>be me
>hanging out in lawn
>neighbor's annoying dog comes over
>doesn't go away
>kick the shit out of it
>limps back home
>few hours later
>hey user you hear the news?
>no, what's up?
>we had to put our dog down, looks like she got hit by a car
>damn that sucks man
>go inside and crack open a beer
>alpha as fuck
Be me
Other urls found in this thread:
Do you even know what alpha is? That's the most pathetic bottom of the barrel shit right there.
Do you mean retarded beta trying to act hard thread?
Why exactly did they come and tell you personally? And why would they ask like that? Heard the news?
Clearly you look up to cuck betas because they score more pussy than you.
>stood up to all my bullies
>helped out kids that were getting bullied
not exactly alpha, but doing nothing about it would be fucking omega plus
You didn't have to kick it, but then again fucking leash law.
I blame the owner for not being responsible and letting it around a psyco like you.
Incredibly low quality bait. Whats funny though is how many people will believe this shit.
>asshole as fuck
fixed it for you.
Fucking faggot, you tell me that story IRL i would kick the fucking shit out of you
Give me your address and I will murder you.
Alpha in this story would probably involve going and talking to your neighbor face to face and telling him to keep his dog off your lawn. What you did was the most subversive beta move...
that's not an alpha story, pussy.
to be Alpha as fuck you need to change
>damn that sucks man
>damn that sucks man, but I didn't need to hit >your dog with a car, I just hit it with me.
>Thinks kicking the shit out of an innocent animal is alpha
Geez OP how autistic are you?
>be me
>64 male
>see cutie lolli
>her name's Clarice
>get her number to "play" with her
>get to her house
>she has dolls, barbies and a bunch of other 7 year old crap
>rock hard
>I seduce her
>that pussy was TIIGGGGHHHHT
Shit was so cash
>be me
>single at the moment
>exgf calls, we talk a bit she wants to fuck
>ask about her current bf, "he works second shift user"
>wtf it's pussy and she's a good fuck
>couple hr later hear front door open while she's reverse cowgirl
>she runs out of the room, hear her pitifully trying to stall him in the hall
>stand next to bed, fight or flight out the window.... choose fight
>bf barges into room, see's naked me staring him down
>uhhh, you.... you better leave. then he walks out
>hear the front door close
>exgf comes back in crying....
>i'm like, so can we finish or what
>she gets on all fours and I adrenaline fuck her til I explode
>still to this day don't get why he didn't try and go ham on me, he was like 6'6" and built, I'm just under 6' and was athletic but not massivily built
not alpha at all
Probably because you were naked fag
Because it´s her fault for being a fucking whore, he knew she didn´t deserve him and didn´t even care about you
ur maybe right but if I was in that position I don't think I would have cared, would have beat the shit out of the young me......... fighting is fighting shouldn't matter if the opponent is dressed, naked, wearing a tutu
you wanna hear an alpha story?
>be me
>hottest motherfucker at work
>6″3, wide shoulders, narrow hips and a smile that melts rocks easily
>I'm also the nicest fag around, a real fucking nice fag
>every guy wants to be me, all the ladys want me inside them
>I get smootches all day every day and more ass and titties to grab, than a horny 13 year old in his prepubescent, wet dreams
>don't even have to ask for it, comes all naturally
>even have to decline the constant advances from the ladies around me
>I'm a gentle fag
>working at a retirement home
>alpha as fuck
yet here you are, posting anonymously on the worst place on the internet.
If so many perfect people come here why is this place such a shithole?
even if this is b8 you should kill yourself for even imagining abusing a helpless animal due to your impatience. we don't need your autistic beta genes faggot
the most alpha thing in the world is being cucked
Honestly, I agree.
Lmao this was good
>ask girl out for movies
>she says yes
>ask her what time her dad can drive us to the movies
>she just gives me a blank stare
>ok well you guys should pick me up around 7
>give her fist bump and run home in excitement
>her and her dad pick me up around 7
>no one says a word on the way there
>he drops us off
>as I'm getting out of the car I stop and ask him for money for the movie
>he just stares at me
>politely inform him movies don't grow on trees
>he gives me $30
>I clear my throat and keep my hand out
>he gives me another $10
>I roll my eyes and say "thanks, guy" really sarcastically
>girl I asked out looking super embarrassed
>get to the ticket window
>did you dad give you any money for the movie?
>she looks like she's about to cry
>well you should call him because he only gave me enough for myself and some food
>we didn't go on a second date
>be me
>fucked a 6 year old
>shit felt great
>alpha as fuck
I just said that I'm nice to old people at work.
They're funny to be around. Old people don't give a fuck what you think of them. I consider them to be very honest in contrast to the majority of people in our lives, who were raised to build a hypocritical fassade of wrong self-staging around them. Not unlike Sup Forums in some way cause of the anonymity
>be me
>20 yo, university student
>waiting at bust stop
>listening music, minding my own business
>girl waits the bus
>she is just behind me, didn't notice her presence
>bus arrives
>I get in
>fucking driver tells me I'm not a gentleman
>he says there was a girl on the stop
>looks back
>oh sorry, didn't see you, I feel so bad
>no problem user, its ok
>driver keeps yelling shit at me
>stfu, I do not have eyes on my back
>he started to drive
>walks in
>60yo man tells me I'm an asshole
>stfu, I do not have eyes on my back
>driver and old man said nothing more
>I see how their faces seems humiliated
now thats a shitty story
and I have more shitty stories which involves bus drivers, where they end looking like faggots
b/c he realized she is a whore and not worth the effort.
Also, he prob went straight to the clinic to get tested.
Its one thing to fuck a whore and enjoy it; its another to give a shit about her.
The WHOLE train applauded you user, you sure are an edgy and hard hitting storyteller
>At Holoween party in college
>Costume is lame because imnotcreative.jpg
>Had a mask and suit was a wet-suit because I thought it looked cool
>Notverycreative.exe called myself Ripcurl after the brand of wet-suit
> Dumb ho friend of some girl starts giving me crap about how I'm not a "real" hero.
>Tell her I'm all about fighting crime
>Proceed to tell her I'm an undercover cop and I know she's drinking underage.
>Watch drunk girls eyes get super wide and volts for the door.
>Slips on grimy party floor and face plants into wall.
>Starts crying telling people I'm a cop and that's why she ran.
>Mfw everyone there was like "No he just lied to you."
>animal abuse
Yeah bro thats how u get girls to like you, by hurting defenseless animals, way to go pal
Can anyone post mega link to full set of pic related
>be me, in highschool
>ask random kid for a pencil to do test
>finish test and person comes over asking for pencil back
>just stare at them
>and keep staring
>"Uhmm can I have it back??"
>They just awkwardly walk back to their desk
Good on ya fella. Pencils are prime real-estate.
Hope this was real
Tried to take pic of wet suit. I still have it phone won't do less than 5mb...
Got it.
You're a swine
Rip Curl is my hero
I don't get it. you're either a savage ( Alpha ) or civilized ( Beta )
Mutilate helpless animal. BETA AS FUCK! Try to "kick the shit out of" a skilled MMA fighter, thats Alpha as fuck.
be dog
>hanging out in lawn
>neighbor's annoying me comes over
>doesn't go away
>eat log of shit out of that Andy Six dude
>limp back home
>few hours later
>hey dog you hear the news?
>no, what's up?
>we had to put our me down, looks like I got hit by a car
>damn that sucks man
>go inside and crack open a snausages
>canine as fuck
>be 17
>in girlfriend's room
>laying on the bed "watching" TV
>fingering her, getting a HJ
>start fingering her faster
>she starts to orgasm as her dad peeks in
>I rub her faster to make it more intense
>dad gets to watch her arch
>he slowly leaves
>alpha as fuck
>Dad: "If not me who, if not now when?"
"narrow hips"?? yeah right that's very manly to say
>have loving gf
>not cheat on her
is it not? then its a bad translation of an expression that just means well-built. English is not my first language
Wow kicking a dog is psycho. Are people who kick their kids irredeemable super psychos? Calm the fuck down.
How could you fall for that? Are you that insecure?
what even is this
nice wanna hear
>be 14
>freshmen year of high school
>girl wants me to ask her dance
>dance is on saturday
>know she wants me to ask her
>walk with her to her bus after school
>hug her and say "have fun at the dance this weekend"
>never speak to her again
>got mad high fives from the bros
>alpha as fuck
>Mad high fives
>be me alpha as fuck
>straight alpha as fuck
>fucking alpha as fuck
No. Alpha is fucking her mom and saying if you ever leave me at least I can date your sister.
>bitch ex is fuck buddy on again off again
>been a while
>calls me up at 2am wants to "hang out"
>i can tell shes wasted
>pick her up, bring her to my place
>"just wants to cuddle"
>put the moves on
>end up fucking
>she cums and immediately passes out
>won't wake up
>i keep fucking, finish in her pussy
>go have a beer and a cigarette
>come back, she still wont wake up
>fuck her 5 more times
>im the morning she remembers nothing
This pasta is not even done cooking, why is everyone falling for this when it's not so old?
Is Sup Forums just full of g-men who cycle everyday?
Am i mr.tinfoil?
If there's any truth to your dog beating story, my only hope is that someone shows you what alpha as fuck really means. Asshole.
>next month, "I'm pregnant and it's yours!"
>18 years of deadbeat dad child support payments in arrears
>beta as fuck
Go fucking die in a hole you piece of inbred shit. People like you are a fucking waste of oxygen.
yea she was on the pill man
she didnt get pregnant
i did use every hole tho
>be me
>be 17
>find a pair of panties
>bury them in the woods
>alpha as phuck
For some reason I want to say that's not Alpha. But clearly no one is going to take those from you and your virginity was probably buried with those panties. Alpha.