What's Sup Forums way of getting to sound like Kurt Cobain?

What's Sup Forums way of getting to sound like Kurt Cobain?

stab a pig? or kick a goat.

buy absolute shit from pawn shops i mean thats what he did

All you have to do is put a loaded shotgun in your mouth. Or a big fat cock. Good thing nirvana couldnt make anymore music

Drink a lot of cough syrup, fag.


untrue. pawnshops yes, but shitty instruments no.

Buckshot to the head

>inb4 conspiracy theorists say he was murdered

Fuck yes.

Im pretty user meant was like clothes

Late 60s Fender Mustangs and Jaguars are hardly shit guitars, user.

Murdered because he knew jet fuel couldn't melt steel beams ? Or because he peed on trump first

>you don't have think, you only have to shoot your face off with a shotgun

It was a cry for help

If you care enough to actually try to sound like Kurt Cobain you can't sound like Kurt Cobain he literally had zero technique


Nah man. He knew information leading to Hillarys arrests.

It was :'((

>implying i want to

He just spoke in a raspy breathly voice kek

Boss ds1 guitar pedals apparently the old ones not the new taiwan made ones

Eat a shotgun.

skip all the poster boy shit and just kill yourself

Shouldn't try to sound like anybody, fag.

kek. Shouldn't be too hard. Just be sure to not learn how to tune your guitar properly and don't practice to much, don't learn any more than three chords then commence whiney screaming and bam! You got it!

Refer to this. (last one)

that guy and that band practiced a shiiiiiitload, always did.

Sounds fucking spot on. Thanks! :D

No they did not. That is impossible

just whine about libcuck bullshit for 3 mins then an hero

blow your fucking head up

uhhh yeah they did. its pretty well known, watch any documentary on the guy...or you know, listen to them--they were fucking tight.

>not realizing what b8 is

Vocal fry
Or sawed off while being sad over a skank.
Both seem to work.

If that's the case it shows all the more how talentless he was. All that practice and he still sounds like a non musical pile of shit.

Shoot heroin and marry a trollop.

Heroin... A lot!!!

Ive been a blues musician for a few years and I have a pretty good amount of rasp in my voice, I never really tried to have a raspy voice its just the one i started out with. I hated it to begin with and just wanted a nice smooth singing voice, but just said fuck it this is what I got. You make do with what you got, doesnt matter what your voice is like so lomg as you use it well.

P.S. Cobain was kind meh, dont base your music on someone else. Do your own shit