Hi user

Hi user,
serious question.
When is it OK to RAPE a WOMAN ?


When you stop making this thread every day. Now fuck off.

Self defense is probably justified

Only when she says "no"
You gotta keep etiquette man,

When you're married to her.

New fag post, ignore and go home

If the bitch cheats on you, rape her in the asshole.

only on Tuesdays

When the price of chloroform falls

if they raped you. or killed a family member.

Sauce babe

Its NEVER ok to rape a woman, unless she doesnt want to have sex with you and you really want to

It's only rape if the police learns it otherwise its just passion



And his name it's?

When you want sex but she won't give it, duh.

only people who are retarded rape

When you are more horny than you are afraid of prison.

are the webms always broken for anyone else here?

(OP) #
It is literally your right as a male to rape any female you want at any age, any given time, how ever long you want.

OPs webm is busted for me, only half of it works.

Gonna need some sauce on that video


I'm actually retarded and I've never raped anyone.

define rape. statutory can be consensual

This. Gonna need some sauce.