Rekt thread

rekt thread.




tfw chink in your captcha

So did they all die?

No, they just need some rest.


>crouches in front of it like a retard
>doesn't run away

Maybe he wanted to kill himself in an epic way.



This is why we need walls.


He clearly tripped, I doubt he created that crater in the ground.


>Being a bicyclist
This is the fate they can never escape


>CCTV Footage of Accident At Shamsheer Gunj one Auto Hit Man Spot Dead
>one Auto Hit Man Spot Dead

Clearly kept walking into tent. Alpha shit.








why do we keep trusting monkeys with kitties.....


>First instinct is to run and salvage the tyre before it gets away
These people really have it coming.



It's all fun and games until you no longer to the smashing you little pricks

there's two people and one is being held on by another's arms

this isnt YLYL! also lost

Ice cat!

Why are the two mutually exclusive?

He was forced to walk in such way. They had to try for like 50 shots until they landed it. Of course an isis guy had a gun pointed towards the guy next to him if he didn't agree to walk. Google it.

the guy in the end was like
>lol dude here's your tire


That was fucking awesome. Rock on, little nig.

Lol...but clearly hes getting rid of a danger to motorists.







Kek he got thumped into the ground like Yamcha after the Saibamen

what a prick


>Chinese death elevator
>Chinese death bus
>Chinese death plane
>Chinese death carnival

>Wheelie bonus: $350

all motorcyclists and cyclists that show off deserve this


grabs the tire

are three desks in an alleyway what a school is in Africa? lol



He looks fine to me.

What an idiot. Glad his dead

>Hey bro, you good?


Maybe they could make that "Trucks must turn left" sign a little larger.

he's faking it, you can see he's checking around to see if people are paying attention to his act


poor kitty

Nerve gas?


info plz

Always nerve gas

this webm is the epitome of Talk Shit Get Hit



You must not watch a lot of Indian death films. It's electrocution from touching a phone line. that's like all that happens in that shitty country, overpopulation, shitting on beaches and far to many idiots touching phone lines.

mother fucker walks in like he can cut a throat like they do in the movies.

It takes a lot of force to cut a throat. It's possible he managed it, but idk

The book of shadows.

a slap can hurt like fuck.



I don't know why but this has me in tears of laughter


dumb old hag dragged those kids to their deaths. Old people need to be stopped

Scissors always beat paper.


>muh laws of physics


Third World should be nuke quick as possible

Wtf man?


at least it does not have to live with those cunts anymore

holy fuck she's hot

From what I've heard, the attacked burned to death, the guy who was attacked survived, the doctor escaped just fine, and the 3 other bedridden cunts burned to death.

I-is this ISIS torturing some nigga?

He put on knuckledusters


crain, kill yourself you dumb idiot retard

This has happened to me, landed on my foot after wire cable picked up pipe rack, wire snapped and pipe rack landed on my foot

faggot kike die

Fake as shit, the cat is a doll and you can buy that exact one on amazon