any number of shitty viruses from stupid wild animals
city is full of shitty chinks and faggots
Specifically that city and that patch of country?
Some cities offer both—Vancouver, Rio,
> implying that being around animals is bad for immune system. Kill yourself and spare the gene pool you towny faggot.
>If I can survive the first four bat bites, maybe I'll stop getting sick from them
>Oh shit I'm feeling a cold coming on, better act fast so it doesn't go on for two weeks
Cities come with higher costs of living and more chance of work. Country's cheaper and living arangements are usually a lot broader for the same price or a lot cheaper. Then there's how bored/crowded you want it to be. I like cities, but hate my overpriced studio
Country, obviously.
What kind of dumbass question is that?
fuckin disgusting rednecks. urban ubermensch reporting in. learn about soap you literal motherfuckers.
This is fucking retarded. I have lived in the country for years and not once have been bitten by a bat. I bet that smog helps your lungs work great
hmmm shity Auckland, or a scummy river?
Our bats can't fucking fly, what kinda person gets bit by flightless bats?
More like civilization vs hick ass country fuck republicucks
City has too much shit going on all the time and it's too cramped, and everyone is an asshole. I enjoy the peace and quiet you get in the country. Plus I like my land because my hobbies require a lot of space so I have plenty of it to do whatever the fuck I want.
Your more anonymous in a city. Nobody gives a fuck what you do compared to country or small town.
like fuck your sister.
See John Denver.
I live in the city because I enjoy going out. I dislike smog though... I like the thought of having a vacation home in the country. Hopefully one day I'll be in a financial situation where that is possibruh
Small cities/towns a stone's throw away from the country is best.
Portsmouth, NH, reporting in.
Highest rates of incest are among niggers.
Niggers live in cities.
Try again nigger.
You're an amerifag right?
Exactly. In a barn, in the woods, in a cave hell out in the middle of a road that no one goes down ever.
Too bad I don't have a sister, I guess my cousin will do
You're all doing it wrong.
living is a big city sucks. there's nothing to do except partying, people dress/talk like morons and are vapid & shallow. i just want to move, but i can't
>City folks will never understand
Depends on the city.
Depends on the country.
but to be fair, way less white trash and in general higher educated people. Well it depends on the city and Country (nation) I guess. But my city has islands and a large forest a short boat/subway trip away. Good shit.
Country - less people, less noise, better landscapes, more to explore, less retarded politics, time to enjoy yourself
You mean fapping alone, since there are no girls there?
City. Fuck living in the country and everything being several miles away.
I hold peace of mind above everything
city if you need young people around you and if you like something happening around you.
country if you want alot of old people around you and if you like nothing happening at all unless you initiate something yourself.
city oc
country is for faggots and goatfuckers
I am sure that they will never dude.
>country is for faggots
Like the bay area?
Why do you think that they create a lot of lambs and sheeps?
>implying that's a bad thing
Never got sucked by a small korean boy, user?
Lets see
>City - faggots, niggers, trannies, immigrants, homeless, litter, crime, libtards, no parking, 2hrs to drive 10 miles, live in a box
>Country - wilderness, privacy, natural beauty, loving neighbors, whites only, big houses, trails, kayaking, biking, marksmanship, atv, dirt bikes, better food, better prices on everything, better accents, actual good people, no rush, no traffic, No faggots, niggers, or generally useless city dwellers that don't know a god damn thing about life outside their narcissistic bubble of faggy high fashion and getting molested on the bus. Sad!
I've never even been on a bus. I own 3 vehicles and if I want to go somewhere I can drive full speed the whole way. Get stabbed, citycucks.
Nice try, there are no cities in Africa
I lived in a rural part of South Jersey. I used to be like you lot, thinking it was either (1) Country, (2) Big city like Philly or NYC where it takes +1 hour to get out of it and its subrubs, or (3) some packed suburb of the big city. As a moved to a suburb of Chicago (Naperville) and again when I lived on the outskirts of Austin (near Bee Cave and Lakeway), I still felt the same way. Then I moved to New England.
Northern New England is replete with small cities/towns along the coast like Portsmouth, NH, Newburyport, MA, and Ogunquit, ME. They're manageable, clean, relatively low traffic, and they're very close to rural areas. Here, you can have a +5 acre peace of land and be within a 15 minute drive to one of these towns, or live in these cool little cities with 19th century industrial architecture everywhere and be within half an hour's drive to a rural area. You really get to enjoy both lifestyles up here; everyone is friendly, it's a very "purple" area (mixed conservatives and liberals) yet everyone gets along, you have the option to get piece of mind and natural beauty with mountain biking, river kayaking, and whatnot while also having a bit of action, shows, night life, etc.
>whites only
0 refugees in my small town hidden between many many mountains in germany. only saw one turkish family yet. and this family is upper middle class with healthy, calm, peaceful kids.
Just curious what you consider "small town"
as in how many residents?
very small but not a village
Alright, I have seen retards on this site claim 100k is a "small town".
I life in a town with ~500 residents, and work in another that is 20 miles away that has roughly 2500.
Wow that's tiny. What, may I ask, do you do for work?
And shit internet.
1,5mb/s download is okay for me.
Both are great.
Not too long in either though.
I live near a small Montana town of about 3500 and live in a smaller community of about 300 residents (about 10 miles outside of village limits). I've lived in Atlanta, LA, San Diego, Seattle, and Phoenix.... small town life is the fucking way to go. Only way it sucks is if you are a piece of shit beta who can't make friends and fit in at the local bar. Bar is life around here.
City is filled with faggots
Countryside is filled with inbred rednecks who is scared of muslims
I've lived both and i prefer to live in the country / town area.
Too much noise in the city.
because so many more live in the city, they should tell the country folk what to do with their land
bet you like it in the south end, faggot
I spent the first large chunk of my life living in a rural farming community. It's great growing up, because you can explore the woods and play. I moved to a big US city in the North East for college and living in the city for the past 5 or so years has really been incredible. Which is better honestly depends on how old you are and what you like in life. I loved the country (and still do), but I can't see myself moving back there for at least another 5-10 years. The city just has too much going on that I enjoy as a young guy in his 20s.
Thought he was referencing the South End of Boston. Now that's a great spot to live, if you don't mind walking everywhere.
I continued to be a white male, the race and gender which built the entirety of modern civilization by ourselves, and without which it would all burn
you're fucking welcome, apes.
Fuck all these edgelords, both are great. City life is great for career building and experiencing a great social life. But after a decade or two of doing the city life, I wanna retire somewhere quiet, fresh, and relatively cheap. Small to midsize towns are ideal.
>litteral motherfuckers
I kek'd
Pyongyang here. Our awesome city is both city and country. Great Leader is truly a visionary man to be able to built a great place like this.
Shut up, chigger. They don't have internet in Asia.
How the stuff works on the rice field?
city. more to do, more people to meet and i find being in a city at night absolutely electric. you can find the rush of an entertainment/club filled area or the quieter shopping districts.
i have some great childhood memories of spending time in the country too and i'd still head out for weekend excursions but nothing can top the variety of a city
>city breaks country in half
>but now you have 2 countries
>country always wins