Be me, be told yesterday that my ex wife's new BF flashed hes pierced nipple to my 9yo daughter. What weapon would B use to handle this.?
Be me, be told yesterday that my ex wife's new BF flashed hes pierced nipple to my 9yo daughter...
It's a fucking nipple you faggot.
but why on earth would you fucking show this to a kid..
Is he transgender or something? Man can't be shirtless now?
Whatever, use a caliber .22, headshot, and record it.
get the fuck over yourself. it's a fucking nipple, with a piercing. how would it be any different than showing any other non-genitalia related piercing? you're the only one making it weird.
summertime, shirt off cos warm is another thing, but taking fucking clothes of in the winter to show nipple sextoy to youngsters is alarming imo
>Be OP
>Starts post with classic greentext line
>Doesn't greentext story
what the fuck are people like you doing on Sup Forums?
Well, you lost right to those kids when you fucked your marriage over. Kek.
Kill him man, idgaf.