/ant/ farm general

/ant/ farm general
Accidentally posted this in Sup Forums, what should our government be?
They just started digging a few hours ago

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wtf is that kool aid nigga?

"space gel" they can eat it too

they will die, not instant but they will
get a queen and a formicarium

I had one of this things too

without a queen its behavior will be different right?

Is there any benefit to doing an ant farm? or just pure hobby?

It was a gag gift for my bday, so i just decided to get some ants for it.

You can get a little milk out of them, but mostly it is just for fun.

>Spill your ants in a pile of nutritious gel.
They have literally no reason to live anymore.

sounds like heaven

I thought the thread dieded, pls continue OP

I would really like to see it becomes something, go to /an/ if you have to, now bump while I'm working on a long post

So they have dug out alot in the past few minutes, about half arent doing shit at the moment thought

hmm, ill start a thread on there as well.

Maybe you should cum into the enclosure. See what they do with it?

they would get pregnant

The Reich Ant Farm
identify lazy ants
make them drink (yellow) colored fluids and call them the jews
create an isolated space you can lead ants into and asphyxiate them with smoke
proceed to methodically genocide yellow marked ants

Modern Europa
if I rememberd correctly ants can be feed with meat and sugar, divide them in two colony
one fed with brown sugar and chicken living in pleasant conditions (humidity, temp...)
one fed with honey and ham living in harsh cinditions
proceed to insert ants from colony A to colony B, having them marked by the colored fluids method

What is that blue shit?

I like this idea, ill reseach that coloring method more.

Find some different bugs and shit outside and throw them in with the ants. See what happens.

start a little camp fire in the ant land and see how they react

Yeah, this kind of ant farm isn't very good for the ants. It's also pretty boring to even have, OP get an actual ant farm for those poor little insects

Yes, they behave differently without a queen.
Most of their time they care about the queen.

They will build tunnels, as they already started.
But the environment is to bright for them you have to cover them.
But anyways, they will die in that gel and without a queen.
As I stated: I also started with one of this, was a bday present too. But I used a queen with that. She got some eggs but died some time after. Eggs did not develop.
Just use a test tube with some water in it (just google it). A queen will get about 50 worker or more in that and they will survive 2 years before you have to build something bigger.
