Did she deserve the oscar for her performance in Brooklyn to be quite honest in your own opinion?
Did she deserve the oscar for her performance in Brooklyn to be quite honest in your own opinion?
She was better than Brie, who was carried by Jacob Tremblay. But Rooney should've won.
she has a sexy accent
She needs to get more films t b h
Nah. It was a great performance that carried a pretty ok movie but there really wasn't any of the "risky" shit that Academy members wank over.
On top of that Sersh has been making all the right moves and will absolutely get her hands on an Oscar if not multiple Oscars if she keeps it up. Brie Larson is a bit older and Room really came out of nowhere. 2015 was her year, the future belongs to Sersh.
I still don't understand vikander won over rooney
But hey, that's how fucked up this industry really is, they say they award the best performances, that's the biggest joke. Everything serves a hidden agenda when they have to chose a winner.
why does she have such bad skin?
It's just the age user, everything will go away
It happened to my skin years ago, perfectly fine right now
It's the little things like this that make her so lovely
It's almost like she's a normal person
Should I watch Brooklyn or nah?
It's a must, in this shit sea of capeshit and edgy films, unbelievably the old fashioned Brooklyn i's a breath of fresh air
Gonna then.
It's a great movie, give it a try
this, in retrospect
she really didn't have much of a performance honestly but it was a good movie carried on her back
For every super hero, there is a villain.
>"Now that we know who you are, I know who I am. I'm not a mistake! It all makes sense! In a comic, you know how you can tell who the arch-villain's going to be? She's the exact opposite of the heroine. And most times they're friends, like you and me! I should've known way back when... You know why, Sersh? Because of the kids!"
>"They called me Mrs. Slag"
She will win when she finally gets to play the role for which she was born.
I agree, they need to make a movie about the genocide the irish people suffered at the hands of the anglos
She'd be a perfect lead
What genocide are you talking about?
There's another mini ice age upcoming in the next decade,
Will Ireland die of starvation?
>sersh butt
brie, vikander, and rooney were all better and could/should have been nominated as leads
The potato famine one
It's the new popular game of thrones whore's ass
who is the slag?
I'll make sure to keep some money and come help Saoirse when the time is right then
yes she deserved an oscar because she show she sexy panty and also do swimsuit sexy scene if it encourage actres to go lewd give them oscar!
Potato is good but, does she even like to eat potato?
Ywn share a cuppa cuddled up with sersha on a cold winters night
This is for real, I don't remember where i heard this, that she's allergic to potatoes
>sersh butt
I just want to berry mynose.innit
end my life please
more Hanna/How I Live Now/Violet & Daisy webms?
Hang in there pal
>mfw she'll never notice me
You'll be happy to learn that she deleted literally all her social media accounts :^)
It's a fucking shame, imagine all the things she could share with us, her minions
Can she be any more of a perfect Contrarian waifu ?
She legit seems like a good person
She's patrician as fuck, untainted by the social jew
Why is she so soft bros?
Mara deserved it, but wasn't even nominated in leading role.
It beats me
>no self indulgent selfies
>no tweeting/tumblring bullshit
What a life that would be. It's rare to find an attractive girl who would benefit from social media outwardly reject or minimize their digital presence.
I will make some soon when I updated my Sersh folder
She has really good taste in movies too, look it up
Reminder that this was a "no make-up" shoot
We can tell
Looking forward to your contributions bro.
That's not smart or funny you fag
Kino as fuck
Looks like she needs to wax
Not that user, but I will soon acquire the Hanna Bluray so I can make some
And look at that honker
this bitch is ugly as fuck
no wonder she gets no roles
>mobile ban evader triggered edition
Kek I love saoirse and I plan to work with and marry her one day, I'm just fooling around while sitting in a parking lot alone for a few hours
iktf bro
Messy OC from our pol friends!
I just have to pretend to be busy at night so my parents don't know I smoke cigarettes, and the best place to hide from normies is a quiet little parking lot behind a gas station in my town. I don't have any money or I'd just go to a bar instead.
She looks very pretty in a hat, normally I hate girls in hats but blondes in hats are best. Also some cunt just parked right next to me and I am sperging hard, fuck me there's someone waiting in the car while the driver goes inside holy shit I am so scared right now I have to slit my throat with my car keys
Just never grow a resentment user, be a kind person if you succeed
They threw something at my car, I have to fight this person now I don't know how to handle this, why can't normies just leave me alone I'm on the verge of a panic attack
any more from Violet& Daisy?
a seriously underrated movie
Go to your happy place,
The light of sersha will help you
Fucking hell she's getting along with that ginger skeltal you didn't told me this
taking bias aside, it was treated very badly, considering the shits critics praise these days
It's okay, it's almost time for me to leave anyway. Gotta be home by midnight or I get in trouble. See you on the other side, Sersh bro
Keep on watching senpai, everything goes well.
where ma potatobros @?
really good dialogue reminds me of a movie called South of Heaven
No jogging for my Saoirse
Never heard of that, the first result is some Metal music album, a movie pops out, is directed by jonathan vara, is that the right one?
jogging is a pretty shit cardio, 2bh
sersha needs to start lifting, do some squats, get some nice powerful muffs, tight that tummy up a bit
skinny-fat bodies can get really hot with a good exercise regimen
>evil potato
I like it
Holy shit just finished it. I fucking loved it. Jesus this girl. Damn. She srsly acts.
I think so, it has one of the guys from Drunk History in it
Glad you enjoyed it, it's a sweet love story, rare those days
just got it based on your reaction
what's the mood of it? I don't really like sad things at night
Forgot to say thank you guys. Thanks for not trolling about it. Great movie. Really really good.
It's only a bit sad, if you're prone to nostalgia though it might hit you badly
I'm seriously very jealous of the people who saw Brooklyn for the first time, I still remember how I felt. It surprises me more that it wasn't overly dramatic at all, I found it even a bit funny.
the nomination nod for sure. rooney should have won though.
I get really emotional during those types of movies
tearjerkers for the daytime, saving it for Sunday
Well it's hard to say. It's like reading a diary. Sort of. It focuses on a period of this girl's life when things are uncertain, and she basically is sailing over this everyday "habbenings" trying to make the most of it with the little that she knows. Just like anyone would. It's human as fuck. So the mood? Jeez, don't know bro. Uncertainty wood be my take on it. Just watch it, you won't regret it and you'll relate to it in one way or another. The story is simple btw, it's her acting and the casting that makes it great imo
meant to