Is it illegal to masturbate to pictures of people underage...

Is it illegal to masturbate to pictures of people underage? Even though I know it is illegal to do anything in the real world and never would, I enjoy fapping to teen girls and sometimes junior-teen (tween) if they are cute, I happen to find them physically attractive. I wonder if this is legal or not. I also think that the more people fapping at home to teens would reduce the number of people actively going outside and raping teens too.

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is thoughtcrime illegal? unless explecitely depicted in a sexualized / nude manner its not TECHNICALLY illegal, but much frowned down upon.

but it is only frowned down upon by those who are not attracted to teens right? Like homosexuality is frowned down upon by many straight people.

It should be illegal to be this dumb.

also thanks for answering.

it should be illegal to be this mean and rude.

where do you find fotos like that?

In some countries it is illegal to masturbate

When I get a girlfriend, they look ok with makeup on but I find they look very unattractive without makeup and often look like men, young teens and tweens don't usually have this phenomenon.

No. You can look at what ever you want while wanking.
*Possessing* *child porn* is illegal in a lot of places, but wanking to it does not make any difference. But the pic you posted isn't porn.

...unless you live in an Islamic country, where wanking may be illegal, period. But then. fucking a child, ironically, may not be!

I just used google search. I don't know any special websites, google used to have more but they have been hiding them recently. they discriminate against people like me.

seriously? which ones?

What do you search for? Tweens in bikinis?

I don't find naked bodies to be attractive anyways, of any age, the clothing makes them more enticing and lets the imagination wander. I'm just talking about clothed. Some places would ban for it but it's not illegal so why? just hateful people who don/'t understand.


google image search not regular search

Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, and possibly many other Muslim countries.

Post more fap material for us to investigate and we will let you know.

make sure youre in incognito mode or you'll get in trouble with cyber police

on airplanes too

is it illegal? that is what I am wondering. I didn't know if the police would mind or not.

dude incognito only skips cookies and temp files in ur pc. servers and cyber police will detect kek

lol. and trains

Police? i would worrie about the comunity, if people find out they chop you up and mutilate you

Search with duck duck go if worried.

If women would stop wearing makeup then men would have children with the naturally beautiful women instead of being tricked into breeding with ugly women who cover up the ugly. The genetics would improve and people would stop being attracted to teens. As ugly women remove their makeup and look like dudes, the dudes start to view younger girls as more feminine and therefor more sexually attractive. That's what I think anyway. Makeup fucks everything up.

too many masculine women these days pushing men into liking children. women also need to change their personality and start behaving more feminine. Women with macho attitudes makes men gay and pedos.

I am A-Sexual but find teens attractive and fap to them. I would never want to actually have sex, did that before with my girlfriend that looks like a dude. Most girls look like dudes. Anyway, I'm going to keep fapping to teens so hope it isn't illegal. I need to cook for the family, laters.


ITT OP uses makeup as an excuse for pedophilia.

... Dafuq kind of women where you live?

nah, that's possession of child porn. doesn't matter if you masturbate, still illegal

So.. OP is the guy who shows up to watch dance recitals despite not having a kid. Does he wear a trenchcoat and reek of precum too?